Friday, July 21, 2023

Everything You Need To Know About Tape-In Hair Extensions


Do you love the idea of getting hair extensions? These are an excellent way to cover your hair thinning issues or even a bad haircut. Hair extensions make your hair look more voluminous and longer, provided you choose the right hairpiece. So, if you need clarification about which hair attachment to opt for, the tape-ins would be a safe choice.


Now, you may wonder what tape-in hair extensions are and how they work. So, here we are with a complete guide on what tape-in extensions are, how these can benefit you, and how to choose the best one.

What are Tape-In Hair Extensions, and How Do They Work?

Tape-in hair extensions are fast and convenient for individuals, especially women, to upgrade their hair volume and length. These are suitable for women with hair-thinning problems. As the name suggests, tape-in hair extensions are really taped in. Every weft is secured to your bio hair using medical-grade glue to give it a firm hold for nearly 8 weeks. The total number of wefts used is based on the thickness you wish to add to your original hair.


These hair extensions come in sections between 1 and 1 ½ inches. Your hairdresser needs to apply tape-in hairpieces to your biological hair since they come with medical-grade adhesive glue. Tape-in hair extensions are one of the safest options, as they don’t require any chemicals or tools to secure the piece to your natural hair.


Benefits of Tape-in Hair Extensions

The following are some key advantages of using tape-in hair extensions.

      They Give a Natural Look

Tape-in hairpieces look natural and visually undetectable. Even if you tie up your hair, the tape will remain hidden. The tape is well-aligned and camouflaged with your head, thus minimizing the chances of anybody noticing your false hair. Tape-ins are a great choice for women with fine or thin hair.

      You Can Wash Your Hair with the Extensions On

You heard that right! Hair professionals recommend users wash their hair installed with tape-in hair systems because it is a semi-permanent hairstyle. Since adhesive strips are sensitive to moisture, you should wash them regularly to keep dirt and moisture at bay.


Consider using alcohol-free shampoo and other hair care products made of natural ingredients. Whenever you feel your hair has become dirty or oily, wash your hair immediately to ensure the longevity of your hair extension.

      Easy and Fast Application

You don’t have to worry about time-consuming and clumsy applications with tape-ins. You can apply these hairpieces easily, even while on the move. A tape-in extension application can take just half an hour, and you are good to go with your new look. It can be your last-minute savior, specifically when you make a sudden dinner plan or are invited to a party on short notice.

      A Wide Selection of Shades

People’s biological hair tends to lose its natural color over time. Even if you tend to wear different hair colors from time to time, they will fade with time. And if you wish to stay away from these artificial colors, your real hair will get bleached due to regular sun exposure, rendering lighter tones to your hair strands.


Therefore, if you do not prefer coloring your hair and yet wish to get rid of that faded-away look and luster of your bio hair, tape-in hair extensions are an ideal choice. These are available in multiple shades and styles. Choose your preferred shade to make your hair as natural as possible. You can take a professional hairdresser’s help to choose the shade that closely matches your hair’s natural color.

      Enjoy Fuller and Thicker Hair

Who doesn't love having voluminous and healthy-looking hair? With age or due to several health conditions, we tend to lose our bio hair’s natural shine and volume. Tape-in hair extensions can thicken and lengthen your hair, specifically if you have thin hair patches. Besides, these hair systems offer you maximum versatility while ensuring minimal tension.


Alternatively, you can use tape-ins if you want to go with a long-hair look to some get-together, especially if you are a short-haired woman. Tape-in hair attachments can give your hair a fuller and thicker look within half an hour. However, these extensions are not recommended for individuals with curly or thick hair strands.

      Easy to Maintain

Tape-ins are easy to care for and maintain, provided you follow the instructions correctly. For long-lasting shine and effectiveness, you should use the recommended shampoo, conditioner, and other hair care products.


Furthermore, you must be careful while washing and conditioning your hair and follow the tips advised by your professional hairdresser. Otherwise, it may loosen the hairpiece’s tape. Also, you should not condition your hair roots, as it may make the adhesive tapes slip off. Consider brushing your hair extension several times each day using a dedicated Tangle Teezer brush to minimize the tangles.

      A Reliable Semi-Permanent Solution

Tape-in extensions are semi-permanent solutions, making them ideal for most women. You are freed from clipping in your extension every day. Therefore, you don’t have to stick with the same hairstyle for months. Moreover, tape-ins are also much more affordable than many other options.


7 Hair Extension Trends for Women in 2023

Tips to Choose the Right Tape-in Hair Extension

Here are some tips to pick the appropriate tape-in hair systems for your particular hair type.


      Go for natural human hair extensions for a realistic look, shine, and texture. Besides, you won’t have to compromise on quality with human hairpieces.

      Tape-ins are not recommended for individuals with a dry scalp since adhesive strips won’t be a healthy choice for a dehydrated scalp.

      Taped hair extensions come in a variety of textures, ranging from Type 1 to Type 4. Choose the one that matches well with your biological hair.

