Izlozba ''20 maturanata u 800 kvadrata'' / Exhibiton ''20 graduates on 800 square meters''

June 25, 2011 Venoma 7 Comments

U četvrtak sam prisustvovala svečanom otvaranju izložbe ''20 maturanata u 800 kvadrata'' na prvom spratu šoping centra Zira. Kao što možete pročitati na plakatu, u pitanju su izabrani maturanti škole ''Tehnoart'' sa više različitih smerova. Iako je prostor bio velik, interesovanje je bilo još veće i atmosfera je bila sjajna. Ja sam se iskreno oduševila nekim komadima na koje sam tamo naišla. Šteta što nisu na prodaju, jer stvarno su fantastični.

On Thursday I attended the opening ceremony of the exhibition''20 graduates on 800 square meters'' on the first floor of Zira shopping mall. As it says on the poster, these are graduates from ''Tehnoart'' school. Although the exhibition space was large, interest was even greater and the atmosphere was great. I am sincerely delighted with some pieces that I saw there. Too bad they aren't for sale, because they really are fantastic.

Pre svega su me oduševili projekti osmišljeni kao medieval kostimi. Veliki sam fan kostima te vrste i obožavam da tako nešto vidim uživo. Bilo je nekoliko predivnih haljina koje bih rado pozajmila za neki od predstojećih maskenbala :D

First of all I was thrilled with projects designed as a medieval costumes. I am a big fan of that type of costumes and I love to see them live. I saw beautiful dresses I would gladly wear to a masquerade or two :D

Imala sam uvid u radove drugih maturanata koji su odabrali zanate poput juvelir, graver, kaligraf... Najviše me je oduševio nakit, koji bi, po mom subjektivnom utisku, najviše odgovarao nekom goth fazonu. Tu se našlo i još brdo radova raznih vrsta, svaki interesantniji od drugog.

I had an insight into the work of other graduates but those who worked with cloth. I was most thrilled by the jewelry, which is, in my opinion, most suited to a gothic style. And of course bunch of other projects of various kinds, each more interesting than the other.

Ono što je najlepše u svemu ovome jeste saznanje da postoje veoma talentovane mlade umetničke nade kod nas, od kojih se slobodno mogu očekivati još bolje i lepše kreacije u budućnosti. Ako su ove već tako dobre, šta li će napraviti kada završe akademije? Ostaje nam da vidimo :) Do tada, ovo je stvarno izložba koju ne treba zaobići.

What is the best in all of this is the knowledge that there are very talented young artists among us and that we can expect even better and more beautiful creations from them in the future. If these are already so good, what will we see after they finish the academy? It remains to be seen I guess :) Until then, this is really an exhibition that should not be missed.



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  1. Zanimljivo!Ona haljina boje sampanjca je predivna!

  2. Lijepo! Bilo je tu baš svašta zanimljivo...;)

  3. Ima prilicno kul komada! Opet, najvise sam odusevljana crtezima! O.O Poskidala sam fotke, fenomenalni su!

  4. Neko te je nekad nagovarao da se time bavis u zivotu, al' ti nisi htela ;)

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