Emblem Eyewear Autumn Favorites
October 28, 2017 Venoma 0 Comments
Hello my lovelies! Welcome to another review of Emblem Eyewear products! It's all about sunglasses today in my new post! Autumn is here and winter is coming. A good trendy pair of sunglasses should help to make you look chic as well as protect you from the wind and rain.
That's why I picked out my favorites from Emblem Eyewear and I will share them with you today!
These are the first ones that caught my eye because they are so pin up and retro, but also red as a color is super trendy this autumn, so I just had to own a pair of my own sunnies like these!
The second pair I choose are Retro Indie Fun Pattern Color Assorted Print Horned Rim Sunglasses . Aren't they just amazing? They are a perfect combination of florals for the autumn while keeping the spring fling in them, wouldn't you agree?
And last but not least - I picked Cute Womens Metal Heart Shape Flash Mirrored Sunglasses .
I bet you already know I am a sucker for a heart shape and mirrored moments when it comes to sunglasses. These are the sunglasses I reach for the most this autumn. You can see a bit better how they look here. I just love them!
All of these models you have seen in outfit posts so far, but I wanted to make a separate post just to show you close up how good these are. I hope you'll enjoy the post! Share your thoughts!
Human Hair by DSoarHair
October 27, 2017 Venoma 0 Comments
Hello my lovelies and welcome to my new post! Autumn is here, Halloween is around the corner, and that is the time of the year when we are all thinking about our hair! And why? Well, first of all, we need to protect our hair from the weather including cold and wind that might damage it, so we should avoid treating it aggressively at this time of the year. Second of all, Halloween it the point of the year where everybody goes completely wild about wigs, Peruvian hair, hair extensions and other hair accessories that make a perfect addition to a Halloween costume.
That is why today I will be checking out with you a brand new online store called DSoarHair where you can find anything hair related that you can imagine. I browsed through their site and I found everything you might need when it comes to hair together with all types of hair - you can choose between Peruvian hair, Malaysian hair, Indian and Brazilian as well! Isn't that amazing?
I also really loved their choice of human hair weaves. You can choose among curly, body wave, straight, natural, deep or loose wave, while my personal favorites are among the wide choice of ombre human hair weaves. It is so much fun and so useful that you can just buy a piece of Brazilian curly hair in the color you need or ombre style and with that you can refresh your hair look completely without doing damage to your natural hair.
As a fan of Halloween wigs I also noticed that they have a Halloween promotion going on that I believe you guys might find very interesting. They offer both lace front wigs and full lace wigs for all your Halloween ideas and costumes you might wear.
Let me know what do you think about this store and these human hair products my lovelies!
Lots of love,
How to Wear Florals This Fall
October 27, 2017 Venoma 0 Comments
It is no secret that fashion trends frequently change…
They change each year, but even more frequently than that, they
also change with each season.
And, as the leaves are changing and the morning air is
cooling down, it is no secret that fall season is now upon us.
The mild temperatures and fun festivities that accompany
fall make for one of the best seasons for fashion of the year.
And, this
year’s fall fashion trends incorporate some of the best fashion trends of
the year, so far – one of those being floral.
But, floral is a bold print that can leave some people a bit
frightened and intimidated when it comes to determining just how they should
wear it.
Don’t be afraid of it though, rather embrace it and rock one of the best
looks this fall. Here are a few tips on how to rock your floral printed
clothes this fall:
Try it out at the office.
An extra-long floral shirtdress is a great way to rock such
a bold print at the office, while still looking work appropriate. Throw it on
over some solid black pants, with some black heels, and a belt at the waist.
You will look classic, elegant, and very put together.
But, most importantly, you will look fashionable.
Rock it with a mesh top.
Like I mentioned earlier in this post, floral is a bold
The colorful and large flowery print can make some people
feel more like their clothes are wearing them rather than that they are wearing
their clothes.
But, a floral sheer mesh top is the perfect solution to this
It offers a classic and elegant floral print but the sheer
mesh material keeps it simple. Try throwing on a dark camisole underneath to
help balance everything out and add a solid skirt on the bottom to complete
your look.
Work it into your weekend-wear.
One key aspect of fall is that it is somewhat of a
transitional period – typically, it is what takes us from warm months to cold
months. So, most days of fall can have us feeling somewhere in between.
