Novi brendovi u Ziri + popusti / New brands and discounts
Drage moje, uskoro će Beograd biti bogatiji za još dva brenda :) Ovoga puta, čeka nas otvaranje novih radnji u Zira shopping centru. Prvi od njih je Bogner, a u njihov asortiman možete zaviriti na njihovom sajtu . Drugi je Conte of Florence, o kojem takođe možete steći utisak preko njegovog sajta .
My dears, Belgrade will soon be richer for two brands :) This time, we are waiting for the opening of new stores at Zira shopping center. The first is Bogner, and you can take a peek at their stuff at their website The second is the Conte of Florence, on which you can also get the impression through their site .
Koliko se meni čini, u pitanju su pretežno sportske stvarčice sa dozom elegancije. Neki delovi kolekcije se nazivaju golf, sailing i slično, a to kod nas baš i nije u preteranoj ekspanziji, pa ćemo uskoro videti kako će ovi brendovi proći kod nas. Šta vi mislite o njima? I za kraj, evo aktuelnih popusta u Ziri, pretežno za maturante :)
How it seems to me, these are mostly sports stuff with a touch of elegance. Some parts of the collection is called golf, sailing, etc., and those sports are not really so popular around here. We will soon see how these brands will go. What do you think of them? And finally, here are current discounts :)