TattooForAWeek: Temoprary lip and skin tattoos Review
U mom poštanskom sandučetu su se pre neki dan našle privremene tetovaže pravo sa sajta TattooForAWeek. I to ne samo one standardne privremene tetovaže zanimljivog dizajna, već i nešto što do sada nisam imala priliku da probam - tetovaže za usne! :)
Few days ago temporary tattoos straight from the TattooForAWeek shop arrived to my mailbox. And not only the standard temporary tattoos with interesting design, but also something that I have not had a chance to try before - temporary lip tattoos! :)
mogu vam reći, ako ih pravilno i precizno aplikujete i date svojim
usnama par minuta da se akumuliraju, možete dobiti sjajne detalje na
usnama za bilo koju šarenoliku priliku. Na njima piše da traju od 4-8h, i
ja sam svoje držala nekoliko sati dok ih nisam sama uklonila i nisu se
loše pokazale za to vreme. Malo popucaju kada zaboravite da ste ih
stavili, ali ostaju i efekat je zanimljiv. Evo jedne ''home made'' fotke
(bez photoshop-a) da steknete utisak kako to zapravo izgleda :)
I can tell you, if applied correctly and accurately and if you give your lips a few minutes to adjust, you can get great details on your lips for any occasion. They are supposed to last from 4 to 8 hours, and I held mine for few hours until I removed them myself and for that time they did just fine. Here's a'' home-made'' photo (no Photoshop) for you to get impression of how it actually looks :)
A motiva i boja za lip tattoo
ima bezbroj, pa ko voli nek' izvoli :) Neke od drugih tetovaža koje su
stigle ćete imati prilike da vidite u ponekom outfit postu. Kako vam se
dopadaju moje nove TattooForAWeek tetovažice?
Do sledećeg posta, vaša Venoma
And versions and colors of lip tattoos are countless :) Some of the other tattoos you'll probably get to see in my outfit
posts here and there. How do you like my new TattooForAWeek tattoos?
Until my next post, your Venoma