There will be some days you will likely find it too warm for
a floral trench coat but too cool for a pair of shorts and a floral t-shirt…
So, on those days, try a floral jumpsuit. A simple, adorable
floral jumpsuit is a great, comfortable look for the weekend. Throw on some
simple flats or Keds and you are fully in style.
Double up and accentuate.
But, for those days where it is feeling extra chilly…
up on your jackets and accentuate your floral look.
Simply grab a great, light floral jacket and pick out the
most prominent color in it. Next, grab a bigger jacket that is solid and is the
color of the prominent color in your floral piece. Lastly, layer the two –
either placing the floral jacket underneath or on top based on your personal
You will stay warm, be in style, and have complimenting
Floral doesn’t have to be intimidating, you just have to
know how to wear it this fall.
What is your favorite
way to wear floral? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.
5 Tips to styling a designer kaftan
October 25, 2017 Venoma 0 Comments
Anyone who appreciates fashion and style knows how important it is to have at least one kaftan in the closet. Designer Kaftans can be worn in a variety of ways and offer great comfort while being stylish and appealing to the eye. One of the greatest perks to wearing a kaftan is that they are versatile, allow for great airflow, look lovely, and are extremely comfortable. Dress a kaftan up with a nice pair of wedge heels or go for a more casual look in a pair of sandals or flip flops. Whatever you choose to do, styling a kaftan is simple. This article will highlight some of the most popular ways to style a designer kaftan regardless of the season.
- Beachy style. If you are going to be visiting the beach, it is critical to have a kaftan in tow. If you live at the beach, you know how important it is to have a kaftan in the closet as it is easy to throw on when going to the beach or out to brunch with friends. The great thing about kaftans is that they are a classic look that will never go out of style.
- Casual party attire. While on vacation, wearing a kaftan to a casual party is a standard way to dress. Many who vacation at the beach or in a community that offers great warmth will welcome the traditional kaftan or the newer jumpsuit model. A casual party where a dress code is not required makes it a great opportunity to wear a kaftan with a nice pair of wedge heels and proper accessories. One particular perk to packing a kaftan for vacation is that it does not take up much space and can be folded in a way that will not require it to wrinkle.
- Shoes can make or break an outfit. As with any type of outfit, shoes can make a huge difference in the look and style of the ensemble. If you plan to wear your kaftan to the beach, a casual pair of sandals or flip flops will be fine. However, if you are going out to dinner or out on a date, you will want to wear a nice pair of heels or wedged sandals with your kaftan for a dressier look.
- Add accessories. Before you leave the house, be sure that you have accessorized your kaftan appropriately. While you don’t need to wear a necklace or any other jewelry if you are going to go for a swim in the ocean, it is a good idea to bring along a beach bag and a pair of high quality polarized women's sunglasses. However, if you plan to go out on a date with a potential beau, you will want to wear a necklace or earrings that go with your kaftan. Be sure to bring a nice handbag that coordinates well with the color of your outfit as well.
Choose a color that suits your personality. We have already mentioned in this article that one of the best perks of wearing a designer kaftan is its versatility. You can get a kaftan in a wide variety of colors and fabrics for any occasion.
Wild Thoughts
October 23, 2017 Venoma 0 Comments
Hello my lovelies! How is your day going? Here's a twist on a retro polka dot dress I fell in love recently. It gets a bit more badass with a leather jacket on. Enjoy!
I am wearing:
Sunnies: Emblem Eyewear
Hat: Oasap Bag: Carpisa
Dress: Rosegal
Boots: Amiclubwear
Lots of love
Dye Human Hair Extensions Yourself
October 21, 2017 Venoma 0 Comments
Real hair extensions can modify your style and allow you to change and check out new hairstyles. Indian Remy extensions are the longest lasting extensions and could be worn for many year - very long time. Some ladies who put on real hair weaves question if it safe to dye their real hair extensions.
But you can do anything with real human hair extensions that can be done for your natural hair. Including dyeing, cutting, use of extreme heat and chemically processing your real hair. Many weave wearers dye extensions to obtain an exact match for their natural hair color. Thing to remember when dyeing your real hair extensions:
Perform a strand test first. While you can dye hair extensions, you need to first test to determine the way they will handle the coloring process. Mix the dye as directed, then affect one small strand or portion of the hair. Be aware of the finish result before ongoing to dye all of your hair.
