I love gifts vol.1 :)
Ljudovi, ovo je bila jedna vrlo, vrlo teska nedelja za mene. Medjutim, posto je ovo iskljucivo blog namenjen necemu lepom, a ne ruznom, o tome ovde necu pisati. Niti sad, niti ikada. Ruzne stvari treba zaboraviti, a lepe pamtiti :)
Iako je ovo bila jedna jako gadna nedelja, bilo je nekoliko svetlih tacaka. Naime, u nekom trenutku sam razmisljala da odem da "ogrebem" neku srecku, mozda dobijem nesto, posto me je, bar (i jedino) u toj sferi bas krenulo ove nedelje.
Idem ja tako Uscem (kao i obicno) i naletim na jednog starog poznanika, stilistu koji je radio sa mnom na jednoj emisiji na b92 pre jedno dve-tri godine. Covek me nije odmah prepoznao xD U Fashion&Friends-u, radi neku promociju one Kardashians serije, devojke se preoblace i pokusavaju da lice na Kardashians sestre, a najbolje osvajaju put za L.A. :) Mnogo mi je bilo milo da ga vidim, a i on se silno obradovao kada me je prepoznao :D Kaze da ima posla, sto mi je drago da cujem, jer se kod nas malo sta isplati a kamoli moda. U medjuvremenu mi je poklonio jednu kesicu kao mali znak paznje. A ja najvise volim male znakove paznje :D Vise i od ogromnih i skupih poklona (iskreno!) :)
Evo kako je to izgledalo:
Ppl, this has been a very hard week for me. I'm exhausted and totally drained. I'm not gonna talk about it, because this is my little place for beautiful, not ugly things from my life. Beautiful is what I hope that I'll remember one day, and ugly is what I hope to forget soon.
There was a few highlights in this week what so ever. I even thought for a while that I should go on play one of those "scratch" games, maybe I could win something - I was on winning everywhere on random!
So, as ussal, I was walking around "Usce" (my fav shopping mall) when I bumped into an old friend, a stylist that I cooparated with few years ago on one show for b92 (our local tv station). He didn't recognize me at first, but when he did, he was as happy to see me as I was happy to see him :D He was in Fashion&Friends shop, doing some promotion on that Kardashian show - girls were dressing up as Kardashian sisters, and the best could win a trip to L.A. He said to me that he has a lot of work, which I was so happy to hear, because it's hard to earn for living anywhere in this country, not to mention fashion. In the meantime, he gave me a small present - and small presents are what i love the most :D
Here it is:
Iako je ovo bila jedna jako gadna nedelja, bilo je nekoliko svetlih tacaka. Naime, u nekom trenutku sam razmisljala da odem da "ogrebem" neku srecku, mozda dobijem nesto, posto me je, bar (i jedino) u toj sferi bas krenulo ove nedelje.
Idem ja tako Uscem (kao i obicno) i naletim na jednog starog poznanika, stilistu koji je radio sa mnom na jednoj emisiji na b92 pre jedno dve-tri godine. Covek me nije odmah prepoznao xD U Fashion&Friends-u, radi neku promociju one Kardashians serije, devojke se preoblace i pokusavaju da lice na Kardashians sestre, a najbolje osvajaju put za L.A. :) Mnogo mi je bilo milo da ga vidim, a i on se silno obradovao kada me je prepoznao :D Kaze da ima posla, sto mi je drago da cujem, jer se kod nas malo sta isplati a kamoli moda. U medjuvremenu mi je poklonio jednu kesicu kao mali znak paznje. A ja najvise volim male znakove paznje :D Vise i od ogromnih i skupih poklona (iskreno!) :)
Evo kako je to izgledalo:
Ppl, this has been a very hard week for me. I'm exhausted and totally drained. I'm not gonna talk about it, because this is my little place for beautiful, not ugly things from my life. Beautiful is what I hope that I'll remember one day, and ugly is what I hope to forget soon.
There was a few highlights in this week what so ever. I even thought for a while that I should go on play one of those "scratch" games, maybe I could win something - I was on winning everywhere on random!
So, as ussal, I was walking around "Usce" (my fav shopping mall) when I bumped into an old friend, a stylist that I cooparated with few years ago on one show for b92 (our local tv station). He didn't recognize me at first, but when he did, he was as happy to see me as I was happy to see him :D He was in Fashion&Friends shop, doing some promotion on that Kardashian show - girls were dressing up as Kardashian sisters, and the best could win a trip to L.A. He said to me that he has a lot of work, which I was so happy to hear, because it's hard to earn for living anywhere in this country, not to mention fashion. In the meantime, he gave me a small present - and small presents are what i love the most :D
Here it is: