Friday, June 7, 2013

Look of the day: She's a lucky

Hey lovelies! Happy Friday! It's finally here! I slept 3h last night, I just came back from my exam and I feel hyper, like always when I don't get enough sleep! x)  I was even thinking about going to a party tonight (Friday Swag summer season is opening tonight) but I just got some cinema tickets, so I think I'll go there first and after that see of I can keep my eyes open at all before I move on. x)

Today I am wearing something casual and chic. I feel really comfortable in my new outwear and I spiced it up with jewelry and pinkish bag. Enjoy the post!


Zdravo drage moje! Srećan petak svima koji slave, ja definitivno slavim, noćas sam spavala 3h i upravo sam se vratila sa ispita. Kada malo spavam postajem hiperaktivna, čak sam razmišljala i o tome da odem na otvaranje letnje sezone Friday Swag žurki večeras, ali se u planove ubacio neki odlazak u bioskop, tako da ću prvo da odgledam ''Mamurluk 3'' pa da onda vidim da li mogu da držim oči otvorene pre nego što nastavim dalje. xD

Danas nosim nešto u čemu se osećam zaista udobno. Ove pantalonice ste viđali ranije X puta, jedne su mi od omiljenih, dok je outwear nov, zajedno sa nakitom i torbicom. Uživajte u postu!

I am wearing:

Sunnies: Aldo
Necklace: Romwe
Shirt: Orsay
Jeans: Happy Star

Any thoughts? Share them in comments!

Until my next post,


  1. One way, or another... :K

  2. Daaaa to su te naocare,kao stvorene za tebe...divno! :)

  3. Super autfit :)
    Giveaway kod mene!Osvojite Romwe mindjuse!

  4. Loooove your look! Amazing rings and clutch!

  5. Congrats on the exam! Nice look too, love the clutch! Kisses! xo

  6. wow kako divni detalji, i trapez pantole su moje omiljene :*

  7. you look awesome! great jewelry :)
