Homecoming dresses by Cocomelody
July 29, 2015 Venoma 1 Comments
Hello my cute cupcakes! Are you having a great sunny Wednesday? I hope you are! Here on Venoma Fashion Freak it's time for another one of my ''online shopping'' post in my ''special occasion'' category. I will be browsing some great stores for you in search for just the right dress for your special event and all that in affordable price range!
Today we will be talking a bit more about homecoming, a very special event for plenty of girls around the world. The most important part for all of them is of course the choice of a perfect dress among all those homecoming dresses .
A great store for you to find everything you might need for your homecoming is Cocomelody . Starting with wedding dresses, CocoMelody has since added more products and strive to provide outstanding quality without the costs of traditional bridal boutiques, and with the ease of shopping from online retailers. Their product team searches multiple markets to bring the newest and hottest looks for weddings and parties. CocoMelody offers a vast selection of wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, mother of the bride dresses and special occasion dresses for prom, cocktail, homecoming, graduation, sweet 16 and Quinceañera parties.
As you know, when I browse so many beautiful dresses I find it hard to pick my favorites, but pink and blue are drawing me in this time. The coolest thing is that you can find so many cheap homecoming dresses under 100 . You can see some of those models on the pictures, but I would also love to hear your favorites!
Lots of love,
Wedding shopping: Millybridal
July 29, 2015 Venoma 0 Comments
Hello my sugar cups! Are you having a lovely sunny Wednesday like I am? I hope you do! It is again one of those days when I will presenting you with stores you didn't discover yet that can make your life and, for examlpe, your wedding planning, so much easier! Yes, it's time for another online shopping post in the section of ''Wedding shopping''!
Today I will present you with a new store called Millybridal! Millybridal offers a wide range of wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, mother of the bridesmaid dresses, flower girl dresses even wedding accessories. Millybridal also offers ethereal, classic and fashion-forward wedding attires that match your figure and personality. They aim to keep the prices low, so that every bride can afford the dress she's been dreaming of. Your satisfaction is their ultimate goal!
When it comes to wedding dresses, every bride has huge issues to pick the right one. That's why it's important to find a store like this, that can not only offer you hundreds of different models of wedding dresses, but also to make sure that those are cheap wedding dresses ! I picked out a few favorites from their site, I love the mermaid shape and beautiful waist detail that they have. I would also love for you dolls to share your favorites with me!
Lots of love,
I see flowers + Jexshop giveaway winner
July 27, 2015 Venoma 12 Comments
The end of this July for me mostly means that I survived around three weeks on 40'C in Belgrade so far. It also means that I am going back to preparing those two exams I have left very soon and I'm not looking forward to that. But what I am looking forward to is my birthday in August. You guys know how much I just love my birthday! And I also managed to find a short trip arrangement that I find too irresistible to miss so I will also be travelling again next month, this time to Venice (again) and Gardaland (for the first time!). I'm actually going to be in Gardaland for my birthday and I'm hoping for a best birthday ever!
The fashion part: I am mixing something new with something old today and I hope you guys will enjoy it!
Kraj juna u mom kraju znači da smo preživeli treću nedelju u kojoj temperatura prelazi 40'C. Avgustu se radujem u nadi za blagim zahlađenjem i isčekujem svoj rođendan sa velikim uzbuđenjem, kao i svake godine. Takođe se veoma radujem kratkom putovanju u Veneciju i Gardaland koje sam isplanirala. Biću u Gardalandu za svoj rođendan i mislim da će to biti najbolji rođendan ikada!
Što se tiče današnjeg outfita, evo jedne ideje kako da preživite pretople letnje dane i ostanete stylish. Uživajte!
Sunnies Bracelet: Oasap Bag:: Amiclubwear
Dress and belt: no name
Ear cuff Leg jewelry:: Banggood
Ear cuff Leg jewelry:: Banggood
Shoes: Sheinside
Share your thoughts dolls!
