Autumn colors - Tidestore bag

Another Monday is here because no Monday ever waits for you to get well rested, right? x) It's cold in Belgrade these last few days and I hate it when the temperature drops below 10'C. I do find some joy in autumn and winter fashion accessories, but I wouldn't mind living in a warmer climate, truth to be told...Oh well... 

The highlight of the last week was that I did my first commercial shooting as a dancer. That was a new experience for me and it was fun. I also discovered an amazing thing - dry shampoo - that started saving me and my hair a lot of time. The outfit I will show you today is something I usually wear in the autumn - warm, cosy, but still stylish. Enjoy!

I am wearing:

Hat: Tidebuy 
Jacket: Tidebuy 
Sweater: Babassu
Bag: Tidestore 
Jeans: NewYorker
Boots: YesWalker

What do you think dolls? Do you wear red leather? And beanies? Let me know!

Until my next post,

Red Riding Hood

Happy Monday dolls! By the time this post is published I will probably be on work already, but never the less, I decided to begin this blog week with another one of my 'specials'! Maybe you know that a bigger masquerade than the one for Halloween here in Belgrade is held annually before New Year's Eve in KST - one of the local student's clubs. There are over 3000 people with full masks attending it and I am excited about it every year! I am seriously considering this beautiful Red Riding Hood costume straight from I love sexy for this year! ^^ Enjoy the pics!

I am wearing:

Earrings: Accessorize
Bolero: Noa Noa
Costume (dress, cape, hanky for the basket) - I love sexy
Boots: NewYorker

What do you think dolls? Share your thoughts in comments!

P.S. this post would probably be ready for Halloween if the customs service didn't start doing whatever it is that they are doing that makes all my packages arrive 2-3 weeks later than they should because of their part of work. I don't know what they are doing, but it's getting a bit ridiculous.

Until my next post,


Happy Monday dolls, I hope you all will have a great week! Mine will be in a workaholic manner and I'll be glad when it's over. 

In the meantime, maybe you can notice some changes on the blog! First of all, I moved from to! People have been convincing me to do this for years and I finally did. I am very happy about it to be honest! I changed the header, but this one is probably only temporary, there is a better one in the making. I also optimized the blog a bit more when it comes to mobile version of it, hope you guys enjoy it. 

The outfit I am wearing today is very autumn-ish but it's 20'C in Belgrade these days, it's practically spring and it's confusing the fashionista in me!

I am wearing:
Necklace: Oasap 
Vest: Lookbookstore     Blouse: Aupie
Bracelet: Tidestore    Watch: Daniel Wellington
Belt: Mona       Bag: Banggood
Leggings: Leggsington   Heels: Tally Weijl

What do you think dolls? Share your thoughts in comments! 

P.S. The man on the last pic is the man who makes all this happen for you - my loyal photographer and future husband. He deals with my nasty temper, my styling dilemmas, my bad hair days and a lot more when it comes to helping me with blogging. And I love him for it. He didn't really like this photo, but I love it, so hopefully he'll forgive me x)

Until my next post,

High waist + Squares

Another Monday. Time passes so fast these days. I'm losing track of what day is it more and more often. I started entering a certain life routine, but honestly, I'm trying to keep it as colorful as possible. I'm having a quite nice part-time job right now that leaves enough time for me to dance and blog as much as I like. Those two things are really important to me right now soon as I'm getting older and I don't know how much longer will I be dancing or blogging. It's a bit easier with blogging, you can do it anytime, but with dancing it's a bit more difficult when you get older. I think some other ''obligations'' will come in the way of it too, so right now I'm taking my time with it and having as much projects and fun as I can. You can follow up on what I do on Instagram.

In the meantime, one casual but still a bit classier combination for autumn from me. I'm in love with high waist and squares, I already wore them this summer in form of shorts and t-shirts. This is my autumn interpretation of it. My hair is a mess, but it was Halloween the night before x) Enjoy!

I am wearing: 
Hat: Oasap      Sunnies: Wholecelebshades
Necklace: Oasap  Ring: HipHopBling
Blazer: Chicnova
Blouse: Babassu
Jeans: Oasap 
Bag: Sammydress

What do you think dolls? Share your thoughts in comments!

Until my next post,

Kreirane Reebok unikatne patike

Ovogodišnja 36. beogradska “Nedelja mode” obeležena je posebnom
akcijom u Belexpo centru. Poznati beogradski grafički, konceptualni i grafiti umetnici, uživo su 
pred publikom oslikavali Reebok Classic Leather patike. Svoj lični pečat na patikama ostavili su i 
dizajner Slavimir Stojanović, umetnica Biljana Cincarević, muralista Andrej Zikić – Artez, Reebok Classic ambasador Dj Prema i brojni drugi grafiti umetnici. 

Svi oslikani modeli patika od nedelje 26.oktobra do 9. novembra biće izloženi u shopping centru 
Ušće, ispred Reebok mono brand radnje. Unikatne patike moći će da se kupe kroz posebnu 
aukciju, a sva sredstva idu u dobrotvorne svrhe za „Fashion Aid“, humanitarni projekat koji vodi 
Prve večeri „Perwoll Fashion Week“-a, nastupio je dizajner Slavimir Stojanović, a publika je uživo 
posmatrala kako na patikama ostavlja svoje „statement“-e stvarajući tako unikatne modele. 
- To su reči kojih se ja držim u svom kreativnom radu, a u kojima je promenjeno jedno slovo 
usled čega reč dobija novu vrednost. Vrlo je teško oslikavati obuću, pogotvo patike koje su pune 
šavova, ali nije mi prvi put. Kad god bi neke patike bile spremne za „penziju“ ja sam ih oslikavao. 
Uglavnom sam na njima crtao logotipe mojih omiljenih bendova poput „Public enemy“. Još uvek 
čuvam nekoliko patika iz tog perioda - priseća se Stojanović koji je za oslikavanje patika koristio 
akrilne flomastere koji su postojani i otporni na vodu. 

Kao ljubitelj njujorške škole grafita Dj Prema je svojevremeno svoj grafit pečat ostavljao na 
zidovima Novog Beograda, a ovom prilikom se oprobao u oslikavanju obuće. -Poenta je oslikati 
patike tako da budu ne samo unikat već i nosive. Mislim da je to najlepše postigao Artez, a 
najorginalnije Slavimir Stojanović koji je izvukao slova preko cele patike i tako uspeo da ih potpuno 
promeni i učini orginalnim, a nosivim – objašnjava Dj Prema. 

Među unikatnim patikama samo jedan model ima dve potpuno različite patike i što se tiče dizajna i 
što se tiče boja. Njih je oslikala Biljana Cincarević. -Napravila sam dve različite patike, jer verujem 
da postoje ljudi koji su hrabri kao ja da nose različite patike. Imam već jedan takav par, ali cipela, 
koje sam sama oslikala. Ovom prilikom sam koristila malo boja. Volim kad je obuća jednostavna 
svedena, a opet drugačija. Na jednoj patici će dominirati plava i nebo, a na drugoj žuto-crvena i 
vatra – objasnila je Cincarević.

Until my next post,