Virgin extensions are the most useful kind of weaves for dyeing. Because virgin Remy extensions haven't been chemically processed by any means, they may be dyed with minimal harm to your hair. While it is best to avoid excessively harsh chemicals, virgin Remy extensions could be lightened or darkened as natural hair. Experts advise you to not make an effort to dye non-Remy hair weaves. These extensions happen to be chemically treated, stripping the strand to the weakest. They can be not sufficiently strong to become dyed.
It might take multiple applications to lighten hair extensions.To dye black extensions to blonde or light brown color, you have to first strip your hair of their natural color. Then you definitely must bleach your hair towards the preferred shade. This might take several tries to get the best color. As always, perform a strand test first to prevent winding up having a mind filled with orange locks.
Just like strong chemicals can strip and damage your natural hair, harsh chemicals may also damage your real hair extensions beyond repair. Indian Remy hair weave possess the cuticle layer intact. This surface on the strand provides the hair its natural shine and the body. By utilizing fabric dyes which are too strong for that hair you are able to strip the cuticle, making your extensions weak, dull and brittle.
Indian Remy extensions are available in many colors. With clip-in extensions, full lace wigs and lace frontals, you are able to rapidly and securely improve your hair color immediately.
Recenzija: Golden Rose Noviteti za Lice Jesen 2017
October 21, 2017 Venoma 0 Comments
Dobrodošli u novu kozmetičku recenziju Golden Rose noviteta za jesen i zimu! Nakon što smo zajedno razgledali Golden Rose lakove za nokte, testirali Golden Rose nove maskare ali i Golden Rose proizvode za usne koje znam da volite, vreme je da se osvrnemo na ostatak noviteta koje nam je Golden Rose pripremio ove godine. Nadam se da ćete uživati i da će vam ova recenzija biti od koristi!
Prvi proizvod o kojem ću vam pisati danas jeste Golden Rose CC krema koja dolazi u pakovanju od 30ml. CC krema služi da koriguje žute i ljubičaste tonove, prikrije blago crvenilo i nesavršenosti lica. Bez parabena i sa SPF 30, ovaj proizvod obećava zaštitu vašeg lica od spoljašnjih uticaja. Može se koristiti sama ili ispod tečnog pudera. Veoma je lagane teksture i lako se razmazuje. Međutim, s obzirom na to da je moja koža lica između suve i normalne, a da je sa korišćenjem ovog proizvoda postala značajno sjajnija, svakako bih savetovala korišćenje u tankom sloju. Nakon nekoliko testiranja, zaključila sam da mi najviše odgovara na predelu ispod očiju koji nahrani i sakrije nesavršenosti, ali na celom licu ne.
Golden Rose Silicone Make-up Sponge odnosno Golden Rose silikonski beauty blender je potpuni novitet za mene. Prvi put sam se susrela sa ovakvim proizvodom nakon što sam gledala strane Youtubere kako ih isprobavaju u svojim videima. Mišljenja su podeljena a evo ga i moje: definitivno najveća prednost ovog alata nad klasičnim beauty blenderom jeste što ne upija proizvod i jako lako se čisti nakon korišćenja. Potrebna je značajno manja količina proizvoda da se pokrije celo lice. Korišćenje ovog beauty blendera ostavlja određenu teksturu na koži (kao i svaki alat za nanošenje šminke) i individualno je da li će vam se to dopasti ili ne. Meni je u suštini veoma zabavno da ga koristim za nanošenje tečnog pudera.
Sledeći novitet nam dolazi u luksuznom pakovanju i u pitanju je Golden Rose Oval Highlighter Concealer & Contour Brush. Kartonsko pakovanje možete videti na slici, a sama četkica je sjajno konstruisana i laka za korišćenje. Vlakna su veoma gusta i meni lično najviše odgovara za nanošenje korektora na predeo ispod očiju.
Jedan od noviteta jeste i Trisa flexible head3 četkica za zube koju planiram da isprobam u narednom periodu, ali vam već sada mogu reći da sam sa prethodnom Trisa četkicom za zube bila jako zadovoljna pa verujem da će se slična priča ponoviti i sa ovom.
Proizvod koji se već neko vreme nalazi u drogerijama, a koji sam imala prilike da isprobam jeste Golden Rose korektor za kosu koji služi za privremeno prekrivanje sedih. Po pakovanju od 5.2 gr proizvod najviše podseća na karmin samo što ga umesto na usne nanosite na koren kose tamo gde vidite sede. Učinkovit je na kratke staze, taman dovoljna za hitne situacije ili da premostite onih poslednjih par dana do farbanja. Nisam primetila da mi masti kosu.
