Autumn here I come (Shopping report) :D

Koliko sam do sada primetila, kada se pise post o nekom novom artiklu koji ce uskoro biti uvrsten u stalnu postavku necijeg ormana, prvo se to najavi par postova ranije, pa se okaci slika samo kese, pa onda samo kutije, i tako neki tease-ovi... Medjutim, ja sam po prirodi nestrpljiva osoba :D I stoga cu odmah sa vama podeliti sta sam kupila :D Ako ste procitali nekoliko postova ranije moju jesenje/zimsku dilemu, mozda mozete i pretpostaviti ;) Dakle, evo su sve slicice odjednom :D


How much I have noticed so far, when a girl is writting a post on a blog about something she bought, it all starts from announcement few posts before, than a picture of the bag, then a picture of the box or something, and then, at the end, picture of the cloth or shoes... But I'm just too impaintent for such a procedure :D So I might just put all that in only one post :D If you read my blog earlier, you might have some idea what did I bought ;) Here it is :D

I love you heart-shape (:

Moram priznati da mi je oblik srca jedan od najomiljenijih motiva za nakit, torbice i druge stvarcice. Necu razglabati previse o simolici, sasvim je jasna-srce reprezentuje ljubav, toplinu, brigu, paznju, pozitivnu energiju i tako dalje. A ja volim da sam okruzena time :) Evo raznih mojih stvarcica u obliku srca, sa lokacijama na kojima su nabavljene. Uzivajte :D


I must addmit that heart shape is one of my favorite motives of jewelry, bags and other small stuff. I won't write a lot about it's symbolism, it's quite clear - heart represents love, warmth, caring, attention, positive energy and so on. And I love to be surruonded by those emotions :) Here's a variety of my heart-shapped stuff, with locations where I bought them, but mostly on Serbian language except those branded ones. Enjoy :)

Rajf kupljen na Bulevaru

Zuhair Murad 2010

Za one koji su videli njegove radove svaka rec je suvisna. Za one koji nisu, evo male uvertire: Zuhair Murad je jos jedan od retkih dizajnera koji su rodjeni van Evrope a koji redovno prikazuju svoje kolekcije na najprestiznijoj nedelji mode u Parizu. Rodjen je u Bejrutu u Libanonu, prvu radnju je otvorio 1995., u Rimu je debitovao 1999. dok je u Parizu svoju prvu Haute couture kolekciju prikazao 2001. a Pret-a-porter kolekciju 2002. Otada svaka njegova Ready-to-wear i Haute couture kolekcija dozivljava uspeh u celom svetu. Ceo Holivud zajedno sa muzickom industrijom je potpuno lud za njegovim kreacijama. Katty Perry, Jennifer Lopez, Paris Hilton, Kylie Minogue samo su jedne od mnogih koje su nosile njegove haljine na najprestiznijim dogadjajima. Malo je reci koje mogu opisati njegove Haute couture kolekcije. Covek je madjionicar. Sve njegove revije gledam bez treptanja, samo sto ne upadnem u ekran koliko sam odusevljena. Zuhair Murad je zaista jedan od mojih najomiljenijih dizajnera. Ni sa jednim drugim dizajnerom se nije dogodilo da mi se BAS SVAKI komad sa revije dopadne. On je zaista nesto posebno. Evo snimka njegove poslednje (jesen/zima 2010/2011) revije i slika nekoliko mojih favorita (ako uopste mogu da izaberem favorite medju tako jakom konkurencijom!) ********************************************************************************** For those who have seen his creation, every word is unnecessary. For those who have not, here's a few words: Zuhair Murad is one of the rare designers born out of Europe that has regular shows in the most prestige fashion week in Paris. He was born in Beirut, Lebanon, where he opened his first atelier in 1995. He had his first show in Rome in 1999, then in Paris 2001 (Haute couture) and 2002 (Ready-to-wear). And since then the whole world is going crazy about his dresses and other pieces from every collection he puts on the runway. Katty Perry, Jennifer Lopez, Paris Hilton, Kylie Minogue are only some celebrities that wore his dresses on famous events all over the world. I don't know the right words who could describe his haute couture collections. He's a magician if you ask me. I watch every his show without blinking, I feel like I'm gonna fall into the screen once. He really is one of my favorite designers. It never happened to me that I liked every single piece from the runway until I saw his shows. He really is something special. Here's the video of his latest (aw2010/2011) couture show, together with pics of my favorites (it was really hard to choose any, all dresses are fabulous) source: P.s. ako imate vremena, zatvorite vrata, ugasite svetlo i pogledajte, po mom misljenju, najlepsu reviju ikada P.s. if you have any spear time, close the door, turn the light off and look at the most beutiful fashion show ever (according to me ofc)
Zuhair Murad Les bal des sirenes Couture spring summer 2009