Until my next post,
Soufeel jewelry review vol.3
July 24, 2015 Venoma 6 Comments
The whole package is sent in a big Soufeel cardboard box, while inside your actual jewelry box is packed within another package with bubble wrap on the inside and a Soufeel gift bag. Jewelry box with a blue bow is the cutest. Inside you can find all your charms individually wrapped as well as your bracelet and a piece of fabric for cleaning! Soufeel thinks of everything when it comes to packaging.
The bracelet I chose this time makes it all even more glamours - this bangle keeps it more elegant than regular bracelet. All five charms I chose are very special to me - two heart for two people I love the most, one suitcase for my love of travel, one camera charm for my love for photography and one ''august'' charm, charm of the month of my birth!
P.S. at Soufeel they provide free shipping and 365-day return service, so that you can enjoy a risk-free shopping experience there! Here is an extra 5% off coupon code: BLOG5, with which you can
save extra 5% on any orders.
What do you think about bracelets with charms lovelies? Did you know about Soufeel before? Do you like my choice of charms? Please share your thoughts!
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Lots of love,
Ruffles + ZNU giveaway winner
July 20, 2015 Venoma 15 Comments
Hey babies! Are you having a heat wave in your country right now? Because it's been over 35'C every day here in Belgrade for two weeks and it doesn't seem to be going down any time soon. It's getting a bit harder to make photos outdoors, but I still prefer this over freezing winter.
For the fashion part: I am in love with my latest dress piece from Showinbuy. I think this dress would look good with a waist belt as well, but I always put a waist belt on so I decided to change it up a bit. I'm also showing you my latest pair of Bata sandals (you know how much I love Bata shoes 'cause they are so comfortable). Enjoy!
Zdravo drage moje! Danas sam za vas spremila jednu malo svečaniju odevnu kombinaciju. Volim trend providnih topova i čipke koji je svuda oko nas ovog leta. Ova haljina izgleda super i kada se na nju stavi kaiš, ali kako kaiševe prečesto nosim, ovaj put sam rešila da preskočim. Ukombinovala sam ovu svečanu crnu haljinu sa Bata sandalama koje znate već koliko volim. Uživaje u postu!
I am wearing:
Sunnies: Freyrs
Dress: Showinbuy
Clutch: Prettyguide Bracelets: Accessorize
Silver bracelet: Soufeel
Sandals: Bata
Until my next post,
Tretman za mršavljenje - KPS strong tretman
July 17, 2015 Venoma 3 Comments
Zdravo drage moje! Danas je predivan petak u slučaju da ste na moru, bazenu ili negde u klimatizovanom prostoru. Ukoliko jeste na jednom od ta tri mesta, predlažem vam da se ne udaljavate od istog i da vreme provedete uživajući i čitajući još jedan u nizu mojih beauty postova.
Danas smo za vas spremili jednu letnju goruću temu a to je naravno - mršavljenje odnosno ''summer body goals''. Ako na brz način života koji smo primorani da vodimo u današnje vreme dodamo samo malo ljubavi prema hrani, lenjosti ili pak godina koje nam prirodno usporavaju metabolizam, sva je šansa da će nam tokom pripremanja i održavanja našeg idealnog letnjeg tela biti potrebna barem mala asistencija.
Jedan od tretmana koji vam može pomoći u tom slučaju je upravo KPS strong tretman o kojem ću vam kuckati danas. Pokušaću što više da vam približim ovaj sjajan tretman! :)
Šta je KPS strong tretman?
U pitanju je tretman aparatom nove generacije koji je usvojio i objedinio dosadašnja saznanja medicine i kozmetike u službi zdravlja i lepote kod pripadnica lepšeg pola. Apsolutno neškodljiv, pouzdan i efikasan.
Koje su sve funkcije KPS strong tretmana?
1. zamena za ОPS liposukciju
2. delimično ili celo telo podvrgava mršavljenju
3. zatezanje ˇviška “opuštene kože posle porođaja ili naglih oscilacija težine - еfikasno rešava višak kože posle liposukcije
4. poboljšava brzinu metabolizma, ubrzava izbacivanje nepotrebnih i štetnih materija i nagomilane tečnosti iz tela
5. uklanja strije
6. opušta mišiće
7. uklanja celulit, učvrsćuje zadnjicu i noge i uklanja “narandžinu koru”
Jedna od prednosti KPS strong tretmana je što rastvara trigliceride na glicerin i slobodne masne kiseline, tako da se tretmani mogu raditi dva puta nedeljno.
