Inspiration: Tulle and skirts / Inspiracija: Til i suknje
May 29, 2011 Venoma 25 Comments
Zira shopping vikend akcije i popusti :)
May 26, 2011 Venoma 7 Comments
Drage moje, evo jednog novog shopping event-a :) Ovog vikenda u Ziri se održava Shopping weekend, sa popustima do 50%. Uz obilaženje radnji i shoppingovanje, i dalje vas mogu našminkati i dati vam savete o šminkanju devojke iz Max Factor tima, a koliko vidim, naćiće se tu i nutricionista ako nekome zatreba x) Lista popusta sledi, a ostale aktuelne popuste možete pogledati u mojim drugim postovima o sniženjima.
Pa svratite ako imate želje i vremena ;)
For all my foreign readers, this is a text about a local sale so thats why it's written on Serbian. In case you still want to read it, please use google translate :) XoXo Venoma
Sensation White 2011, Belgrade, Arena
May 22, 2011 Venoma 28 Comments
Sinoć sam sa liste ''stvari koje moram da uradim u životu'' sa velikim zadovoljstvom precrtala Sensation White žurku :D Otkad sam prvi put videla prenos Sensation žurke na TV-u, znala sam da moram jednom da odem na jednu. I na moju veliku radost, čak nisam morala ni da idem u Amsterdam da bih joj prisustvovala - ona je bila dovoljno ljubazna da dođe meni :D
Šta da vam pričam, znate da sam stvarno into dress code žurke, maskenbali itd. Iskustvo počinje još prilikom prevoza kroz grad, kada ukapirate koliko ima ljudi od glave do pete u belom, i kada vidite lokalne penzionere u autobusu kako tiho raspravljaju koja je sad to nova sekta u pitanju xD
Last night I scratched Sensation White party from my ''things that I want to do in life'' with great pleasure :D Ever since I first saw the Sensation party on TV, I knew I had to go on one. And to my great joy, I did not even have to go to Amsterdam to attend it - it came to me :D
What should I tell you, you know that I'm into dress code parties, masquerades, etc.. The experience begins during the transport through the city, when you figure out how many people are from head to toe in white, and when you see the local elderly on the bus quietly argue that it is now a new sect in town xD
What should I tell you, you know that I'm into dress code parties, masquerades, etc.. The experience begins during the transport through the city, when you figure out how many people are from head to toe in white, and when you see the local elderly on the bus quietly argue that it is now a new sect in town xD
Ispred Arene je već bilo haotično od belila. Mogli ste videti ljude koji nose sve i svašta. Ali bukvalno sve i svašta, ali sve u beloj boji. Mnogi su ovu manifestaciju shvatili kao maskenbal, pa je bilo puno krila, ušiju, perika, šminke.. Ne preterano mnogo štikli - otići u Arenu u štiklama je ravno samoubistvu ako mene pitate, osim ako nije VIP. Ma i da je VIP, dok uspeš da uđeš već ti presednu. Ljudi su se stoga fokusirali na lude detalje svih vrsta, a što casual-niju odeću :)
In front of the Arena was already a white chaos. You could see people WEARING all sorts of things. Virtually anything and everything, but all in white. Many have understood this event as a masquerade, so there were a lot of wings, ears, wigs, make-up .. Not too many high heels - going to the Arena in heels is suicide if you ask me, unless you stay in VIP. People were focused on the crazy details of all kinds, but the clothing was mostly casual.
Nije bilo toliko crowded koliko ume da bude u Areni, verovatno zbog cene karte. Moram vam priznati, bilo je vredno svake pare. Računajući da ni prethodnih par noći nisam spavala uopšte, to što sam izdržala preko 4h dole u parteru je ostvarenje nemoguće misije zahvaljujući isključivo fenomenalnim DJ-evima (da podsetim, u pitanju su Mr White, Eric E, Chuckie koji nas je sve oduvao, Sebastian Ingrosso i Sander van Doom) i još fenomenalnijim specijalnim efektima, ultra hot igračicama i dovoljno interakcije sa publikom da se svi osetimo 'delom noći'. :)
It was not so crowded as it can be in the Arena, probably due to ticket price. I must admit, it was worth every penny. Counting that even the past few nights I didn't sleep at all, dancing over 4 hours on the floor is like achieving mission impossible! But it was worth it because of exclusively phenomenal DJ's (let me remind you, these are Mr. White, Eric E, Chuckie that I was blown away by, Sebastian Ingrosso and Sander van Doom) and even more phenomenal special effects, ultra-hot dancers and enough interaction with the audience that we all felt like 'part of the night'. :)
Bilo je stvarno mnoooogooo mnogo dobro. Posle smo prešli na tribine skroz gore, sa pogledom na celu arenu, gde nije bilo gužve i gde si mogao da radiš šta god poželiš i uživaš u spektaklu iz drugačije perspektive. And yeah, we did :D
It was really good. After a few hours we went all the way up, with a view of the entire arena, where there were not too many people and where we could do whatever we want and enjoy the performance from a different perspective. And yeah, we did :D
P.S. sve slike su dosta loše, zajedno sa nekoliko video snimaka koji se trenutno upload-uju na youtube, ali atmosferu odnande je ionako nemoguće preneti. Sensation treba videti i doživeti. Ipak, nadam se da će vam se dopasti :)
P.S. my pics are bad, my videos are bad, but that's the best we could make in Arena :) Sensation is something you should see and live yourself. