Hi dolls! Welcome to my new ''New In'' post, this time we are checking out close up two very lovely items I received from an online store called Zaful! Together these two items make a perfect beach outfit, don't you think? I picked out a floral two piece swim suit bikini and it is quite perfect in my opinion, the cups are firm, the bottom part is flexible and I feel very comfortable in it. About the sandals, I love the color and the design, I believe the are made for a very narrow foot.
Ćao dragi moji! Dobrodošli u novi beauty post! Danas sam za vas spremila kratke recenzije mojih omiljenih drogerijskih tečnih ruževa u koje spadaju Aura, Golden Rose, Essence i Nyx. Za sve koji vole da gledaju recenzije više nego da ih čitaju, tu je video, a oni koji više vole da čitaju neka skroluju nadole.
Pripremite se, polećemo!
Pre svega nekoliko reči o Essence Stay Matt Lip Cream proizvodu. Uprkos obećanju mat završnice, ovi ruževi nikad ne postanu sasvim mat. Nisu preterano postojani, ali su zato vrlo nežni i lagani na usnama. Boja je sjajna i nanošenje je lako i ravnomerno. Ovo su ujedno najpovoljniji tečni ruževi od svih o kojima ćemo danas pričati. Imaju prijatan, slatkast miris. Ovaj proizvod je savršen za one koji ne vole osećaj težine i suvoće na usnama.
Sledeći na redu je NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream u nijansi Copenhagen. Nyxove nijanse tečnih karmina su zaista unikatne i mnogo ih volim. Međutim, sa kvalitetom samog proizvoda nisam baš najzadovoljnija. Tamne nijanse imaju tendenciju da budu mnogo neravnomerne, potrebno je više slojeva uz eventualno korišćenje četkice kako bi se postigla preciznost. Takođe nisu preterano postojani i ne fiksiraju se za usne, tako da su korekcije tokom dana neophodne. Međutim, lagani su na usnama i lako ih je skinuti običnom micelarnom vodom. Takođe, Nyxovi tečni ruževi iz ove linije imaju prelep miris vanile. Cena ovih NYX tečnih ruževa je oko 630 RSD.
Prelazimo na Aura Matte Velvet Feel tečne ruževe, njih ste do sada imali priliku da vidite u mojim outfit postovima. Oni su jedni od mojih favorita, imaju širok raspon nijansi, vrlo su postojani i aplikator je relativno precizan. Mogu izdržati ceo dan bez korekcije ako vodite računa o njima. Nekad je potrebno naneti više slojeva jer neke od nijansi umeju da budu neravnomernije od drugih. Odlični su i za precrtavanje usana, mogu se nositi i bez olovke ispod. Moj mali savet je da ih nanosite četkicom umesto aplikatorom kako biste postigli ravnomernost na usnama kod pojedinih nijansi. Cena aura tečnih ruževa iz ove kolekcije iznosi oko 530 RSD. Preporučujem skidanje uljanim ili dvofaznim skidačima šminke.
Poslednji proizvod koji razgledamo danas je takođe jedan od mojih omiljenih mat karmina, Golden Rose Longstay Liquid Matte Lipstick Kissproof - Golden Rose Longstay tečni mat karmin otporan na poljupce. Dolaze u kartonskoj kutijici u kojoj se nalazi bočica od 5.5 ml tečnog ruža sa pljosnatim aplikatorom. Nijanse koje možete videti na slikama su 02, 05 i 10. Sadrže vitamin E i ulje avokada. Pružaju sjajnu postojanost i savršene mat boje. Samo jedan sloj je dovoljan za sjajan efekat jer su vrlo ravnomerni i precizni. Cena ovih Golden Rose Longstay tečnih ruževa iznosi oko 500 RSD po komadu. Preporučujem skidanje mlekom za skidanje šminke ili, još bolje, dvofaznim skidačem šminke, jer micelarna voda nije u mogućnosti da ga efikasno skine.
