Happy New 2016!

December 31, 2015 Venoma 2 Comments

Wearing:  Necklace: Romwe  Corset: Dressin   Skirt: Black Five   Shoes: Code  

In 2016 I wish you:

first of all health, love and happiness for you and your loved ones

and after that
all the clothes, shoes, jewelry,
travelling, vacations, undiscovered places,
beautiful people, conversations, events,
flowers, good books, small unexpected gifts
and anything else your hearts desire.

Hope to see you here in 2016. as well!

Happy New Year!

Lot's of love


Dark lipstick

December 28, 2015 Venoma 10 Comments

Hi babes! It's the right time of the year for boots, hats and gloves! Enjoy the post! Because if I start telling you about the fire I had in his house last week and how my phone and PC literately died soon after that, there will be no room left for joy xD P.S. I got a new phone, house is all right and they are supposed (!) to fix my PC during the day of publishing this post. Wish me a lot of luck in the next year. I feel like I'm really gonna need some.


Zdravo dragi moji! Napokon je došlo vreme za čizmice, rukavice i kape! Uživajte u postu! Jer ako počnem da pišem nadugačko i naširoko o tome kako sam imala požar u kući prošle nedelje, kako su mi i telefon i računar crkli u roku od par dana nakon toga, neće ostati ni mrvica pozitivnosti u ovom inače divnom outfit postu. U svakom slučaju, nabavila sam novi telefon, kuća je u redu i šteta je sanirana, a moj računar će (nadam se!) biti popravljen do objave ovog posta. Sva sreća pa ih pravim unapred, za slučaj ovakvih životnih dešavanja. Poželite mi mnogo sreće u narednoj godini. Trebaće mi. 
Uživajte u postu!

I am wearing:

Hat: Newdress  Coat: Elite Fashion     Bag: Banggood
Dress: Jexshop   Gloves: Newdress 
Boots: Kitten

What do you think dolls? Share your thoughts!

Lots of love,


Russian girl

December 21, 2015 Venoma 16 Comments

I'm feeling inspired today. ''More is more'' kinda mood. ''Winter is coming'' mood as well. I wouldn't necessary wear all these stuff together in casual everyday life like I did today for this shooting. But I love every individual item so much. I also love this dark Aura liquid lipstick. It goes well with the ''Spice me up'' City color eye-shadows pallet. I hope you enjoy the post!


Inspirisana sam danas. U ''više je više'' i ''zima dolazi'' raspoloženju sam. Ne bih možda nosila u svakodnevnoj odevnoj kombinaciji sve ove stvari zajedno koje sam obukla danas za ovaj outfit post, ali svaku od ovih stvarčica pojedinačno jako volim. Volim i mat Aurin karmin koji se sjajno uklapa sa senkama iz City color ''Spice me up'' palete. Nadam se da će vam se dopasti post!

I'm wearing:

Hat: Newdress
Necklace/headpiece: Ladyqueen 
Vest: Yoins  Sweater: Dresslink   
Skirt: Newyorker    Stockings: Ladyqueen 
Shoes: Newyorker

Do you wear tassel and aztec print this season dolls? Share your thoughts! Also if you like my necklace or any other Ladyqueen piece you can use code ''KSST15'' and get a discount on your order!

Lots of love,


Jeulia Engagement Rings & Black Diamond Rings

December 18, 2015 Venoma 1 Comments

Hello my darlings! Happy Friday! I'm happy today to present you with a post you didn't see on my blog for a while. We will be checking out some adorable and unique pieces of jewelry in this post. It's time for a brand new ''online shopping - jewelry shopping'' post and I really hope you will enjoy it as much as I did while I was preparing it for you.

Jeulia is an online jewelry store that offers you something special when it comes to jewelry for all sorts of special occasions, with a super special accent on engagements. Their mission is very simple and quite adorable: ''To design and make affordable jewelry for every lover''. 

Jeulia engagement rings

What I find interesting about this store is that they have many interesting lines of jewelry that can't be found elsewhere. Only some of those are colorful engagement rings and bridal sets, but also black diamond rings! I personaly love those dark, purple and blue moments on engagement rings! I picked out some of my favorites for you, you can see them on the photos in this post. You can check out the rest of the wide range of engagement rings and black diamond rings on their site, as well as on their Youtube. It is a brand that is very dedicated to customers and by eliminating the middle man let's you shop straight from the manufacturer which offers you a better price for this kind of jewelry.