D&G and Monica Bellucci

DOLCE & GABBANA has unveiled actress Monica Bellucci as the star of its new advertising campaign for Martini Gold - and the designer duo couldn't resist making a cameo themselves.

Monica Bellucci has modelled for the designers before, plays a mysterious Italian beauty who charms and turns heads at every corner, before meeting her good friends Dolce&Gabbana a martini. The three stars are seen laughing and joking together, as Bellucci's identity is revealed.

The commercial was shot entirely in Rome by director Jonas Akerland - who has worked with Lady Gaga and D&G favourite Madonna - as a tribute to the Oscar-winning Italian director Federico Fellini's iconic film La Dolce Vita.


I'm personaly looking forward to this video, I'm a great fan of both D&G and Monica Bellucci :D

Here's one of their earlier commercials:

P.s. I know the autumn has just started but Spring/Summer fashion week in NY is kicking off, soon to be followed by all other famous fashion weeks, so there might be some info on it too, even tho I think it's a bit too early ;)

Shopping report :)

Ko? Gde? Venoma u Uscu :D

Secam se prosli put kad sam bila da sam sa pokretnog stepenista videla u izlogu one "naj-fensi" radnje u Uscu (znate one koja se prostire na mnooogo kvadratnih metera ima mnooogo osoblja a prosecno se u njoj tokom sezone nalazi jedna ili dve musterije a svaka X-ta kupi nesto, a X>100 xD), dakle, u izlogu radnje XYZ sam videla veliki pano na kome je pisalo "Letnje snizenje" pa sad neki datumi, dokle traje i tako to. Sto sam ja, naravno, odmah zaboravila. Jer XYZ radnja nije jedna od onih u koje ne propustam da udjem kada su rasprodaje (a i kad nisu). Tamo zapravo jako retko ulazim. A jos rednje kupujem (aproksimirajte "redje" sa "nikad") jer nisam u stanju sebi da priustim originalan D&G, Cavalli, Galliano, Burbery ili neki slican komad. Mogu da udjem da ih pogledam, ako bas zelim, a to retko radim jer ne vidim svrhu u tome, moze da se desi da pozelim nesto sto ne mogu da imam i da samu sebe ubedacim time.

Medjutim, povremeno se i meni dogodi jedan od onih "ma nek' ide zivot, zasluzila sam" momenata. Na primer kad ocistite prvu godinu na drzavnom fakultetu u BG-u :D Tako sam danas bas resila da odem u tu radnju, da sa letnje rasprodaje iskopam sebi neki sitan komad, pa koliko kosta neka kosta neka kosta, ne moze bas da ode cena za majicu ili kaish do plafona na rasprodaji. Kad ja tamo, a ono medjutim, summer sale je ocigledno bila zavrsena :( Obrela sam se u toj radnji medju krpicama, cipelama i torbama iz nove kolekcije nekih od najpoznatijih svetskih brendova. I prelepe su, zaista. Dok im ne pogledate etiketu... Stoga, mozda do nekih velikih zimskih rasprodaja, te komade cu ipak gledati samo na pisti.

