Jimmy Choo Crystal Collection

Kako najbolje proslaviti 15 godina postojanja predivnih Jimmy Choo cipela? Sa JOS cipela, naravno! Ovoga puta tri 'kristalne' kolekcije su u pitanju, pod nazivima Ciara, Marine&Lana i Niagara&Candy. Zvuci zanimljivo? I jeste zanimljivo. I sljastece, i swarovski i lepo, i veoma veoma veoooma skupo. Nije bas za dzep nas obicnih smrtnika. Ali zato, za oci jeste. Uzivajte :)

How to celebrate 15 years of existing of these wonderful Jimmy Choo shoes? With MORE shoes, of course! Jimmy Choo launched three 'crystal' collections, under names Ciara, Marine&Lana and Niagara&Candy. Sound interesting? And it is interesting. And shiny, and swarovski, and pretty, and very veeery expensive. Not really for our mortal pockets ;) But definitely for our eyes it is. Enjoy :)

Tally Weijl zimska novogodisnja kolekcija / Tally Weijl winter christmas collection

Ne pamtim kad sam poslednji put usla u Tally Weijl. Ili ne idem u tom pravcu ili je tolika guzva u radnji da odustanem od ulaske (Je l' oni tamo dele nesto besplatno? Stvarno ne razumem onoliki guzvanjac). Doduse, znam zasigurno da su do sada krenuli sa bar nekim akcijama i snizenjima i znam da imate realnu sansu da tamo nadjete nesto sto biste mogli da obucete za Novu godinu ili neki drugi izlazak, ukoliko uspete da se uvucete u njihove modele u 'zanimljivim' velicinama. Christmas dodatak, kao dopuna jesen-zima kolekcije je stigao, ako ne u radnje onda bar na internet, sto znaci da ce i u radnje uskoro :) Evo nekoliko predloga za Tally Weijl outfit:

I can't remember the last time I entered Tally Weijl. Or I don't go in that direction or there's such a crowd in the shop that I give up before entering (Do they give something for free? I really do not get it). Admittedly, I know for sure that they have started with at least some deals and discounts, and I know that you have a realistic chance to find something there that you could wear for the New Year or other night out, if you manage to creep into their models with their 'interesting' sizes. Christmas supplement, to the autumn-winter collection has arrived, if not in stores, then at least on the internet, which means that it will be in stores soon:) Here are some sugestions for Tally Weijl outfit:

(izvor: www.tally-weijl.com)

Moj favorit je druga kombinacija, vec imam slicne satenske rukavice iz Accessorize -a, srcoliku tasnicu iz Carpise i krzneni bolero (jos jedna od stvarcica koju cu uskoro podeliti sa vama cim nadjem zrtvu da me uslika ;) ). Samo fali crvena haljina :D

My fav is second combination, I already have similar Accessorize gloves, heart-shaped Carpisa bag and a furry bolero (that will be presented in some other post soon ;) ) Only thing I'm missing here is a red dress :D


Sta obuci za Novu godinu / What to wear for New Year

Mogao se post i zvati ' Venomina novogodisnja lista zelja' :D S tim sto izgleda niko vise ne obraca paznju na to da li sam bila dobra ili nisam, niti mi kupuje paketice ili ispunjava zelje :( No, nema veze, vec imam kombinaciju za Novu godinu u svom ormanu ;) Ovo su samo neke ideje koje bi dosle u obzir kad bih imala malo vise para i malo topliju klimu - mala crna (providna, sljasteca) haljina i par cipela/sandala sa vrtoglavo visokom stiklom :)

This post could also have been named "Venoma's New Year wishlist" :D But it seems to me that no one cares anymore have I been good or bad during the year :( Nevermind, I already have an ace in my sleeve for New Year, or should I say, a combination in my closet ;) These are just some ideas that came into my mind if I had a lil' more money and a bit warmer climate :)

 (quiz store)
 (quiz store)
 (quiz store)
 (quiz store)
 (quiz store)

 (peacocks store)
(peacocks store)





Nove cizme za sneg / New snow boots

Mislim da sam pomenula pre neki dan kako planiram da kupim cizme za sneg. Snega smo u Beogradu videli tek u najavi (iako je veci deo Evrope zavejan), ali ja stvarno ne zelim da provodim dane gledajuci u pasulj/nebo/vremensku prognozu i predvidjam hoce li pasti ili ne. Treba biti spreman :D Osim toga, veliki faktor u ovoj kupovini je igrala moja zaljubljenost u doticni par buckastih O'neill cizama (slicne kao moon boots), koje sam merkala neko duze vreme u Beosport radnjama u Ziri i u Uscu. Prakticno sam jedva cekala da padne sneg da imam savrsen izgovor za ovu kupovinu xD

I think I mentioned the other day that I plan to buy winter boots. Snow in Belgrade we saw only in the announcement (although big part of Europe is under it right now), but I really do not want to spend my days looking at the beans / sky / weather forcast, and predict whether it will fall or not. One should be ready :D Besides, a big factor in this purchase was that I fell in love with this pair of O'neill boots (very alike moon boots), which I was looking at for a very long time in Beosport stores. Practically, I could hardly wait for snow to fall so I could have perfect excuse for this purchase xD

Moji nokti za ovaj mesec / My nails for this month

Navikli ste vec da jednom mesecno gledate novu verziju mog french manikira, pa zasto bi decembar bio izuzetak :D U jesenjem duhu sam izlepila listice po svojim noktima, medjutim, jesen nas polako (a mozda i malo brze) napusta, sto nam pokazuje ovaj mali sneg koji je juce pao u Beogradu.. Gledati prvi sneg kako pada sa 12. sprata solitera sa vidikom na grad je predivno... Skoro sam u stanju da oprostim sto je toliko hladno... Skoro ;) Evo slicica mojih noktica:

You're used to seeing the new version of my french manicure once a month, so why would December be an exception :D In autumn spirit I put some leaves-alike stickers on my nails, however, the fall is slowly fading (bit faster than slowly), this little snow in Belgrade showed me that yesterday .. Watching the first snow from 12th floor of storey building with a panorama of the city was beautiful ... I was almost able to forgive that it was so cold ... Almost ;) Here are the pictures of my nails:
(click to enlarge)

All pictures are taken by Venoma for Venoma's fashion diary, all rights reserved

Resila sam da se za slikanje poigram sa jednim svojim starim parfemom, Naomi Campbell Cat deluxe i pufnicom koju ima na vrhu, jer se delimicno slazu nijanse ;) Ovo je parfem koji volim da stavljam vise zimi nego leti, mene uporno podseca na sneg i zimsku idilu.. Ne znam bas zasto je tako, ali nije ni vazno zar ne :) Prethodne verzije mojih noktica mozete pogledati ovde

I decided to play with my Naomi Campbell Cat deluxe perfume for this photos, because colours are matching ;) This is one of the perfumes that I like to put on during winter, I don't really know why :) Previous versions of my nails you can always find here