Ovaj tretman sam pronašla i probala u studiju lepote Delight. Ono što je meni vrlo privlačno kod ovog tretmana jeste što pre svega mogu da targetiram delove tela sa kojih želim da izgubim masne naslage. Tako nešto sam jako dugo tražila, jer mi prilikom mršavljenja uglavnom masne naslage odlaze iz svih drugih delova tela osim stomaka, odakle želim da odu. Druga super stvar kod ovog tretmana je što je sasvim bezbolan i ne traje dugo.
Više informacija o ovom, ali i drugim tretmanima za mršavljenje poput multipolarne kavitacije, laserskog uklanjanja celulita i sličnog možete pronaći na sajtu salona Delight.
Takođe bih volela da čujem vaša iskustva sa tretmanima za mršavljenje drage moje!
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Online shopping: Aisle Style
July 16, 2015 Venoma 1 Comments
Hello my sugar cups! This summer is getting so hot around here that I am refusing to leave my well cooled room and my lap-top, I am seriously thinking of spending all of this season browsing some great online stores in search for some amazing evening dresses and sharing all of my finds with you. I am presenting you with another store for all of you dress lovers. I really hope you will like it!
Play it on repeat
July 13, 2015 Venoma 15 Comments
I must admit I officially have a first outfit favorite for this summer. Adorable black and white dress together with a necklace from the same store paired with Amiclubwear bag (so cute that I'm gonna die) and an old but still trendy pair of shoes look so well together that I wore this combo to two events in the past few weeks. I hope you'll like it too!
Moram priznati da mi je ovaj outfit omiljeni kada su u pitanju letnji outfiti. Crno-bela kratka haljina na pruge i torbica sa ukrasnim resama nije nešto sa čim možete da pogrešite ovog leta. One-strap sandalice su takođe tu da dodaju na eleganciji. Ukoliko želite manje svečanu kombinaciju, možete zameniti štikle baletankama. Uživajte u postu!
I am wearing
Sunnies: Romwe Watch: Daniel Wellington
Dress: ZNU Necklace: ZNU
Bag: Amiclubwear Belt: Beste shop
Shoes: Lovely shoes
What do you think dolls? Share your thoughts with me!
What do you think dolls? Share your thoughts with me!
Until my next post,
Long boots
July 06, 2015 Venoma 18 Comments
When it comes to boots in summer, these are the only type I would wear. I tried few months ago to buy a pair similar to what I'm wearing today, but they were sold out in my size, so I was more than happy when I found them online. These lovelies from Amiclubwear stole my heart right away. I know I'm overdoing the ''all black'' look, but I'm impressed that it looks even better now that my hair is different. So please bear with me xD Enjoy the post!
Kada su u pitanju letnje čizme, u mom slučaju dolaze u obzir samo ove koje ćete videti na slikama ispod i ništa drugo. Već dugo sam tražila jedan ovakav par, prošli put kada sam naišla na njih u Beogradu bile su rasprodate u mom broju. Mnogo sam se obradovala kada sam našla isti model u radnji Amiclubwear. Današnji look je all black, baš onako kako volim. Uživajte u postu!
I am wearing:
Sunnies: Amiclubwear Bracelet: Soufeel
Dress: DX Mall Bag: DressSale
Boots: Amiclubwear
What do you think dolls? Share your thoughts!
Until my next post,
Jexshop 10$ Coupon Giveaway !
July 04, 2015 Venoma 39 Comments
You heard it right! It's time for another awesome giveaway!
This time Venoma Fashion Freak blog and Jexshop, an awesome online store where you can find a wide range clothing for women, shoes, bags and accessories, have prepared a 10$ coupon for one lucky winner! And for 10$ you can buy really a lot of gorgeous fashionable items on this site.
