Recenzija: Golden Rose Noviteti za Usne Jesen 2017

Zdravo drage moje! Dobrodošle u novu recenziju Golden Rose proizvoda za usne, novih tečnih ruževa, kremastih olovaka za usne i flomastera za usne. U pitanju su novi proizvodi spremni da se sa njima družimo ove jeseni, a ja ću vam u narednim redovima preneti svoje utiske o njima.

Kada su u pitanju Golden Rose tečni ruževi, o njima sam do sada imala samo reči hvale, a ta tradicija se nastavila i sa tri nove jesenje nijasne - . Kao i prethodni Golden rose tečni ruževi iz linije Longstay Liquid Matte Lipstick Kissproof, i ovi ruževi dolaze u elegantnim providnim bočicama od po 5.5 milimetara. Aplikator je dugačak i pljosnat, omogućava lako u precizno nanošenje, kao i precrtavanje usana radi vizuelnog uvećanja istih.

Nijansa 25 je prava jesenja nijansa, duboka braon koja skreće pažnju na vaš makeup look. Nijansa 26 je donekle slična nekim ljubičanstvenim nijansama koje smo ranije viđali, ali je nešto tamnija. Nijansa 23 predstavlja verziju popularne nijanse 10 koja je blago toplija i samim tim će verovatno bolje stajati većini žena.

Što se tiče same formule, kao što sam vam pisala u prethodnoj recenziji Golden rose proizvoda u kojoj sam se prvi put susrela sa Golden rose Longstay liquid lipsticks linijom, ove ruževe karakteristiše izuzetna pigmentovanost koja omogućava nanošenje u samo jednom sloju uz odličnu pokrivnost. Izbegavam nanošenje drugog sloja zbog nagomilavanja proizvoda na usnama.

Dugotrajnost je zagarantovana, ruževi nakon sušenja od nepunih minut ne ostavljaju tragove nakon poljubaca, izdržavaju sva pića i hranu koja nije isuviše masna. Najbolje se skidaju dvofaznim sredstvom za skidanje šminke (Bioten) ili boljim micelarnim vodama (Bioderma, Garnier roza).

Golden Rose Smart Lips Moisturizing Lipstick si novitet kad su u pitanju proizvodi za usne u Golden Rose asortimanu. U pitanju su veoma meke i obimne olovke za usne kojima treba rukovati veoma pažljivo jer nisu otporne na spoljašnje uticaje kao tvrde olovke. Njihov obim omogućava laku i brzu aplikaciju, a težina na usnama gotovo da ni ne postoji kada koristite ove olovke. Pigmentacija je odlična i već u jednom sloju postižete dobru pokrivnost, a slobodno možete naneti i više slojeva. Potrebno je dodati još proizvoda nakon jela. Proizvod se sam po sebi ne razliva ali za bitnije prilike svakako savetujem uokviravanje tvrdom olovkom za usne za svaki slučaj. 

Na prethodnim slikama možete videti različite proizvode za usne i njihove swatch-eve. Krenućemo odozgo nadole, a prvi je Golden Rose Lip Marker, ujedno jedini proizvod sa kojim nisam uspela nikako da pronađem zajednički jezik. U pitanju je svakako interesantna ideja, proizvod dolazi u obliku markera i sadrži  ml. Fokus je na trajnosti, gde se obećava ultra dugotrajnost. Konkretna nijansa koju sam isprobala je 104. Lip marker se lako nanosi i sa svakim novim slojem (a potrebno je nekoliko) postaje sve intenzivnija boja. Međutim, kako prethodno nisam uradila piling usana, ovaj proizvod mi je samo istakao suvoću usana na način koji nije bio estetski prijatan. Kako po prirodi imam malo suvlje usne, ovaj proizvod nažalost nije za mene. Vrlo je verovatno da se bolje pokazuje posle pilinga ili kod osoba koje nemaju problem sa suvim usnama.

Sledeća dva swatcha su napravljena uz pomoć Golden Rose Matte Lipstick Crayon u nijansi 27 i 28. U pitanju su prelepe nude nijanse od kojih jedna vuče na roze, a druga na zlatno. Proizvodi dolaze u srednje obimnim olovkama od 3.5 gr i omogućavaju precizno nanošenje. Nešto su precizniji i otporniji od Smart Lips, a pigmentacija je odlična već u prvom sloju i potrebna je svega mala popravka posle jela.

Poslednji proizvod od ova 4 je jedan od mojih omiljenih - Golden Rose Dream Lips Lipliner u nijansi 530. Tanka olovka za uokviravanje usana koja se takođe može koristiti i za ispunjavanje, srednje je tvrdoće i lako se koristi. Nijansa 530 je prelepa i može se koristiti uz sve ljubičaste nijanse tečnih ruževa, ali i zasebno.

