How to pick a wedding dress that fits your body shape

Hello my dolls! How is your day going? I hope summer is less intense there where you are! Today we will be checking out an interesting topic connected to online shopping in a way. It's more about tips and tricks to be honest. We will try to get in on how to pick a perfect wedding dress that fits your body shape!

Many girls here where I am from are already expecting when they are about to get married and therefore they are pretty limited when it comes to picking a wedding dress. To any woman that is expecting I would suggest a simple A-line type of wedding dress that starts spreading right under her breasts. Also materials should not be as heavy as they can, so she could feel more comfortable in it.

When it comes to women who aren't expecting on their wedding and all other wedding dresses australia, there are so many to choose from depending on the body type. For example, a perfect fit also depends on the size of your breast. Women with larger bra sizes usually go for wedding dresses with straps, turtle necks or similar V-necklines. It flatters them much more than a sweetheart or strapless designs that are far more suitable for girls with smaller bra sizes. Also, if you fancy open back wedding dresses, there are special bras you can use for that, but it is recommended for you not to wear it if your bra size is B or more. 

For any cover you might want in case of extra fat on your tummy, that problem is solved very easily with the right high cut of the dress or material layering in the critical area. Mermaid style wedding dresses, for example, mostly fit only model-like women that a tiny waist. You can check out all styles of wedding dresses on

What do you think about today's post dolls? How do you want your wedding dress to be? Share your thoughts! 

Lots of love,

Beautiful Black

Hi babes! August is almost gone but summer heat is still in town! It's boiling 36'C here where I live right now and that's why I'm not moving on to autumn fashion for at least a few more weeks. Today I am doing something I wanted to do for a while, ever since Pool time outfit actually - I am doing a new twist on a monokini! I just love this swimwear so much and it fits so well to my elegant all black style! I didn't incorporate my tassel skirt since Winter sun outfit and I figured that's a shame, soon as tassel is my favorite trend this season. I added some new jewelry and I hope you'll like it!


Zdravo svima! Avgust je skoro gotov, ali leto je još uvek u gradu. Napolju je 36'C dok ovo fotkam i zato mi ne pada na pamet da počinjem da se slikam u jesenjim odevnim kombinacijama bar još neko vreme. Danas radim nešto što nisam radila još od  Pool time outfita : kombinujem monokini u svakodnevnu odevnu kombinaciju! Obožavam kupaće kostime, posebno crne. Takođe nisam nosila crnu suknju sa resama još od Winter sun outfita što je velika šteta s obzirom da su mi rese omiljeni trend ove sezone. Zlatni detalji su tu da dovrše outfit. Nadam se da će vam se dopasti!

I am wearing:
Sunnies: Romwe    
Necklace: Lovelywholesale 
Swimwear as a top: Wholesalebuying
Bracelet: Lovelywholesale 
Skirt: EchoPaul
Bag: Amiclubwear 
Shoes: THbox

What do you think dolls? Do you wear swimwear out of the beach or poolside this summer? Share your thoughts!

Lots of love,

Uklanjanje gljivica na noktima laserom

Zdravo drage moje! Danas sam vam pripremila još jedan u nizu Beauty postova (znam da nije sreda, ali rođendanski gosti su se od mene oprostili tek sinoć kasno u noć tako da ćete mi sigurno oprostiti na mini:) ). Današnja tema jeste jedan poseban tretman koji možete naći u studiju Delight i Laser centru RB - naime u pitanju je uklanjanje gljivica na noktima laserom. Lično nemam ovakvih problema ali poznajem više osoba koje godinama kubure sa njima, pa stoga evo i jednog članka o tome. 

Počnimo od toga šta su gljivične infekcije notkiju

“Gljivice” na noktima, tj. gljivične infekcije noktiju su promene noktiju uzrokovane gljivicama. To je najčešća bolest noktiju i predstavlja oko polovinu svih poremećaja noktiju. Gljivične infekcije noktiju pogađaju od 2-14% odrasle populacije. Oštećenje nokta, često vlaženje šaka i stopala, različita stanja smanjene imunosti, smanjena cirkulacija u donjim delovima udova, kao i smanjenje rasta nokta u starijoj životnoj dobi pogodne su za nastanak ove bolesti.

Koje su mere prevencije?

