Hello dolls! I'm so sorry I wasn't posting for a while, I was off on my vacation in Paris and OMG it was so amazing! I hope once I'll have some time to write more to you about my experience in France. I filled up my mental batteries and I feel a lot better.
While I was gone my postman was very busy so plenty of packages with adorable goodies waited for me when I came back. One of those is this cute creamy dress from EliteFashion99! I paired it with (of course) some black and silver accessories including a great bracelet set from Dresslink! I melted a bit while shooting this one for you because it's practically summer around here already so I opened the seasons of short skirts and tops. Enjoy!
Zdravo dragi moji! Izvinite što outfit post kasni ovom prilikom, bila sam u Parizu i OMG još se nisam osvestila od tog prelepog putovanja. Nadam se da ću imati vremena da vam kasnije prenesem svoje utiske.
Dok sam ja bila odsutna, moj poštar je bio vredan i doneo mi mnoge zanimljive stvarčice. Ova krem haljina sa čipkom i aksesoari su samo jedni od njih. Otopila sam se tokom ovog fotkanja, ali sva sreća pa se to ne vidi toliko na slikama. Uživajte u postu!
I am wearing:
Sunnies: Wholesalecelebshades Earrings: Forever 21
Bracelets: Dresslink (here) Dress: EliteFashion99 (here)
Clutch: Carpisa Shoes: Lovely shoes
Lots of love,