Gathering of blogger girls :) / Sastajanje blogerki :)
Restoran Supermarket (gde sam se inace blazeno prvi put obrela u zivotu) , jedne kisovite i sive subote, zajedno sa tucetom fashion&design bloggerki, a i koja buduca blogerka se mogla tamo zateci :)
Pre svega bih zelela da zahvalim Ludmili koja je, kako sam ja shvatila, sve ovo organizovala, i Marini Frashion, koja me je na dati event pozvala :)
Na ovim slicicama mozete videti i Cipelicu-stiklicu, Vanju, Leylu, Jelenu, Mariju i molim da se dodaju oni koji nisu tagovani :D Sve devojke koje sam upoznala su stvarno sjajne i nadam se da cu ih videti jos koji put (pod obavezno, samo se nadam, da ne bude snega do tada x) ) Evo slicica:
Restorant Supermarket (where I went first time in my life yesterday), on one rainy and gray saturday, with bunch of fashion&design blogger girls, and maybe a few future bloggers too :) I would like to thank Ludmila for making this all happen and Marina for inviting me to this lovely event. On these pics you can see some other girls too (links above). All the girls that I met are really great and I onestly hope I'll see them again (hopefully before first snow at least). Here's a few pics:
Big&nerdy glasses :)
Checking out hats and clothes :)
Marina Frashion talking to a designer..
..of the shoes she tried on :)
and couple of us waiting for our drinks :)
Marina se zalila na velicinu stola i bila je apsolutno u pravu, s obziorm da sam ja imala velikih problema u pokusaju da cujem ostale blogerke, a posebno Ludmilu iz nekog razloga xD Posebno priznanje odajem Cipelici koja je dosla iz drugog grada samo da bi se druzila sa nama :) Caskali smo o mnogo ozbiljnih i manje ozbiljnih tema, vezanih i nevezanih za lokalnu lifestyle blogosferu. Sve to uz milkshake od jagode (u mom slucaju) u kome nije bas bilo ni J od jagode, ali nema veze, drugi put vise srece ;) Otkrila sam da ima jos nas ekonomistkinja u modnoj blogosferi - Vanja i ja smo iz iste struke - sto je genijalno, nisam vise usamljen slucaj :D
Marina complained about table size, where I agreed because I had problems hearing all the girls, specially Ludmila for some reason xD I also have to mention that is so nice of Cipelica stiklica to come, soon as she is not from Belgrade at all :) We chatted about lots of stuff, connected and not connected to our fashion blogosphere. All that included strawberry milkshake, with no strawberry in it, but who cares, better luck next time. ;) I discovered that there is another economist (Vanja) in this sphere, so I'm not a lonely case no more:D
Pre caskanja i pica smo obrnuli krug po Supermarket-u i uspela sam da uslikam mnogo zanimljivih stvarcica - slicno kao moda za poneti, samo u stalnoj postavci i sa nekim dodacima. Evo slicica sta mozete tamo naci (i kupiti), izmedju gooomile drugih stvarcica:
Before chatting and drinks we took a look around the Supermarket - it's a store too, not only a restorant. I made a few pics for my blog there, tho there is a lot more to see. Here they are:

Kao sto vidite, ima od svega pomalo - nesto cipela sa letnje rasprodaje 30% off, maske za spavanje (cena oko 1600din) kakve vam dusa zeli (jako su fancy), ICE watch satovi u svim bojama, mnogo lepih i unikatnih cipela, nesto odece domacih dizajnera ( i bunde "Irena Grahovac"... definitivno cu jednoga dana posedovati jednu iz njene kolekcije!) sesiri, nakit, jos mnogo stvari koje nisam uspela da uslikam. Vredi otici i pogledati, zaista. Zdanje je prelepo, prostor je velik, ima mesta "za disanje", meni je sirok i sto se hrane i sto se pica tice... Stvarno je super bilo :)
As you can see, a bit from everything was there: some shoes on summer sale 30% off, sleeping masks (very fancy btw), ICE watches in all colours, lots of pretty and unique shoes, some clothing from domestic designers (and furcoats "Irena Grahovac" - I just HAVE TO have one one day, really :D ), hats, jewls and much more. Building is pretty, space is huge, there's loots of room for air no matter how many people were inside.. It was really a great gathering :)
Pre svega bih zelela da zahvalim Ludmili koja je, kako sam ja shvatila, sve ovo organizovala, i Marini Frashion, koja me je na dati event pozvala :)
Na ovim slicicama mozete videti i Cipelicu-stiklicu, Vanju, Leylu, Jelenu, Mariju i molim da se dodaju oni koji nisu tagovani :D Sve devojke koje sam upoznala su stvarno sjajne i nadam se da cu ih videti jos koji put (pod obavezno, samo se nadam, da ne bude snega do tada x) ) Evo slicica:
Restorant Supermarket (where I went first time in my life yesterday), on one rainy and gray saturday, with bunch of fashion&design blogger girls, and maybe a few future bloggers too :) I would like to thank Ludmila for making this all happen and Marina for inviting me to this lovely event. On these pics you can see some other girls too (links above). All the girls that I met are really great and I onestly hope I'll see them again (hopefully before first snow at least). Here's a few pics:

Marina se zalila na velicinu stola i bila je apsolutno u pravu, s obziorm da sam ja imala velikih problema u pokusaju da cujem ostale blogerke, a posebno Ludmilu iz nekog razloga xD Posebno priznanje odajem Cipelici koja je dosla iz drugog grada samo da bi se druzila sa nama :) Caskali smo o mnogo ozbiljnih i manje ozbiljnih tema, vezanih i nevezanih za lokalnu lifestyle blogosferu. Sve to uz milkshake od jagode (u mom slucaju) u kome nije bas bilo ni J od jagode, ali nema veze, drugi put vise srece ;) Otkrila sam da ima jos nas ekonomistkinja u modnoj blogosferi - Vanja i ja smo iz iste struke - sto je genijalno, nisam vise usamljen slucaj :D
Marina complained about table size, where I agreed because I had problems hearing all the girls, specially Ludmila for some reason xD I also have to mention that is so nice of Cipelica stiklica to come, soon as she is not from Belgrade at all :) We chatted about lots of stuff, connected and not connected to our fashion blogosphere. All that included strawberry milkshake, with no strawberry in it, but who cares, better luck next time. ;) I discovered that there is another economist (Vanja) in this sphere, so I'm not a lonely case no more:D
Pre caskanja i pica smo obrnuli krug po Supermarket-u i uspela sam da uslikam mnogo zanimljivih stvarcica - slicno kao moda za poneti, samo u stalnoj postavci i sa nekim dodacima. Evo slicica sta mozete tamo naci (i kupiti), izmedju gooomile drugih stvarcica:
Before chatting and drinks we took a look around the Supermarket - it's a store too, not only a restorant. I made a few pics for my blog there, tho there is a lot more to see. Here they are:

As you can see, a bit from everything was there: some shoes on summer sale 30% off, sleeping masks (very fancy btw), ICE watches in all colours, lots of pretty and unique shoes, some clothing from domestic designers (and furcoats "Irena Grahovac" - I just HAVE TO have one one day, really :D ), hats, jewls and much more. Building is pretty, space is huge, there's loots of room for air no matter how many people were inside.. It was really a great gathering :)