Queen Baby

Hello my lovelies and welcome to my new outfit post! I hope you had a great weekend and I wish you all a wonderful week. Today I am wearing something a bit more edgy - but it's summer so everything is allowed, right? :) I hope you will enjoy the post!

I am wearing:

Sunglasses: Emblem Eyewear 
Shirt: SheIn 
Watch: Daniel Wellington
Shorts: Oasap
Bag: Gamiss
Shoes: Zaful

Share your thoughts dolls!

Lots of love
Lots of love

Elizavecca Korean Beauty Products Review

Hello my lovelies! Welcome to my new post! Today I have an interesting review for you. It's all about Korean products that I got to try out recently, and as you might now, Korean women really know a few good stuff when it comes to their skin care. That is why I was excited to try out all these goodies that came from Elizavecca Korean beauty online store. I hope you will enjoy the review and find it useful as well!

First products that I was so happy to see when I received these Elizavecca products were these gorgeous tissue face masks! And we all know how much I love tissue face masks! These are only two out of ten different refreshing masks coming from Elizavecca deep-power Ringer10 type mask packs for daily care that you can check out here and get it as a whole pack with free shipping. These masks are inspired by South Korean women who make it part of their daily beauty routine to apply a face mask on daily basis. 

They were both super easy to use. One was with honey and other with milk. I opened up the packaging and pulled out much soaked tissue mask that covered my face very easily. There was also excess product that I used on my neck and cleavage. These masks should be worn for 15 to 20 minutes. 

After using these two masks (on two different days of course, one a day) I notices how my face skin was more even, my face was hydrated and looked more youthful. There was great absorbency because of high density cellulose sheet and the product was easy to use. My skin is sensitive to dry and these masks worked really nice for me.

Next item I have here for you today is Elizavecca Witch Piggy Hell pore Bifida pure ample that comes in a glass bottle filled with 50ml of product and it's meant for all skin types. It is here to give you radiant and younger looking skin. When you apply it, and it only takes few drops, it gives your face luminosity and it hydrates it. This product helps with dryness (which my skin is struggling with), uneven skin tone, dullness and uneven texture.

It is recommended for use in the morning and in the evening if you want intensive night care. You need to clean your skin first, and then pour a few drops on your face and cleavage. Then you need to tap it lightly and gently press for the skin to soak in the serum and takes it in.

I noticed that this product really helped me with the way my dry skin looked and it made it look more refreshed and hydrated. Also, it takes a very long time to use up this product, because you don't need much to cover everything even when you use it twice a day. You can find this serum here.

Next product is Elizavecca Milky Piggy Hell-Pore Vitamin Brightturn Peeling Gel that comes in such a cute packaging containing 150 ml of product inside. The gel itself is soft and translucent. When you apply it to the skin, it turns into a moist peeling gel. It is full of caring ingredients such as chamomile, snow lotus extract and so on and it is made to let you enjoy low irritation peeling care. 

During the day, out skin accumulates waste dead skin cells that this product can remove in no time. This vitamin gel is there to remove dead skin cells and clean your pores. It is so easy to use - you just apply a small amount to your skin and massage it for a short period of time. When it firms, you take it off with tap water. Simple, right?

When I used this peeling gel, it cleaned my skin very well and it made it more moist, helping to build my skin tone up. My skin looked refreshed and brighter! I suggest using this product in the evening, for best results the next day. You can find this product here.

And last but not least, this product reminded me on black peeling masks I used on our market, but it's a bit different and more luxurious. This is Elizavecca Milky Piggy Hell-pore LongoLongo Gornique Gold Mask Pack that comes in a cute black packaging with gold decor. The black tube is filled with 100 ml of gold mask suitable for all skin types. It is there to flush out environmental toxins, dirt and everything else that clogs your pores. In it, for additional fine lines and wrinkle care, there is a 24K gold ingredient that helps skin rejuvenation and skin elasticity. It is very focused on skin repair, minimizing the fine lines and wrinkles, while adding to firmness and elasticity.