Ali zato komade u nekim drugim radnjama ne moram samo da gledam, vec mogu sebi i da priustim :D Vec uveliko se spremam za fax i za dolazak zime, ovaj put mnogo promucurnije nego ranije. Kako ne volim da kupujem zimske komade, cesto zavrsim smrzavajuci se (kad sam kreten xD ). Realno, donekle zima ne zna za modu. Kada je ledeno napolju, stvarno nije bitno ako licite na pokretni space-shatl dok god vam je toplo. Sto znaci moze biti nekog shoppinga, ali nije ultimatum da stvari budu trendi ili lepe, samo funkcionalne i tople, bar za te ledene dane.

Iako sam se vec opremila shalom i rukavicama iz Accessorize-a (sto sam pomenula ovde ), videla sam jedan savrseni izuvijani krzneni shalic u NewYorkeru za nekih 1200 din i poprilicno sam odlepila za njim :D Na moju wish listu je dospeo i jedan pojas iz Zare koji nije preterano sirok (posto mi ti siroki nazalost lose stoje), crni sa diskretnom masnom, isto negde oko 1300 din, ne znam iz koje je kolekcije doduse, ne pise da je snizen a vidjala sam ga ranije o.O

Takodje sam se nasla u velikoj dilemi. Kada sam videla ovu slicicu Dior-ovih moonboots cizama od prosle sezone, potpuno sam se zaljubila i resila da sebi nadjem nesto slicno ove godine. U pitanju su ove cizmice:

(zar nisu prelepe???)

Naravno, niti ja imam para za Dior-ove cizmice niti imam sredstava da otputujem do najblize radnje ili platim carinu za online narucivanje. A mogla sam i samo da kazem, jao, nazalost, njih nema vise u prodaji, u pitanju je prosla kolekcija xD Ali sto da se lazemo.

Medjutim u Uscu sam zapravo pronasla nesto slicno. Zapravo, 2 para cizama koje su mi se dopale. Jedne sam nasla u Pepe Jeans radnji, ali to je multibrend radnja, pa mislim da su cizme zapravo neki drugi brend. Te cizme lice na ove, crne su, sa nekim cvetovima i lepom dekoracijom. Cizme za sneg, tako su mi rekli. 7500din. Jesu fenomenalne, probala sam ih, i ne mogu izbeci utisak da mi stoje pomalo smesno. Mislim, uz zimsku jaknu i full opremu nece biti tako smesne verovatno, ali ipak... Evo najblize slicice koju sam uspela da pronadjem na netu:

Druge cizme sto su mi se dopale nisu za sneg, vec za kisu. Uveliko sam poznata po tome da ne umem da izaberem cizmu koja ne propusta i da na kraju zavrsim mokrih nogu. Dakle, ove sezone sam resila da kupim sebi dobar par gumenjarki, pa sto je sigurno, sigurno je. U Replay-u sam naisla na jedne svedene crne gumenjarke, izgledaju dosta kvalitetno i idealno za ono sto meni treba. Sa strane imaju label, i to je otprilike sva dekoracije. Izgledaju ovako nesto

ustvari lepse od njih. Isto kostaju kao i prethodne, 7500din. E sad, ja sebi sigurno ne mogu i jedne i druge da priustim. Eventualno jedne, i to na jedvite jade, kako sada stoje stvari sa relativno novim puma patikama koje sam kupila pre dve nedelje, i onim over-the-knee cizama pre tri nedelje, jos jedan izdatak za obucu se nece skoro dogoditi. Ali kisa ce kad tad krenuti da pada...

