Off to visit Count Dracula..
Oh yes, it's that time of the year again. My favorite events come together with all that fall and winter bring us. Do you know what I mean? If you thought masquerades, you were right! :)
I am taking a break for a few days and I'm going to a perfect place for dress up and walking with vampires, in case I find any nearby. While I'm there, I do not plan to think about what happens after, it will all wait for me anyway, especially obligations.
I would also like to apologize for irregular responding to my comments and also neglecting other blogs I usually take time to read. I was busy, like really really busy. :)
Finally, feel free to guess - in what costume am I going to mask myself for this Halloween? :) The correct answer you'll get when you get back ;)
I am taking a break for a few days and I'm going to a perfect place for dress up and walking with vampires, in case I find any nearby. While I'm there, I do not plan to think about what happens after, it will all wait for me anyway, especially obligations.
I would also like to apologize for irregular responding to my comments and also neglecting other blogs I usually take time to read. I was busy, like really really busy. :)
Finally, feel free to guess - in what costume am I going to mask myself for this Halloween? :) The correct answer you'll get when you get back ;)
Until my next post, xoxo Venoma
Oh da, opet je došao taj deo godine. Zajedno sa svim što
nam donose jesen i zima, dolaze i moja omiljena dešavanja. Znate li na
šta mislim? Ako ste pomislili na maskenbale, bili ste u pravu! :)Uzimam pauzu od nekoliko dana i odlazim na savršeno mesto za dress-up i šetnju sa vampirima po mračnim ulicama, ako se nađe neki u blizini. Dok sam tamo ne planiram da razmišljam o periodu posle, sve će me ionako sačekati, a pogotovo obaveze.
I želela bih da se izvinim na neredovnom odgovaranju na komentare i zapostavljanju drugih blogova iz moje omiljene modne sfere u poslednje vreme. Mnogo sam bila zauzeta, ali baš mnogo. :)
Od modnih dešavanja, posle FS sam posetila nekoliko revija na FW (i zahvalila bih dragoj redakciji Wannabe magazina na obezbeđenim kartama, nadam se da će sledeće godine FW obezbediti više blogerskih akreditacija), mada vas lično o njima neću izveštavati ovaj put. Ali ne brinite, tamo sam sinoć srela nekolicinu sjajnih blogerki koje puuuno pozdravljam i za koje sam sigurna da će vam napisati sjajne izveštaje, ako već nisu :)
I za kraj, slobodno pogađajte - u šta ću se maskirati za ovu Noć veštica? :) Tačan odgovor dobijate kad se vratim ;)
Do sledećeg posta, vaša Venoma