Svim damama srecan 8. mart... / Happy 8. March to all ladies...
Na ovaj poseban dan zelim da vam poklonim jedan...
On this special day, I want to give you this as a gift..
Uz zelje da do sledeceg 8. marta svoj orman ispunite razlicitim varijacijama ovoga..
With wishes that you fill your closet until next 8. March with variation of this...
...a da vas cipelarnik zalici na ovo...
...and that your shoes collection starts looking something like this...
...ili mozda ovo...
...or maybe this...
...da na poklom danas dobijete ovako nesto...
...da vam dani budu slatki kao...
...that all of your days be sweet like...
...a svaki od njih ispunjen sa malim zadovoljstvima poput...
...and every one of them filled with small pleasures like...
...i da posle svake noci kada izujete svoje...
...and after every night, when you slip out of your...
....vas ujutru saceka jedna lepa... the morning, waiting for you would be a nice...
On this special day, I want to give you this as a gift..
Uz zelje da do sledeceg 8. marta svoj orman ispunite razlicitim varijacijama ovoga..
With wishes that you fill your closet until next 8. March with variation of this...
...a da vas cipelarnik zalici na ovo...
...and that your shoes collection starts looking something like this...
...ili mozda ovo...
...or maybe this...
...da na poklom danas dobijete ovako nesto...
...that today from someone you get a gift like this..
...da vam dani budu slatki kao...
...that all of your days be sweet like...
...a svaki od njih ispunjen sa malim zadovoljstvima poput...
...i da posle svake noci kada izujete svoje...
...and after every night, when you slip out of your...
....vas ujutru saceka jedna lepa... the morning, waiting for you would be a nice...
Srecan 8. mart svim citateljkama i drugim damama koje su se ovde nasle slucajno :)
Happy 8. March to all my readers and other ladies that just came across here :)