Shipping is free, which means it comes straight to your doorstep!
Here's what do you have to do to apply:
1. Follow Venoma Fashion Freak via Google Friend Connect (box on the right)
2. Like Jexshop HERE and Venoma Fashion Freak HERE
3. Leave a comment containing your name, username and e-mail AND your favorite item from Jexshop!
Tretman lica u Beogradu - “Crna lutkica”
July 01, 2015 Venoma 13 Comments
Zdravo drage moje! Danas sam vam spremila specijalan post iz ,,beauty'' kategorije. Pre svega, nakon dužeg vremena evo jednog posta na srpskom, pošto ćemo pričati o nečemu što će verovatno više zanimati moje domaće nego moje inostrane čitaoce. Kao što znate, moja koža lica je izuzetno osetljiva i malo joj šta odgovara, a kako polako punim 25 godina, počela sam da istražujem tretmane lica u Beogradu. Danas ću sa vama podeliti svoje nedavno otkriće u salonu lepote Delight - tretman lica ,,Crna lutkica'' koji daje porcelanski ten.
,,Crna lutkica'' je laserski tretman lica u kombinaciji sa vulkanskom pastom za poboljšanje sjaja i glatkoće kože. Ovaj tretman je jedan od najnaprednijih laserskih tretmana za podmladjivanje kojim se smanjuju bore, sužavaju pore, smanjuje lučenje masnoća, uklanjanje mitesera… Najsavremeniji ND Yag laser isporučuje impulse svetlosti visokog inteziteta sa maksimalnim uspesima za uklanjanje nepravilnosti na koži. ND Yag laser se takođe koristi i za uklanjanje trajnih tetovaža,
Pre tretmana laserom, nanosi se krema od ugljenika, poznatija kao “vulkanska pasta” sa česticama srebra na celo lice i ostavlja se da se suši oko 15 minuta. Zatim, ND Yag q switch laserom se ugljenikove čestice putem laserske svetlosti apsorbuju u kožu. Uzimajući u obzir da se laserski zraci “kreću” preko kože dobija se i piling kože. Termički efekat laserskog snopa stimuliše obnovu kolagena i elastina, ubrzavajući mikrocirkulaciju, tako da dobijamo efekat podmladjivanja vrlo brzo.
Šta se postiže tretmanom ,,Crna lutkica'' ?
*smanjuje bore
*sužava proširene pore
*smanjuje akne i ožiljke
*uklanja izumrle ćelije iz površinskog sloja epiderma
*stimuliše rast kolagena i elastina
*ubrzava mikrocirkulaciju kože
*poboljšava teksturu kože lica
*vraća sjaj i glatkoću kože lica
Šta se postiže tretmanom ,,Crna lutkica'' ?
*smanjuje bore
*sužava proširene pore
*smanjuje akne i ožiljke
*uklanja izumrle ćelije iz površinskog sloja epiderma
*stimuliše rast kolagena i elastina
*ubrzava mikrocirkulaciju kože
*poboljšava teksturu kože lica
*vraća sjaj i glatkoću kože lica
Tretman “Crna lutkica” je popularan širom sveta, a nedavno je ušao u prvih deset najboljih tretmana za podmladjivanje u Los Angeles-u. Ono što je najvažnije po mom mišljenju je što je tretman neinvazivan. Tokom tretmana koji traje 45 minuta osećate toplotu koja je prijatna i podnošljiva. Takođe nema ograničenja dnevnih aktivnosti nakon tretmana, samo 48h treba zaštititi kožu od sunca. Razlika je primetna već nakon jednog tretmana, a dodatne detalje o ovom tretmanu i drugim tretmanima lepote za lice i telo možete naći na sajtu salona lepote Delight.
Šta mislite o ovakvim tretmanima drage moje? Da li ste ikada bile na ovom ili sličnom tretmanu lica? Podelite svoje misli u komentarima! :)
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BEAUTY - FASHION -TRAVEL Welcome to my blog! You can call me Venoma. I have been blogging for 10 years and counting. Enjoy my content and find me on Instagram for more!
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