U sprečavanju razvoja “gljivica” na nogama, ključno je održavanje adekvatnih higijenskih mera i izbegavanje prekomernog izlaganja vlazi. Nadalje, važno je sprovođenje lečenja gljivičnih infekcija stopala (kao što je atletsko stopalo), a kod boravka na javnim mestima poput bazena svakako je potrebno nositi prikladnu obuću. Osobe koje su profesionalno izložene vlažnoj sredini trebaju koristiti zaštitne rukavice na poslu.

Procedura je sigurna i nije potrebna lokalna anestezija! Laserom je moguće precizno tretirati samo zahvaćeno područje, a tokom tretmana moguće je osetiti lagano zagrijavanje. Pacijent oseća blagu toplotu tokom tretmana koji traje svega nekoliko minuta. Može se javiti blagi osećaj bola kao rezultat efekta zagrevanja tkiva laserom. Prilikom tretmana energiju lasera upija pigment gljivica zbog čega se one zagrevaju i to je ono što uzrokuje njihovo odumiranje, a krajnji je rezultat izrastanje zdravog nokta.

Koliko su brzo vidljivi rezultati?

Rezultati nisu odmah vidljivi, nego tokom perioda od nekoliko meseci kako nokat nastavlja zdravi rast. Nokti rastu sporo, tako da se možda neće videti značajno poboljšanje čak i nakon nekoliko meseci, ali će se sigurno videti postepeni rast zdravog nokta.

Uz to, ne postoje neželjeni efekti. Cipele, čarape i lak za nokte se mogu koristiti neposredno posle tretmana, a nema ni oštećenja tkiva i nije potrebno zarastanje. Za više detalja možete se obratiti stručnom osoblju studija Delight i Laser centru RB

Nadam se da će ovaj post biti koristan nekima od vas drage moje! :)

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Do sledećeg posta,
vaša Venoma

Online shopping: Bridesmaid dresses

Hello my lovelies! I hope you are having a lovely Thursday! Today is again one of those days when I will be sharing with you one special shopping corner I found on the Internet! Yes, you got it right, it's time for another one of my ''online shopping'' posts, this time in the category of ''special event shopping''. We will be checking out where you can find some amazing bridesmaid dresses!

Bridesmaid dresses are pretty much most important dresses on the wedding, right after a wedding dress and right next to mother of bride dresses. I just love seeing how innovative brides and bridesmaids can be nowadays. There are so many amazing dresses to chose from when it comes to great online stores like Pickweddingdresses ! This store has the largest selection of stunning wedding dresses and modest bridesmaid dresses under one roof. They offer their collections at up to 80% off the retail prices for unbelievable savings. They are dedicated to providing the optimum in selection, price, and customer service.

It was so hard for me to pick my favorites, but I went with the royal blue dresses with embellishment and those lovely lace mermaid creamy violet dresses. What are your favorites girls? What would you like your bridesmaids to wear? Please share your thoughts! I'd love to hear them!

Lots of love,

Back to Jeans

Hello my sweeties. I am writing this post to be ready for the day of my return from beautiful Venice. I hope I will get some free time to share with you my (second) experience of that beautiful Italian city. In the mean time, I've prepared so many lovely new items to show you in today's outfit! Crop top from Jexshop, beautiful Egyptian style necklace from Lightinthebox and my new favorite bag from Ladyqueen are matching perfectly with skinny jeans and lace up heels. I hope you will like it huns! P.S. a special 15% coupon is waiting for you at the end of the post!


Zdravo drage moje! Ovaj post vam pišem unapred kako bi vas sačekao dan nakon što se vratim iz Venecije. Nadam se da ću imati vremena da sa vama podelim i svoje (drugo) iskustvo posete ovom predivnom italijanskom gradu. U međuvremenu, imam toliko toga da vam pokažem! Novi crop top, nova ogrlica i nova torba su danas na meniju. Stilizovala sam ih sa uskim farmerkama i štiklama na pertlanje. Nadam se da će vam se dopasti! P.S. čeka vas kod za popust na kraju posta!

I am wearing: 
Top: Jexshop   Sunnies: Freyrs
Necklace: Lightinthebox (here)    Bag: Ladyqueen 
Jeans: Choies    Shoes: SheIn 

Share your thoughts dolls! Happy shopping!

Lots of love,