Jedan od omiljenih noviteta mi je Golden Rose Kabuki Brush, četkica neverovatne gustoće i interesantnog oblika. Dolazi u elegantnom pakovanju zajedno sa plastičnim delom koji vam olakšava čuvanje i higijenu iste. Dosta mi se dobro pokazala za nanošenje kontura.
Poslednja tri proizvoda o kojima ću vam pisati danas dolaze u obliku kremastih olovaka i možete ih videti na slikama iznad. Pre svega, tu je Golden Rose Color Corrector Crayon koji služi za korigovanje braon tonova i podočnjaka. Ima 4 gr proizvoda i sadrži vitamin E, a možete ga naći u 4 varijante. Tekstura je srednje čvrsta tako da treba malo napora da se ublenda, ali je zato pokrivenost sjajna. Zatim imamo Golden Rose Concealer & Corrector Crayon koji služi za skrivanje svih imperfekcija lica i takođe sadrži 4 gr proizvoda. Dostupan je u više nijansi, tačnije sedam, lakše se blenda zbog mekše teksture i sadrži vitamin E. Oba prethodna proizvoda će vam se dopasti u slučaju da ste ljubitelj kremastih korektora i imate problema sa pigmentacijom na licu. I za sam kraj sam ostavila svoj faovorit - Golden Rose Contour Crayon Face Shaping Stick - definitivno moja nova omiljena kremasta kontura koja se može naći u drogerijama. Možete ga naći u tri nijanse, lako se nanosi i savršeno se blenda.
To je sve za današnju recenziju drage moje. Nadam se da će vam biti od koristi. Slobodno podelite vaša iskustva sa ovim proizvodima!
Vaša Venoma
*proizvodi prikazani u postu su dobijeni od proizvođača/uvoznika/pr-a, što ne utiče na objektivnost ove recenzije
Recenzija: Golden Rose Noviteti za Usne Jesen 2017
October 14, 2017 Venoma 2 Comments
Zdravo drage moje! Dobrodošle u novu recenziju Golden Rose proizvoda za usne, novih tečnih ruževa, kremastih olovaka za usne i flomastera za usne. U pitanju su novi proizvodi spremni da se sa njima družimo ove jeseni, a ja ću vam u narednim redovima preneti svoje utiske o njima.
Kada su u pitanju Golden Rose tečni ruževi, o njima sam do sada imala samo reči hvale, a ta tradicija se nastavila i sa tri nove jesenje nijasne - . Kao i prethodni Golden rose tečni ruževi iz linije Longstay Liquid Matte Lipstick Kissproof, i ovi ruževi dolaze u elegantnim providnim bočicama od po 5.5 milimetara. Aplikator je dugačak i pljosnat, omogućava lako u precizno nanošenje, kao i precrtavanje usana radi vizuelnog uvećanja istih.
Nijansa 25 je prava jesenja nijansa, duboka braon koja skreće pažnju na vaš makeup look. Nijansa 26 je donekle slična nekim ljubičanstvenim nijansama koje smo ranije viđali, ali je nešto tamnija. Nijansa 23 predstavlja verziju popularne nijanse 10 koja je blago toplija i samim tim će verovatno bolje stajati većini žena.
Nijansa 25 je prava jesenja nijansa, duboka braon koja skreće pažnju na vaš makeup look. Nijansa 26 je donekle slična nekim ljubičanstvenim nijansama koje smo ranije viđali, ali je nešto tamnija. Nijansa 23 predstavlja verziju popularne nijanse 10 koja je blago toplija i samim tim će verovatno bolje stajati većini žena.
Što se tiče same formule, kao što sam vam pisala u prethodnoj recenziji Golden rose proizvoda u kojoj sam se prvi put susrela sa Golden rose Longstay liquid lipsticks linijom, ove ruževe karakteristiše izuzetna pigmentovanost koja omogućava nanošenje u samo jednom sloju uz odličnu pokrivnost. Izbegavam nanošenje drugog sloja zbog nagomilavanja proizvoda na usnama.