Jeulia black diamond engagement rings

P.S. in case you are planning on a big and special shopping of this sort, please don't forget to check out Christmas sale at Jeulia Jewelry that offers you great discounts such as 25$ off 150$ and 50$ off 180$+ ! They offer 60 days return and free gift package as well.
 Let me know what do you think of their interesting and unusual designs and would you love to own something like that for yourself. Share your thoughts my darlings!

Lots of love,


Stylish Stockings

December 14, 2015 Venoma 11 Comments

Hi babes! I have so much work to do this week that I'm sure you will forgive me for the lack of words this time. It's still warm in Belgrade so I can still pull off autumn-ish looks and I'm really happy about it! I hope there won't be snow at all this year, to be honest. I'm planning on some big new projects (read VIDEOS) very soon. You can follow my Youtube if you want to get in on that when it begins. By then, please enjoy the post!


Zdravo drage moje! Imala sam toliko posla ove nedelje da se nadam da ćete mi oprostiti na manjku pisanja ovog puta. Još uvek je dovoljno toplo u Beogradu da mogu da izvučem jesenji look. Vrlo sam srećna zbog toga!  Nadam se da ćemo imati celu zimu bez snega, da budem iskrena. Planiram da počnem i svoj Youtube kanal u neko skorije vreme, možete me zapratiti tamo ako želite da budete u toku sa tim. Uživajte u postu!

I am wearing:

Hat: Newdress  Scarf: Dresslink 
Coat: Romwe     Skirt: Newyorker
Bag: Oasap       Stockings: Wholesalebuying
Shirt: Jexshop    Gloves: Romwe
Heels: Tally Weijl

Share your thoughts babes!

Lots of love,


It's so fluffy I'm gonna die

December 07, 2015 Venoma 15 Comments

Hi lovelies! I just want you to enjoy all this fluff and polka dots with me today. I just love this growing trend of wearing super sized sweaters on skirts and stockings! I don't want to go to ''granny'' on it with some long and simple skirt, so I picked one of my favorite shorts skirts. Luckily it's still not that cold outside. Big thanks to Newdress for sending me all of these lovely items!


Zdravo dragi moji! Danas želim da podelim sa vama koliko su me usrećili flafičasti oversize džemper i čarape na tufne ove zime! Nisam želela da upropastim ovu kombinaciju dugačkom suknjom, pa sam se vratila svojoj omiljenoj crnoj kratkoj suknjici. Sva sreća pa nije bilo toliko hladno napolju. Uživajte u postu!

I am wearing:

Hat  Necklace Sweater Stockings : Newdress    Bag: Oasap    Boots: Kitten

Lots of love,


Fur jacket

November 30, 2015 Venoma 11 Comments

Hello my lovelies! Happy Monday! I had quite a week last week. Someone from my family got into a car accident and this was the first time that I had to see cars including mine completely torn apart and thank God all people who were in those cars survived. I am taking my time lately to be grateful just for me and my loved ones being alive and well. You never really appreciate what you have until you get into a situation where you might lose it. Also I'm officially without a car, again, but it's not like I drive a lot soon as I live in the centre of Belgrade. There is no such thing as a good time or a good way for a car accident to happen, but I do believe this was as good as it gets when it comes to that.

For the fashion part - I'm totally overdoing leather today. But you know I got some ''goth'' roots in there. A touch of burgundy and a good pair of jeans help tho. Beautiful earring from Onecklace
and a jacket from Wholesalebuying are the stars of this outfit. Enjoy the post!


Zdravo dragi moji! Nadam se da uživate u današnjem danu. Imam sam vrlo zanimljivu nedelju iza sebe. Neko iz moje porodice je bio u saobraćajnoj nesreći i na svu sreću, pored totalne štete što se tiče vozila, svi su živi i zdravi. Odvajam vreme da budem zahvalna za to. Nikad ne ceniš ono što imaš dok ne dođeš u situaciju da to izgubiš. Zvanično sam opet bez prevoznog sredstva, mada to i nije toliki problem s obzirom da živim u centru grada.

Što se tiče onoga što sam danas spremila za vas, evociram uspomene na svoj ''goth'' stil iz mladosti. Nećemo o tome što ni goth oblačenje nije više ono što je nekad bilo. Crni korset sa nitnama je super za večernje prilike svih vrsta, a u jaknu sa krznom sam zaljubljena. Uživajte u postu!