A za kraj sam ostavila najslađe - proizvod sa kojim ste se sigurno susretali tokom ove godine jeste Golden Rose tečni ruž u nijasni 10, izuzetno popularna nijansa i u mojoj kolekciji, ovoga puta dolazi u malom pakovanju savršenom za večernje torbice! Možete videti odnos malog i velikog pakovanja na poslednjoj slici, a formula je naravno ostala ista.

To je sve za današnju recenziju drage moje. Nadam se da će vam biti od koristi. Slobodno podelite vaša iskustva sa ovim proizvodima!

Vaša Venoma

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*proizvodi prikazani u postu su dobijeni od proizvođača/uvoznika/pr-a, što ne utiče na objektivnost ove recenzije

Favorite Swimwear of 2017

Hi babes! I am quite aware how late I am with this post, but with this good items, it's never too late to share. I got so many swimsuits this summer and I was waiting for all of them to arrive so I can make this post for you. Now that they are all finally here, let me share what swimsuits I loved and enjoyed wearing the most this year. They are mostly still available at the stores!








Honest to be, all swimsuits were amazing when it comes to quality. I wore them all season long and they are as good as new. Only the one with the pineapples I couldn't wear because it came a size or two too small for me. The others were true to measure on the sites.

Which one is your favorite? What kind of swimwear did you wear this year? Share your thoughts!

Lots of love,

Autumn Prints

Hello my lovelies! Autumn is pretty much here, but we still get to enjoy some warm days! I am wearing a simple deep orange dress with an autumn print. You can wear it with flats as well and something on top if you feel like it's too revealing for an everyday outfit. I'm showing you the evening version of it today. Enjoy the post!

I am wearing:
Sunglasses: Emblem Eyewear 
Dress: Zaful 
Shoes: Bata
Bag: Amiclubwear

What do you think dolls?

Lots of love

BeautyBigBang Beauty Tools Review + Discount Code

Hello my lovelies and welcome to my new post! Today we are doing a beauty review of affordable cosmetics tools from an online store called BeautyBigBang. I ordered some of their items recently and they arrived straight to my doorstep. 

First item that I ordered is a set of Beauty Blenders. They come in a little box that contains 4 colorful beauty blenders of medium size. On the last photo, the pink one is damped, so you can see that they don't really gain much when it comes to size with damping. They give good performance when it comes to applying your foundation, fitting into the curves of your face because of their medium size and are easy to wash.

Second item I ordered is this gorgeous set of pink makeup brushes. It contains 12 pieces of makeup brushes that have wooden handles and synthetic fibers. Ideal for concealer and delicate eye make up. Some of these really surprised me with their precision! Plus the price is more than affordable for a set of makeup brushes like this. 

And last but not least, feel free to use code MILICA10 to get 10% discount on all orders on BeautyBigBang! I have no profit from that code, that is just my gift to you in case you like something from this online store. Enjoy your shopping!

Lots of love,

Do’s and Don’ts during winter holiday

Skin care during the winter can be quite tricky. A lot of women wish for colder climates to have less oily skin, but end up noticing that extremely weather may have a way of drying up your skin. It is very important to keep your skin moisturized and healthy during the dry winter. During this period, you need to make daily efforts to ensure that the frosty weather does not take a toll on your skin.
There are a few steps you can take to ensure that your skin is fresh all through the winter. These do’s and don’t’s would ensure your skin remains glowing even through the dry weather.


1.       Switch your skin care products from time to time: Switching up your skin care products during the winter is always a good idea. If you have dry skin, the moisturizer that you apply during the winter should not be the same one that you’ve use during the summer. It is okay to switch your skin care products and routine as the weather changes on you. A lot of skin care professionals recommend that once the weather changes, your skin care routine changes along with it. Make use of different exfoliating products and collagen moisturizers to get the best balance for your skin during the winter.

2.       Drink Water and speak to a specialist: You are not expected to know everything about your skin. It is alright to search for some help when the weather conditions change during the winter. One thing that every specialist would tell you though, is that you should drink a lot of water during these periods. Your skin needs as much moisture as it can get, so it is your job to provide what it needs.


3.       Don’t take very long hot showers: Hot water on your skin during the winter can feel like pure bliss. There are few things better than a warm bath when the weather is freezing outside, but the extended exposure to extreme temperatures will strip your skin of its natural oil and remove the moisture. Lukewarm water is the best for your skin, and you should also ensure not to take longer than 15 minutes in the shower.

4.       Don’t let the stress of the holidays get to your skin: Very few people realise that external stress has a way of damaging your skin. You tend to look older and have more wrinkles when you are stressed out. Take some time out during the hectic winter period to relax and pamper your skin. Specialize in giving your skin the care that it needs.