It can be used at any time of day by applying with brush or hands a thin even layer on your face. You leave it on for 20 to 30 minutes until it's firm and then you peel it off starting from the edges.

This mask is extremely efficient at what it does so you do need to be careful in case you have very sensitive skin soon as peeling off might be a bit harder on it so you might need extra hydration after to take care of the redness (any day or night cream can do). It is best, in my opinion, for oily skin.

What I noticed after using it is that all my pores are unclogged and peeling was done pretty great. Also, there is a lot of product in this tube so you can use it numerous times soon as you don't need much for a thin layer that does the job. You can find out more about this product here.

That is all I prepared for you my lovelies! Do you use Korean beauty products? What is your opinion on them? Let me know!

Lots of love,

Recenzija: Eucerin Elasticity Filler i Eucerin Dermatoclean 3in1

Zdravo drage moje i dobrodošle u novu beauty recenziju! Danas ćemo pričati o novitetima koji nam stižu iz Eucerina. Eucerin Elasticity Filler uljani serum za lice i Eucerin DermatoClean 3u1 micelarni fluid za čišćenje i skidanje šminke zajedno sa Eucerin tuferima su proizvodi sa kojima sam imala prilike da se upoznam u proteklom periodu i u ovom postu ću sa vama podeliti svoje utiske o istim, a na kraju vas čekaju i informacije o novom Eucerin programu lojalnosti.

Eucerin Elasticity Filler uljani serum za lice dolazi u kartonskom pakovanju u kome se nalazi elegantna staklena bočica u kojoj se nalazi 30 ml proizvoda. Proizvod se lako dozira pipetom, a potrebno je jako malo proizvoda da se pokriju celo lice, vrat i dekolte. Osnovna namena ovog Eucerinovog uljanog seruma za lice jeste poboljšavanje elastičnosti i otpornosti kože, uz efekat glatkosti i blistavosti. Sastojci ovog seruma koji dovode do ovog efekta su, između ostalih, ulje gospinog trna, vitamin E i arganovo ulje.

Eucerin Elasticity Filler uljani serum je preporučljivo nanositi na lice (a može i na vrat i dekolte) do dva puta dnevno, ujutru i/ili uveče. Može se nanositi pre ili posle kreme, a može se nanositi i zajedno sa kremom radi pojednostavljenja i ubrzanja postupka. Međutim, ukoliko niste fan dnevnih i noćnih krema, ovaj serum se bez problema može koristiti individualno.

Sam serum se lako dozira i prijatnog je mirisa. Već neko vreme ga nanosim minimalno jednom dnevno, uglavnom uveče, i primetila sam poboljšanja na svojoj koži. Ono što sam već posle par dana korišćenja ovog seruma primetila jeste da je koža postala mekša i glatka na dodir. Nakon nanošenja seruma ne ostaje lepljivi film na koži, a dobro se ponaša i kada ga nanesete ujutru pre šminke jer se brzo upija. Dugotrajnijim korišćenjem mogu da primetim da mi koža lica, vrata, a posebno dekoltea, na svakodnenvom nivou deluje negovanije, elastičnije i nahranjenije.

Eucerin Elasticity Filler uljani serum možete nabaviti u drogerijama i apotekama, a preporučena maloprodajna cena se kreće oko 3499 RSD.

Eucerin DermatoClean 3in1 micelarni fluid za čišćenje i uklanjanje šminke se može naći u pakovanjima različitih mililitraža i namenjen je svim tipovima kože. Sam rastvor nema nikakav miris i izuzetno je blag prema koži, a zadivljujuće jak kad je u pitanju skidanje šminke. Dozer na vrhu plastičnog pakovanja je relativno mali tako da neće doći do rasipanja proizvoda, a čini mi se da samim tim potrošim manje proizvoda pri skidanju šminke nego kad koristim običnu micelarnu vodu. Među aktivnim sastojcima ovog proizvoda nalaze se gliko-gliceril koji hidrira i hijaluronska kiselina sa visokom sposobnošću vezivanja vlage. U kombinaciji sa Eucerinovim tuferima koji su 100% pamučni i sa jedne strane korisno reljefni, ovaj Eucerinov micelarni fluid lako skida svu šminku koja je rastvorljiva u vodi. 