Poređenja navedenih tečnih ruževa sam izvela po više kriterijuma:
Postojanost: 1. Aura 2. Golden Rose 3. Essence i Nyx
Preciznost: 1. Golden Rose i Essence 2. Aura 3. Nyx
Ujednačenost: 1. Golden Rose i Essence 2. Aura i Nyx
Miris: 1. Nyx 2. Golden Rose 3. Essence 4. Aura
Izbor nijansi: 1. Aura, Golden Rose, Nyx 2. Essence
Težina na usnama (od najlaganijih ka najtežim): 1. Nyx 2. Essence 3. Golden Rose 4. Aura
Cena: 1. Essence 2. Golden Rose 3. Aura 4. Nyx
Nadam se da vam se ovaj post dopao! Slobodno mi pišite svoja iskustva sa ovim proizvodima!
Do sledećeg posta
*ovo nije sponzorisan post i sva iznešena mišljenja su objektivna i lično moja
Are you single and the summer is in full
bloom? Don't get sad, rejoice! Being single in the hot season is the best thing
you can wish for. Being single is already a great status, but if it's summer,
it's even better, as long as you know how to enjoy this status. You may think
being single is a burden, but it will help you get to know yourself, which is
very important, especially when you want to start another relationship. To help
you ditch the misconceptions, here are some legit reasons on why being single
in the summer is amazing.
You can
get out and have fun
Have you ever had sexy time on the beach? If
not, being single in the summer is your own call to action: get out there,
enjoy the sun and find a friend. Beaches are full of prospective partners, so
being single on the beach can bring you a date. Or multiple, in some cases. And if you are already on a date, you might need just the right outfit you can find on www.stylewe.com
traveling is amazing
Summer is the season of holidays and nothing
can be more delightful than traveling solo. It may not sound great at all right
now, but once you are out there, on the road, you will learn a lot about
yourself and you will grow on personal level like never before. Solo traveling
has the power of bringing out skills you never knew you had, so try it the next
time you are single in the summer. Also you get a chance to pick your own unique handbags you can put all your goodies in!
You can
rock summer activities
Alone in summer? No problem, just go
snorkeling! Summer is full of opportunities when it comes to taking up new
activities, so explore them. Sailing, diving, beach sports and more are simply
waiting for you to try them. The benefit of these is you can easily meet new
people and make new friends. At the end of the summer, you might have a new
friend or a new lover.
flings are hot!
If you are single in the summer you are the
perfect candidate for a summer fling. This is sexy and exciting, no matter if
you are going to continue the relationship after the summer ends or you will
simply go on separate roads. On so many dates you will get a chance to try on all your summer dresses as well! A great thing about summer flings is they come
with no strings attached. There is no drama, no constraints and no problems
associated with these relationships, which make them perfect for someone who is
not yet ready to commit to a full time relationship, regardless the reasons.
You have
the entire bed only for yourself and more
On the other hand, being single in the summer
is great because you don't have to share the bed with another sweaty person.
You have the entire bed for yourself, you have full control over the AC remote
and you are free to do whatever you want. You can spend your nights dancing
with the headphones on; you can eat as much ice-cream you wish to, without
having anyone criticize you and your bad habits. Bottom all, being single in
the summer is great!
Hi dolls! I'm so excited to presenting you with a brand new unboxing post! Today we have a special little box that arrived very quickly straight out of Japan and I'm about to share all about it including its content with you in a moment!
Japan Fun Box is a new subscription box coming to us straight from Japan and is full of Japanese snacks and candy! It comes in three different sizes: mini that contains 5-7 items, original size that contains 15-20 items, one special item and 1 DIY kit and also family size that is kinda huge 25-30 items, 2 DIY kits and 2 special items. They cost respectively around 15$, 33$ and 50$. Which is pretty good price if you calculate that with any of the box you get absolutely free worldwide shipping.
I received a mini box to the other day and I had so much fun trying out these Japanese snacks and candy! It arrived in a lovely sealed box with a list of the yummy things that are inside.
My personal favorite was of course the chocolate, you know I have a sweet tooth! My boyfriend really liked everything that tasted a bit sour, including the cheese flavored chips that really had a strong aroma. Out of salty things I must admit I feel in love with Tomato Pretz! That thing is just so good! I ate it straight away and I ate all of it!
What do you think about Japanese products and these kind of subscription boxes my lovelies? Did you like my Japan Fun Box? I would love to hear your thoughts on it!
Welcome to my blog! You can call me Venoma. I have been blogging for 10 years and counting. Enjoy my content and find me on Instagram for more!