      These hairpieces come in two main holds - the regular hold and the extra hold. The former is recommended for women with thin or fine hair and is designed for everyday use. Whereas, the latter is more suitable for women with thicker hair. Avoid investing in thicker holds unless you have extremely thick hair. That’s because they take up more space, making your hair look naturally thicker.

Final Words

To conclude, use the right human hair extensions to suit your specific hairstyle and hair type. Follow the recommendations and care instructions to make your extension last longer. Seek professional help, such as consulting a licensed cosmetologist, to make the right choice and have a more natural hairstyle.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Recenzija: Kiehl's Ultra Pure hijaluronski serum


Dobar dan mile moje i dobrodošle u moju novu recenziju. Možda se prethodno čitale o mom opsežnom iskustvo sa velikom količinom hijaluronskih serume koje sam isprobala, a ako niste, evo ga moj vodič za upotrebu hijaluronskih seruma. Ovaj post nastao je kao nastavak te velike recenzije.

U poslednjih dva meseca družila sam se sa novim serumom sa hijaluronskom kiselinom. U pitanju je Kiehl's serum sa 1.5% hijaluronske kiseline. Kompletan naziv je Kiehl's Ultra Pure High-Potency Serum 1.5% Hyaluronic Acid ali nije da ćete pod tim nazivom da ga tražite u radnji :D

Dakle ovaj hijauronski serum je potpuno providan i dolazi u providnoj bočici od 30 ml sa pripadajućom pipetom. Trenutna cena u Kiehl's radnjama i online shop-u je 4600 rsd, ali kao i uvek, preporučujem vam da čekate 20-25% popusta na Friends and Family day koji se organizuje par puta godišnje. U inostranim Sephora-ma ga možete naći po ceni od 35$.

Interesantna stvar koja mi se dogodila u radnji jeste to što je prodavačica insistirala da nabavim i Kiehl's koncentrat (imate malo o njemu u prethodnoj recenziji koju sam pominjala) jer tvrdi da ovaj serum najbolje radi sa nečim ''ispod''. Nisam sigurna da li je u pitanju prodajna tehnika ili je to stvarno tako, ja hijaluronske serume nanosim na vlažno lice kako bi mogli da dodatno hidriraju, ne stavljam druge proizvode ispod njih osim možda tonika. Na inostranim sajtovima piše da se može koristiti samostalno ili u kombinaciji sa drugim serumima. Koncentrat nisam kupila jer je koštao skoro 10.000 rsd a ja sam došla po serum od 4.600, smatram da je i ta cena malo luksuznija kad su u pitanju hijaluronski serumi :D

Ono što je kul kod ovog seruma, za one koji se lože na ,,prirodno'', jeste što je ovaj serum formulisan od samo 7 ,,čistih'' sastojaka, što u prevodu znači da su izbegnuti neki sastojci koji se smatraju ,,teškom hemijom''. Nanosi se 2-3 kapi ujutru i uveče. Ja sam ga uglavnom koristila uveče, a bilo je bogami potrebno više od dve-tri kapi da se pokrije lice, da ne pričamo o vratu i dekolteu. Uprkos tome što ga nisam štedela, evo posle 2 meseca imam još nekih 20% proizvoda u bočici, što znači da bi vam trajao možda mesec i po dana sa preporučenim dvodnevnim korišćenjem.

Sam serum nije naročito lepljiv niti težak: lako izlazi iz pipete i lako se razmazuje po koži. Nema ni neki miris. Generalno je namenjen svim tipovima kože uključujući osetljivu, poput moje. Za sapatnice sa osetljivom kožom mogu reći da možemo odahnuti: nije bilo nikakvih negativnih reakcija, crvenila ili bubuljica od koriščenja ovog seruma.

Što se efikasnosti tiče, ovo je serum koji bih lično svrstala u kategoriju srednje učinkovitosti. Ne postoji naročito vidljiv ,,plumping'' efekat što je nešto što ja veoma volim kod hijaluronskih seruma. 

Da li je koža dovoljno hidrirana od ovog seruma? Da, ali negde na granici potrebne hidratacije. Zato sam i koristila veću količinu seruma od preporučene, uz sve hidrantnu kremu preko naravno. 

Ako mu je stvarno potreban koncentrat da bi izvukao najbolje iz njegove učinkovitosti, to je ok, ali je po mom mišljenju bacanje para i loše napravljen proizvod ako mu treba povezani proizvod da bi radio ono što serum sam po sebi treba da radi.

Da li se kruni sa lica? Ne. 

Da li može umesto prajmera? Generalno da, ali neće odraditi neki specijalan posao sem blage hidratacije.

Da li je odnos cene i kvaliteta na mestu? Ako kupujete na popustu, tu su negde, ali sam očekivala više.

Da li ću kupiti ponovo? Ne verujem, mislim da se vraćam LRP hijaluronskom serumu.

Sve u svemu, ok proizvod sa blagom formulacijom od kog sam očekivala više.

To je sve za danas mile moje, ako imate neka pitanja, slobodno mi pišite na instagramu @venomafashionfreak

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