Ovim postom sa šaljivim naslovom ispunjavam još jednu čitalačku želju. Naime, jedna devojka me je pitala zašto ja nikad u svoje outfit postove ne ubacujem slike hrane, pića i sličnog tome. Odgovor na to jeste da ja baš i ne volim da se slikam dok jedem. Previše sam zauzeta, ako me razumete :) Ali zato volim da slikam hranu ako je u pitanju nešto interesantno. Stoga danas delim sa vama svoj jelovnik sa letovanja u Bugarskoj. Samo imajte u vidu da sam svu ovu klopu delila sa još nekim ;)
Upozorenje: od slika koje slede možete postati vrlooo gladni ;)
With this funny post title I will fulfill another reader's wish. One girl asked me why do I never include pictures of food, beverages and stuff like that in my outfit posts . The answer to that is that I do not really like to be taken picture of while I eat. I'm too busy, if you get what I mean :) But I do like to take pictures of food if it's interesting. So today I share with you a big part of my menu from my summer vacation in Bulgaria. Just keep in mind that I shared all this food with a very big man ;)
Warning: the pictures that follow can make you reaaaaly hungry! ;)
Počnimo sa tipičnom letnjom hranom i dva ogromna girosa!
Let's begin with typical summer food - two giros!
Outfit post teaser - Accessorize earing
August 28, 2011 Venoma 15 Comments
Jedne od meni najomiljenijih minđuša ikada i jedan od prvih komada koji sam ikada kupila u Accessorize-u su jedan od detalja sutrašnjeg outfit posta. Sličice koje ću vam pokazati su meni lično mnogo drage. Stay tuned! ;)
One of my favorite pairs of earings ever and one of the first thing I ever bought in Accessorizre are details of my tomorrow's outfit post. Pictures that I'm about to show you tomorrow are very dear to me. Stay tuned ;)
My blog got a new suit / Moj blog je dobio novo odelo
August 26, 2011 Venoma 34 Comments
Nekima od vas se, kao i meni, dopadao prethodni izgled bloga. Nekima i nije baš. Primila sam više nekonstruktivnih kritika i samo jednu konstruktivnu, koja je očigledno odradila trik :)
Mogla bih i da vam objasnim u čemu je stvar. Dugo sam blogovala pre ovog bloga, na drugoj platformi, o drugim temama. Neki od vas to možda i znaju jer su me i tamo pratili. I navikla sam na to da je moj blog moja privatna stvar i da ako ja želim da stavim tufnaste štrumfofe u žutim pidžamama i zelenim kapicama na svoju pozadinu, niko nema prava da mi uputi kritiku na račun toga. I onda mi je nedavno sinulo da ovo jednostavno nije isti tip bloga kao onaj koji sam ranije vodila, pa sam rešila da ga malo preuredim.
I dalje se vodim time da je sadržaj ono što dovodi i odvodi ljude sa nečijeg bloga, a ne to da li mu je pozadina crvena, crna ili bela. Takođe od mene nemojte očekivati krajnju jednostavnost koja je najpopularnija ovih dana, jer to nije moj stil. Više user friendly izgled je najbolje što mogu da vam ponudim :)
I naravno da želim da čujem kako vam se dopada. Primam i kritike. Ali konstruktivne ;)
Some of you, like me, liked the previous look of this blog. And some didn't. I received few nonconstructive critics and only one constructive, which obviously did the trick:)
I could also explain to you what was the point. Long before I founded this blog, I had another one, using other platform, writing about other subjects. Some of you may know this because they followed me way back then. And I got used to the fact that my blog is my personal business and that if I want to put yellow spotted elephants in red pajamas with green caps on my background, nobody has the right to criticize me for that. And then I suddenly realized that this is simply not the same type of a blog as the blog that I formerly held. So I fixed it up a little.
I still think that the content is what brings and takes people away from someone's blog, and not whether his background is red, black or white. Also you should never expect the ultimate simplicity because it is just not me. More user friendly layout is the best that I can offer you :)
And of course I want to hear how you like it. I accept the criticism. But be constructive, please ;)
I could also explain to you what was the point. Long before I founded this blog, I had another one, using other platform, writing about other subjects. Some of you may know this because they followed me way back then. And I got used to the fact that my blog is my personal business and that if I want to put yellow spotted elephants in red pajamas with green caps on my background, nobody has the right to criticize me for that. And then I suddenly realized that this is simply not the same type of a blog as the blog that I formerly held. So I fixed it up a little.
