Sweet of the week: Luflee and Cheesecake!
Jos jedna od mojih strasti jesu upravo slatkisi. Prosto ne mogu da zamislim dan bez cokolade u njemu O.O Jednostavno moram nesto slatko da pojedem ili cu zadaviti nekoga - ili sve koje vidim..
Another one of my passions next to fashion (it even rimes xD ) are sweets. I can't imagine my day without a chocolate in it O.O I simply must eat something sweet or I'll kill someone - or everybody...
Evo jedne od mojih omiljenih cokolada u poslednje vreme - Milka Luflee, ona sa 'baloncicima'. A zasto je volim? Zato sto ne moram da je zvacem, a kako me u poslednje vreme muce zubi koji se pomeraju, ovo je idealno xD Pored njih mozete videti rucno radjene praline koje sam dobila na poklon i smazala sa nedovoljnim postovanjem prema tom rucnom radu, ali odajem priznanje da su bile fenomenalne.
Here's one of my favorite chocolates lately - Milka Luflee, the one with air bubbles. I love it because I don't have to chew it xD Next to the chocolate you can see handmade strawberry filled candies that I got as a gift that I ate few moments after I took this photo and they were great..
Jos nesto sto obozavam u poslednje vreme je "Hleb&kifle" cheesecake O.O Oooo savrsenstvo od cheesecake-a...
Lately I'm in love with this cheesecake from one of my local bakeries...

Ovaj se, mukica, malo istumbao dok nisam stigla kuci, ali to ne znaci da je bio manje ukusan, naprotiv.. Mislim da bih mogla celu onu tepsiju da pojedem kad bi mi dali xD A sta vi kazete, ima li neki cokoholik da se solidarise sa mnom medju vama? xD
This pour little piece has suffered from my ride home, but that didn't make him less tasty. I think I could eat the whole cake if they gave it to me xD And what do you say, are there any more chocoholics among you? xD
Another one of my passions next to fashion (it even rimes xD ) are sweets. I can't imagine my day without a chocolate in it O.O I simply must eat something sweet or I'll kill someone - or everybody...
Here's one of my favorite chocolates lately - Milka Luflee, the one with air bubbles. I love it because I don't have to chew it xD Next to the chocolate you can see handmade strawberry filled candies that I got as a gift that I ate few moments after I took this photo and they were great..
Jos nesto sto obozavam u poslednje vreme je "Hleb&kifle" cheesecake O.O Oooo savrsenstvo od cheesecake-a...
Lately I'm in love with this cheesecake from one of my local bakeries...
Ovaj se, mukica, malo istumbao dok nisam stigla kuci, ali to ne znaci da je bio manje ukusan, naprotiv.. Mislim da bih mogla celu onu tepsiju da pojedem kad bi mi dali xD A sta vi kazete, ima li neki cokoholik da se solidarise sa mnom medju vama? xD
This pour little piece has suffered from my ride home, but that didn't make him less tasty. I think I could eat the whole cake if they gave it to me xD And what do you say, are there any more chocoholics among you? xD