Dugotrajnost je zagarantovana, ruževi nakon sušenja od nepunih minut ne ostavljaju tragove nakon poljubaca, izdržavaju sva pića i hranu koja nije isuviše masna. Najbolje se skidaju dvofaznim sredstvom za skidanje šminke (Bioten) ili boljim micelarnim vodama (Bioderma, Garnier roza).
Golden Rose Smart Lips Moisturizing Lipstick si novitet kad su u pitanju proizvodi za usne u Golden Rose asortimanu. U pitanju su veoma meke i obimne olovke za usne kojima treba rukovati veoma pažljivo jer nisu otporne na spoljašnje uticaje kao tvrde olovke. Njihov obim omogućava laku i brzu aplikaciju, a težina na usnama gotovo da ni ne postoji kada koristite ove olovke. Pigmentacija je odlična i već u jednom sloju postižete dobru pokrivnost, a slobodno možete naneti i više slojeva. Potrebno je dodati još proizvoda nakon jela. Proizvod se sam po sebi ne razliva ali za bitnije prilike svakako savetujem uokviravanje tvrdom olovkom za usne za svaki slučaj.
Na prethodnim slikama možete videti različite proizvode za usne i njihove swatch-eve. Krenućemo odozgo nadole, a prvi je Golden Rose Lip Marker, ujedno jedini proizvod sa kojim nisam uspela nikako da pronađem zajednički jezik. U pitanju je svakako interesantna ideja, proizvod dolazi u obliku markera i sadrži ml. Fokus je na trajnosti, gde se obećava ultra dugotrajnost. Konkretna nijansa koju sam isprobala je 104. Lip marker se lako nanosi i sa svakim novim slojem (a potrebno je nekoliko) postaje sve intenzivnija boja. Međutim, kako prethodno nisam uradila piling usana, ovaj proizvod mi je samo istakao suvoću usana na način koji nije bio estetski prijatan. Kako po prirodi imam malo suvlje usne, ovaj proizvod nažalost nije za mene. Vrlo je verovatno da se bolje pokazuje posle pilinga ili kod osoba koje nemaju problem sa suvim usnama.
Sledeća dva swatcha su napravljena uz pomoć Golden Rose Matte Lipstick Crayon u nijansi 27 i 28. U pitanju su prelepe nude nijanse od kojih jedna vuče na roze, a druga na zlatno. Proizvodi dolaze u srednje obimnim olovkama od 3.5 gr i omogućavaju precizno nanošenje. Nešto su precizniji i otporniji od Smart Lips, a pigmentacija je odlična već u prvom sloju i potrebna je svega mala popravka posle jela.
Poslednji proizvod od ova 4 je jedan od mojih omiljenih - Golden Rose Dream Lips Lipliner u nijansi 530. Tanka olovka za uokviravanje usana koja se takođe može koristiti i za ispunjavanje, srednje je tvrdoće i lako se koristi. Nijansa 530 je prelepa i može se koristiti uz sve ljubičaste nijanse tečnih ruževa, ali i zasebno.
Poslednji proizvod od ova 4 je jedan od mojih omiljenih - Golden Rose Dream Lips Lipliner u nijansi 530. Tanka olovka za uokviravanje usana koja se takođe može koristiti i za ispunjavanje, srednje je tvrdoće i lako se koristi. Nijansa 530 je prelepa i može se koristiti uz sve ljubičaste nijanse tečnih ruževa, ali i zasebno.
A za kraj sam ostavila najslađe - proizvod sa kojim ste se sigurno susretali tokom ove godine jeste Golden Rose tečni ruž u nijasni 10, izuzetno popularna nijansa i u mojoj kolekciji, ovoga puta dolazi u malom pakovanju savršenom za večernje torbice! Možete videti odnos malog i velikog pakovanja na poslednjoj slici, a formula je naravno ostala ista.
To je sve za današnju recenziju drage moje. Nadam se da će vam biti od koristi. Slobodno podelite vaša iskustva sa ovim proizvodima!
Vaša Venoma
*proizvodi prikazani u postu su dobijeni od proizvođača/uvoznika/pr-a, što ne utiče na objektivnost ove recenzije
Vaša Venoma
*proizvodi prikazani u postu su dobijeni od proizvođača/uvoznika/pr-a, što ne utiče na objektivnost ove recenzije
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BEAUTY - FASHION -TRAVEL Welcome to my blog! You can call me Venoma. I have been blogging for 10 years and counting. Enjoy my content and find me on Instagram for more!
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