I still think that the content is what brings and takes people away from someone's blog, and not whether his background is red, black or white. Also you should never expect the ultimate simplicity because it is just not me. More user friendly layout is the best that I can offer you :)
And of course I want to hear how you like it. I accept the criticism. But be constructive, please ;)
Gifts, gifts, gifts... and giveaway results :)
August 25, 2011 Venoma 9 Comments
Ako bih pokušala da objasnim koliko su mi mile sve čestitke koje sam dobila za rođendan ovde i na drugim mestima od ljudi koje sam upoznala kuckajući ovaj blog, ne verujem da bih uspela. Hvala puno svima na upućenoj pažnji :)
If I tried to explain how sweet were all the congratulations that I received for my birthday here and elsewhere from people I met while writing this blog, I do not think I could. Thank you very much for all the attention :)
Sweet of the week: Dorina chocolate dessert / Dorina cokoladni desert
August 22, 2011 Venoma 9 Comments
Birthday wishlist
August 20, 2011 Venoma 22 Comments
Znate one ljude koji vas vole i koji svake godine pitaju: ''A šta da ti kupim za rođendan?'' I ja im svake godine kažem da je dovoljno da mi napišu čestitku na parčetu papira, ali oni ne odustaju? S obzirom da mi je rođendan za tri dana, napravila sam ovu kratku listu, namenjenu njima ali i čitaocima koji imaju želju da me bolje upoznaju, pošto retko pišem o sebi. Ipak, pomalo je i šaljivog karaktera, pa neke delove nemojte shvatati previše ozbiljno ;)
Outfit post teaser - turtle ring ;)
August 17, 2011 Venoma 18 Comments
Bila jednom jedna kornjača. Kakva kornjača? Prsten kornjača! :) Kupljena ovog leta ispred Ušće šoping centra i sad je ovde kao uvertira sutrašnjem outfit postu. Čitamo se! :)
Once upon a time there was a turtle.. What turtle? Ring turtle! :) Bought in front of Usce shopping mall and now here as a preview of my next summer outfit post. Hope to hear from you tomorrow! :)
Miss Lu Fashion Exception + Fashionable Giveaway!
August 15, 2011 Venoma 37 Comments
Gifts and souvenirs / Pokloni i suveniri
August 13, 2011 Venoma 16 Comments
Ne, nije mi rodjendan, ne još, u svakom slučaju, mada je tu, iza ugla. :) Ovo su stvarčice koje su mi dragi ljudi poklanjali u poslednjih par meseci, bez nekog posebnog razloga. To su oni najdrazi pokloni, ako znate na šta mislim :) Sve ih puno volim i svima im puno hvala na ovim sitnicama <3
No, it is not my birthday, not yet, although it is just around the corner. :) These are little things that dear people gave me in the last few months, for no particular reason. These are the dearest gifts, if you know what I mean :) I love those people a lot and I thank them just as much for these little lovelies <3
No, it is not my birthday, not yet, although it is just around the corner. :) These are little things that dear people gave me in the last few months, for no particular reason. These are the dearest gifts, if you know what I mean :) I love those people a lot and I thank them just as much for these little lovelies <3
Suvenir od prijateljice J. iz Madrida / Souvenir from a friend J. from Madrid |
New store in Zira / Nova radnja u Ziri - NewYorker!
August 11, 2011 Venoma 13 Comments
Poslednje letnje rasprodaje i snizenja u Beogradu - najpovoljnije ponude
August 09, 2011 Venoma 9 Comments
Danas malo mixujemo stare i nove kolekcije. Nema nadugačkog i naširokog spiska (iako znam da ih volite, pa ga možda bude nešto kasnije ;) ), već vam pišem o nekoliko ponuda koje su me oduševile. Polako letnja sniženja i rasprodaje jenjavaju, sniženih stvari je sve manje u ponudi, ali ono što je ostalo je extra jeftino, stoga nemojte preskočiti još jednu šetnju po gradu ili Ušću. A sad, polećemo:
1. Brednirane majice: možete naći prugaste, tufnaste i neutralne u Zari za 499din i raznorazne u Pull and Bear-u za samo 299din. Ubedljivo najjeftinija ponuda brendiranih majica u gradu u ovom momentu.
2. Letnje i casual haljine: potražite ih u NewYorkeru. Idu od onih cvetnih, laganih, za plažu, do onih svečanih, napravljenih od materijala tek malo grubljeg od satena, bez bratela. Šta vam duša želi, za samo 1190din.
3. Kupaći kostimi: 50% popusta u Calzedonii na one divne kostime o kojima sam vam već pričala.
4. Cipele: u svim candy bojama možete naći blago špicaste salonke u Bershki po ceni od 2990din. U pitanju je nova kolekcija. Ko voli, ne treba da propusti da nabavi jedan par izrazito pink, plavih ili žutih. Ukoliko tražite crnu verziju takvih, možete ih naći za 1990din u Kotonu. Za ljubitelje, tu je i Fashion&Friends sa popustom od 50%.
