Vacation time

U kofer je, kao i obično, stalo mnogo više stvari nego što sam planirala. Jedva sam ga zatvorila, da ga podignem ne mogu, stoga živeli točkići, mada sve to u suštini nije bitno ako imate nekog sa viškom mišićne mase u blizini ;) Gubim se u pravcu morske obale, što dalje od ovog grada. Volim ga, ali malo manje prašine i obaveza bi mi zaista dobro došlo.

Verujem da neću ni trepnuti, a već ću se vratiti. Sa nešto lepšim tenom i još težim koferom. A šta ne stane u moj, staće u njegov kofer ;) Uživajte u ovim letnjim danima i čitamo se opet uskoro :*


My suitcase is, as usual, filled with a lot more things than I planned. It took me some time to close it, lifting it is impossible for me, therefore long live the small wheels, but all that basically does not matter if you have someone with a lot of muscle mass around you ;) I'm heading in the direction of the sea shore, away from this city. I love it, but a little less dust and liabilities are going to do me good.

I believe that I will not even blink, and I will have to go back. With a little more beautiful skin color and even heavier suitcase. What does not fit in mine, will surely fit in his suitcase tho ;) Enjoy these summer days and I'll be posting again before you know it :*



New in! / Novo!

Dragi moji, evo jednog malog dela onoga što sam ja šopingovala na ovim letnjim rasprodajama. Novih stvarčica ima još, ali ćete njih videti nekom drugom prilikom, kad stignem da ih slikam ili, još bolje, obučem :)

My dears, here's a small part of what I bought on these summer sales. I bought way more than this, but you'll see those other stuff later, when I get to picture them or better, wear them :)

New in 1: White Bag

Na ovu torbicu sam naišla na Bulevaru, pored one Fancy radnje, u nekoj radnji sa torbama. Platila sam je 580 RSD, čini mi se da bih bolje prošla kod Kineza za ovako nešto, ali nisam imala vremena da odem do njih. Kao što ste možda primetili, ovu torbicu sam nosila na Wannabe žurku prošlog vikenda :) Jedini problem je bio što sam morala da se vraćam da zamenim onu koju su mi prvu dali, jer je bila felerična, a ja stvarno volim da za svoje pare dobijem nešto što mogu da nosim.

In this purse I found Boulevard and I paid 5.8 euro for it. It seems to me that I would pay less for it at Chinese center, but I did not have time to go there. As you may have noticed, I wore this bag at a party last weekend :) The only problem was that I had to go back to replace the one they gave me first, because it was damaged and I really like to get something I can wear for my money.

New in 2: Fishbone Bootcut Jeans

Znate koliki sam ljubitelj blago zvonastih farmerica. One mi tako dobro stoje, a tako ih je teško naći ponekad. Mojoj sreći nije bilo kraja kad sam u NewYorker-u naišla na čitav stalak ovakvih, sniženih sa 5590 RSD na 1290 RSD. Sigurno nisu bile vredne početne cene, ali, iz moje perspektive, vrede više nego što sam ih sad platila :) Kaiš sam dobila gratis uz njih!

You know that I'm a huge fan of boot-cut jeans. They fit me so good and it is hard to find them around here sometimes. My happiness knew no bounds when I found these in NewYorker, reduced from  56 euro to 13 euro. Surely they were not worth the initial price, but, from my perspective, they are worth more than I paid for them now :) I got the belt for free with them!

New in 3: Oviesse Party Hat

Evo i mene na sličici sa novim ljubimcem, jednom od ona dva šešira koji sam vam pominjala. Ovaj nije za plažu, ali definitivno jeste za posle plaže. Dugo sam želela jedan ovakav, a kad bih ga našla, nešto bi uvek bilo preče. Sad sam ga napokon kupila. Bio je snižen sa 1699 RSD na 750 RSD. Mogli su još malo da ga snize, sećam se sličnih u Terranovi jedne godine za 499 RSD, ali ne žalim se zaista. Još jedna stvar prekrižena sa wish liste :)

Kako ste vi prošli u ovim letnjim rasprodajama? Ili je vaš šoping možda još u toku? :) Do sledećeg posta,

Here is the picture of my new pet, one of the two hats that I have mentioned. This one is not for the beach, but it definitely is for after the beach. I have wanted one of these for a long time, and when I would find it, something would always be more important than him. Now I finally bought it. It was reduced from 17 euro to 7.5 euro. They could even lower it a little more, I remember similar in Terranova one year for 5 euro, but it's not like I really complain about this. Another thing crossed from my wish list :)

And what did you buy on these summer sales? Or you're still shopping? :) Until the next post,


Inspiration & Trend: Do you need a hat?

Wannabe color block party outfit

Danas pre svega ispunjavam želju svima vama koji ste želeli da vidite nesto više moje haljine sa headera, a zatim svima onima koji su se uželeli outfita ili uopšte postova koji nisu vezani za visoku modu :) Ukombinovanu sa drugačijim detaljima, ali istim cipelama, ovu haljinu nosila sam na Wannabe color block party ovog vikenda. Color block zaista nije my thing, ali priznajem da je dobra promena za izlazak obući nešto drugačije od uobičajenog.

Today I will primarily fulfill a wish to all of you who wanted to see something more of my dress from my header, and then to all those who wanted more outfits or just a posts not related to high fashion :) Blended with different details, but same shoes, this dress I wore to Wannabe color block party this weekend. Color block is really not my thing, but I think that change is good, going out and wearing something different than usual is fun for me.

Zuhair Murad Haute Couture Autumn Winter 2011 / 2012

Najslađe za kraj - još jedna prelepa kolekcija Zuhaira Murada, jednog od mojih omiljenih dizajnera :) Paleta boja koju je koristio je dosta uska, provukao se neki gejša momenat, krute dijagonalne mašne su mi se dopale, mada svi znamo da Zuhair može mnogo mnogo bolje od ovoga. Dok čekamo njegovu narednu kolekciju i nadamo se nečemu magičnijem, uživajmo ipak malo i u trenutnoj:

Sweetest for the end - another beautiful Zuhair Murad's collection and keep in mind he's also one of my favorite designers :) The color palette he used was quite narrow, I saw some geisha moments, the solid diagonal ribbons that I liked, but we all know that Zuhair can do much much better than this. While waiting for his next and hopefully more magical collection, let's still enjoy the current one: