Friday, March 1, 2013

Outfit recap: Best of February

Hello my dear fashion freaks :) February is behind us and I have no idea where did it just go! Another semester began, Valentine's day passed and we had some awesome blog posts in the meantime. In this post you can take a short look at all of them. Under every picture there is a link leading to the whole post, in case you want to see more pictures. :)

My favs are Diva and Sweet serial killer, with Did my time and Full circle skirt right behind them. But in general, I'm pretty happy with all of them this month. :)

I'd really love to hear your favorites. Also this is the post where you can discuss anything you want and give me some suggestions like what would you like to see in the future etc. It would mean a lot to me :)

Until my next post,


  1. love your style dear...

  2. Gorgeous array of outfits...lovely! I look forward to lots more :)) xx

  3. Very nice outfits and you look great. Have a nice day.

    1. Thank u lovelies :) There will be a lot more :)

  4. Ove dve crne haljine su ti fenomenalne i odlicno ti stoje :D a omiljeni outfit mi je treci, sa tim divnim kaputicem ^^

  5. Uh bilo je dosta dobrih kombinacija! Did my time mi je fave :) <3