5. Nakit: Iako i dalje pomalo biju po ušima, ovo je otprilike vreme za shopping u Accessorize-u. Ipak su cene mnogo pristojnije nego što su bile. Takođe nemojte preskočiti sjajan izbor aksesoara na sniženju u Kotonu.
Verujem da sam vam bar malo pomogla sa ovim shopping direkcijama. Ukoliko sami ne planirate shopping, podelite ovo sa onima kojima će to značiti. Uživajte u ostatku dana :)
For all my foreign readers, this is a text about a local sale so thats why it's written in Serbian. In case you still want to read it, please use google translate :) Love, Venoma
Outfit post teaser ;)
August 06, 2011 Venoma 8 Comments
Prvi outfit koji sam slikala biće i prvi koji ću vam pokazati :) Slikan prilikom povratka sa plaže, sa narukvicom koju sam sama prepravila korišćenjem šarene trake, jer mi se njen prethodni izgled nije dopadao. Čitamo se sutra, nadam se da će vam se dopasti ;)
First outfit that I took photos of will be the first one I will show you :) Photos were taken while returning from the beach, with this beautiful bracelet that I decorated myself. Hope to hear your thoughts on the whole outfit tomorrow ;)
Guess who's back :)
August 05, 2011 Venoma 9 Comments
Zdravo dragi moji :) Da li sam vam nedostajala? Vi meni jeste. :) Možete sami pretpostaviti kako je sve prošlo: put je bio iscrpljujuć, vreme je bilo sjajno, hrana ukusnija i kokteli šareniji nego ikad, plaža i bazeni pomalo hladni, šoping mogućnosti ne toliko velike, ali ipak dovoljne da se kupi pokoja sitnica. Sve u svemu, sjajno sam se provela i proćiće još par dana dok se ne odmorim od sopstvenog odmora. Vratila sam se tamnijeg tena, težeg kofera i, što je najvažnije, bogatija za nove lepe uspomene. :)
Hello dears :) Have you missed me? I sure missed you. :) You can assume how my vacation went: the trip was exhausting, the weather was great, the food tastier and cocktails more colorful than ever, the beach and swimming pools a bit cold, shopping opportunities not so large, but still enough for me to buy few stuff. All in all, it was great and I'll need a few days to rest from my own vacation. I came back with darker skin, heavier suitcase and, most importantly, richer with new memories. :)
Sigurno vas zanima šta sam sve kupila - možda ćete biti malo razočarani, ali ipak vam neću sve odmah otkriti. Tu je samo jedna sličica, čisto da vam zadovolji radoznalost. Imajte u vidu da nisu ni sve stvarčice za pokazivanje ;) U svakom slučaju, naišla sam na nekoliko fenomenalnih komada koje moram da vam pokažem kroz outfit postove. Jedna od njih će se savršeno slagati sa tašnicom za koju sam naknadno saznala da sam osvojila na Aninom giveaway-u. Moja neće biti ova sa slike, nego.. Videćete već :)
Surely you want to know what I bought - you might be a little disappointed, but I will not reveal all at once. I posted this one picture tho, just to satisfy your curiosity. Keep in mind that not all the stuff to be put on blog ;) Anyway, I came across few fabulous pieces that I have to show you in outfit posts. One of them will get along perfectly with the Tašnarija bag, which I later found out that I won on Ana's giveaway. My will not be the one on this picture, but .. You'll see :)
Još jedna divna stvar koja mi se dogodila dok sam bila van virtuelnog sveta jeste da sam se našla u tekstu ''Predlozi modnih blogerki za leto 2011'' u Wannabe Magazinu, zajedno sa drugim našim blogerkama. Hvala Wannabe-ju na ovom prijatnom iznenađenju. :)
Another wonderful thing that happened while I was out of the virtual world is that I found myself in the text ''Fashion blogger suggestions for the summer of 2011'' in Wannabe Magazine, along with other domestic bloggers. Thank you Wannabe on this pleasant surprise. :)
A vama dragi čitaoci poručujem da se strpite još dan-dva, stiže letnji outfit post ;)
Ask for you, my dear readers, you will be happy to knoy that, in a day or two, I will be posting fresh summer outfit post ;) Stay tuned!
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BEAUTY - FASHION -TRAVEL Welcome to my blog! You can call me Venoma. I have been blogging for 10 years and counting. Enjoy my content and find me on Instagram for more!
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