Stvarno ne znam koje da uzmem. Nekako mislim da nije pogodno da uzimam one za sneg i da ih nosim po kisi dok je jos napolju 10-15 stepeni. Sa druge strane, verovatno cu se smrznuti u gumenjarama kada temperatura padne na 0 stepeni. Sta vi mislite? :)


Who? Where? Venom in the "Usce" : D

I remember last time when I was there that I saw from the moving staircases in the window are "the most fancy" store the Usce (you know the one that covers a lot square meter has a lot of staff and average in it during the season there is one or two customers and every X-th buy something, and X> 100 xD), so, as I said, in the XYZ shop window I saw a billboard that said "summer sales" and now some dates about how long does it lasts and so. I have, of course, forgot those dates at the very moment. XYZ store is not one of those that I do not forget to enter when the sales are on (and when they're not on). Actually I very rarely go in there. And even more rarely I buy (read " more rarely" as "never") in there because I am not able to afford myself an original D & G, Cavalli, Galliano, Burbery or similar piece. I can go to check them out, if I want, but I do that rarely because I see no purpose in it, it can easly happen for me to like something from there that I can't have and to ruin my good mood by doing so.

However, occasionally I have one of those "Let it go, I deserved it" moments. For example, when I finnish my first year at the state university in Belgrade or should I say today :D So today I decided to go to that store, dig myself a small piece on the sale, and how much it costs it costs, it can't be that much for a T-shirt or a belt. So I went there, and found out that summer sale was completed : (I have found myself in the store between the cloth, shoes and bags from the new collections of some of the most famous brands. They are beautiful, really. While you do not look at the label with the price .. . So, maybe when time comes for some big winter sales I'll go back to that store. In the meantime, I can watch those pretty pieces on the runway.

But in other stores I don't have to look only, because I can afford most of the things. :D I am already preparing for the fax and the arrival of winter, this time much more than before. How I hate to buy winter pieces, I often end freezing (because I'm an idiot, I know xD). In reality, winter we have here lately does not know for fashion. When it snows outside, it really does not matter if you look like a moving space-ship as long as you feel warm. There can be a shopping of course, but it's not an ultimatum that things trendy and beautiful, but functional and warm, at least for those icy days.

Although I was already bought scafr and gloves from Accessorize's (which I mentioned here), I saw another perfect furry scarf in NewYorkeru for some 12euros, and I quite like it : D On my wish list is also a belt from Zara, which is not very wide ( because unfortunately the wide belts don't fit me), black with a discrete bow, just somewhere about 13euros, I do not know from which collection it is cause I've seen it before but it's not on sale o.O

Also I'm in a dilemma right now. When I saw this picture of these Dior's boots from last season, I'm feel totally in love and decided to find myself something similar this year. These are the boots:

(Aren't they beautiful??)

Of course, neither I have money for a pair of Dior's boots, nor I have a way to travel to the nearest shop or pay duty for online ordering. And I could just said, unfortunately, they are no longer in the sale, because they are from an old collection xD But I see no point in lying. :)

But in the Usce I actually found something like that. In fact, 2 pairs of boots that I liked. One I found in Pepe Jeans store, but soon as it's multibrend store, I think that the boots are actually from another brand. These boots look like Dior's in a way, they're black, with some flowers and beautiful decorations. Boots are for snow, so they told me. 75euros. They are fabulous, I tried them on, but I can't escape the impression that they look a bit, hmm.. Funny. I think, with a winter jacket and full equipment they won't look so funny probably, but still ... Here's a closest pic I managed to find on the net:
Other boot that I liked are not for the snow, but the rain. It's widely known that I do not know how to choose boots for rain and that I always end up with wet feet. So this year I decided to buy myself a good pair of rubber boots. In Replay I saw these pretty black ones, nice and simple, only with label on them, they looked quite good, pretty ideal for what I need. They look something like this, just with the label on the side, not on top:
actually more beautiful than them. Same price as for the previous, 75euros. Now, I certainly can't afford both. Possibly one, and barely, as things are now stand with a relatively new Puma sneakers that I bought two weeks ago, and those over-the-knee boots three weeks ago, another expense for the shoes is not gonna happen soon. But when the rains starts I will eventually get ones ...

I really do not know which to buy. Somehow I think that is not appropriate to take the one for snow and wear them in the rain while still 10-15 'C degrees outside. On the other hand, I'll probably be frozen in rubber ones when the temperature falls to 0 'C degrees. What do you think? :)