Posebno je pogodan za osetljivu kožu i osetljive oči, kao i korisnike kontaktnih sočiva. Kao sredstvom za skidanje šminke i čišćenje lica, mogu slobodno reći da sam izuzetno zadovoljna ovim micelarnim fluidom. Eucerin DermatoClean 3in1 micelarni fluid za čišćenje lica i skidanje šminke takođe možete naći u drogerijama i apotekama po maloprodajnoj ceni od 985 RSD za pakovanje od 200ml i 1569 RSD za pakovanje od 400 ml (izvor je Lilly online store). Često možete naići na akciju 1+1 gratis kada su u pitanju Eucerinova sredstva za čišćenje lica, što vam preporučujem da iskoristite ako naiđete. Napomena: na slikama se nalazi manje pakovanje od 125ml.

Dodatno sam želela da sa vama podelim da je u toku novi ciklus Eucerinovog programa lojalnosti pod nazivom ''Put lepote''. U pitanju je prvi digitalni program lojalnosti koji donosi korisnicima Eucerinovih proizvoda razne pogodnosti i poklone. Eucerin ''Put lepote'' aplikaciju moćete skinuti sa Google Play ili Apple App Store-a besplatno i nakon instalacije uneti podatke o kupovini. Potrebno je fotografisati račun i skenirati barkod kupljenog preparata kamerom mobilnog telefona i slediti dalja uputstva. Na ovaj način se sakupljaju poeni koji omogućuju pogodnosti kupovine i poklone poput prethodno pomenutog Eucerin DermatoClean 3in1 micelarnog fluida od 400ml i Eucerin DermoCapillaire ph5 blagog šampona. Napomena: sve kupovine potrebno je obaviti u jednoj apoteci. Akcija traje do 31.7. ili do isteka zaliha.

To je sve što sam vam za danas pripremila drage moje! Nadam se da ste uživale i da vam je ovaj post bio od koristi. Ukoliko imate iskustva sa ovim proizvodima, slobodno mi pišite!

Do sledećeg posta,
vaša Venoma

*proizvodi prikazani u postu su dobijeni od proizvođača/uvoznika/pr-a, što ne utiče na objektivnost ove recenzije. Svi utisci i mišljenja su objektivna i lično moja.

Otvorena JKobald radnja u Beogradu

Dobrodošli dragi moji u još jedan novi post! Danas sam za vas spremila vesti o nečem novom i unikatnom što sam sigurna da će vam se mnogo dopasti!

Pre desetak dana Venoma Fashion Freak tim je prisustvovao otvaranju JKobald radnje u Beogradu. U pitanju je moderan koncept koji nam stiže iz Beča i koji dolazi iz ruku dizajnerke Jovane Kobald koju smo ovom prilikom takođe upoznali. Jkobald Smart Look and Natural Fabric kolekcija za proleće i leto vas već očekuje u radnji i bazirana je na prirodnim i veganskim materijalima, kao i najmodernijim konceptima i formama.

Ovom prilikom vam prilažem i nekoliko fotki koje smo napravili na licu mesta, a više možete videti na JKobald instagram profilu.

JKobald radnja se nalazi na Kosančićevom vencu, u ulici Maršala Birjuzova 53a. Više informacija takođe možete naći na oficijelnom JKobald sajtu ovde.

Nadam se da ste uživali u postu!

Do sledeće prilike,
vaša Venoma

Lip Bite

Hello dolls! Happy Monday! I am having so much fun with my new puff sleeves that inspired the whole outfit. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making these photos!

I am wearing:
Top: SheIn
Shoes: Bata

Share your thoughts dolls!

Lots of love