I am wearing:
Hat: Tidebuy   Jacket: Wholesalebuying
Corset: no name   Jeans: NewYorker
Earrings: Onecklace   Bracelet: Soufeel
Shoes: Lovelyshoes

What do you think dolls? Share your thoughts!

Lots of love,


Winter is coming

November 23, 2015 Venoma 16 Comments

We had a lovely November here in Belgrade so far. It felt like spring. I believe that beautiful things happen in November. I'm not even sure if it's based on experience or if it's just something I like to believe in. This November was both tough and beautiful for me. A friend of mine who is a Vigro like me told me that next period will be very important for our sign (astrologically) and so far I agree. I made some big changes. Actually, I made a lot of changes during this whole year. I'm yet to see if they were for better or worse, but I know that I learned a lot and I feel like I'm doing the right thing. 

When it comes today's outfit, I chose stripes, ripped jeans, pumps, warm jacket (first of the year, thanks to Newchic) and lovely customised jewelry (thanks to Onecklace). It really is time to warm up! Hope you'll like it!


Imamo divan novembar trenutno u Beogradu. Vreme je skoro prolećno. Verujem da se lepe stvari dešavaju u novembru. Nisam čak ni sigurna koliko je to bazirano na iskustvu. Ovaj novembar je, na primer, bio i težak i lep za mene. Moja prijateljica, takođe Devica u horoskopu, mi je rekla da će naredni period biti veoma važan za naš znak. I mislim da je u pravu. Velike promene su nastupile u mom životu. Zapravo, napravila sam mnogo velikih promena tokom cele ove godine. Ostaje mi da vidim da li će mi se to isplatiti. Imam osećaj da radim pravu stvar.

Što se tiče današnjeg outfita, izabrala sam kombinaciju pruga, pocepanih farki, štikli, tople jakne and nakita pravljenog po meri. Nadam se da će vam se dopasti!

I am wearing:
Sunnies: Amiclubwear    Turtleneck shirt: Esprit
Jacket: Newchic    Ring: Onecklace 
Pants: Newyorker  Bag: Ladyqueen
Shoes: Tally Weijl

Share your thoughts dolls!  P.S. L&L on my ring stand for Lust and Love. Two things in life that I believe a person shouldn't live without.

Lots of love,


Emblem Eyewear Sunglasses Review

November 21, 2015 Venoma 5 Comments

Hello my darlings! I hope you are having a lovely weekend! It is time for a brand new product review! We had some jewelry product reviews (like Glamulet and Soufeel) lately but it's been a few months since we checked out and eyewear store together. I'm happy to present you with my new discovery when it comes to online shopping of sunglasses!

The store I got some lovely items for a product review last month is called Emblem Eyewear. Emblem Eyewear encourages authenticity and self expression in enthusiasts of originality everywhere. As an ever-evolving retailer and promoter of online fashion eyewear, they aim to provide the latest styles and trends in sunglasses, clear lens glasses and eyewear accessories at affordably low prices with free and international shipping.

First sunnies that caught my eye on their site are these Retro polka dot sunglasses that you can find here. I wore them in this outfit post and I love how they fit into any chic look that I wear.

Second sunglasses I fell in love with (so much that I wore them in two outfits, here and here) are these Heart shaped sunglasses that you can find here!

 And the most interesting ones are these super urban futuristic Silver one piece black bar novelty sunglasses that I will most certainly wear in one of my future outfit posts. They make an amazing reflection! You can find them here!What do you think about Emblem Eyewear dolls? What are your favorite sunglasses from their store? Do you like my picks? Share your thoughts!
Lots of love,


Tassel Vest

November 16, 2015 Venoma 11 Comments

Hi dolls! Another Monday is here and so is my new OOTD! I mixed a few old items with a few brand new ones, few new trends with some classic pieces and I really hope you will be inspired! I would also like to thank Yoins for some of my favorite items this autumn that you get to see in this post. Enjoy!


Zdravo svima! Još jedan ponedeljak je tu, a sa njim i novi outfit post! Stilizovala sam nekoliko starih stvari sa nekoliko novih, ukomponovala klasične komade sa trenutno popularnim i nadam se da će vam ovaj post doneti malo inspiracije kada je u pitanju jesenje kombinovanje odeće i slojevitno oblačenje! Uživajte!

I am wearing:

Necklace: Lovelywholesale  Top: Jexshop
Vest  Bag Belt: Yoins 
   Sunnies: Wholecelebshades
    Bracelet: Glamulet
Jeans: Newyorker
Boots: YesWalker

Share your thoughts babes!

Lots of love,