I don't want to miss a thing...

Hey lovelies! How is your week going so far? I finally got some time to spend with my loved ones, soon as we are all back in Belgrade. Beer Fest is coming our way, but honestly I'm not that excited about it this year, there was simply too much dust last year and music program used to be a lot better... But I'll probably go with my friends one of these days anyway so we don't break the tradition.
Enjoy the post!

I am wearing:

Blouse: Aupie
Shorts: Babassu
Wedges: Chicnova 
Bag: Carpisa

Share your thoughts please, I'd really like to hear them!

Until my next post,

They told me, put flowers in your hair...

Hey my darlings! I hope you are having a great week so far! This will be my last outfit post for the week, I'm taking a short trip, but I'll be back before you notice! I even prepared a few posts for you while I'm gone! ^^ And then, after I come back, I'll make sure to share with you my impressions. Until then, enjoy the post!

I am wearing:

Headband: Romwe
Dress: Babassu
Big spikes bracelet and Wedges  Cndirect
Ring: Lucky Diamond

Love you,

Lolita baby...

June&July Outfit Recap

Hey lovelies! It's the last day of July and the most awesome month of the year is starting tomorrow! I'm so excited! ^^ My birthday is in August, few of my friend's birthdays are also in August, there is Beer Fest in Belgrade and I am going on a trip again in a few days... Can't wait! Also, as at the end of every (or every two) month we are doing an outfit recap here on Venoma's fashion diary! Please use this post to let me know what did you like the most / the least in my outfits for the last two months, what would you like to see more of, etc. Links to the whole posts are under the pics! Enjoy!

So what do you say lovelies? Let me know what you think!

Love you,

Look of the day: Young Wild Free

Hey lovelies! Happy Thursday! I'm still out of my usual schedule, but forgive me - I'm mostly busy sunbathing and swimming :) Enjoy the post!

I am wearing:

Blouse: Nowistyle
Bag: Chicnova
Wedges and bracelet: no name
Ring; Ana Jeffrey
Skirt: Ahaishopping

Share your thoughts lovelies!

Love you,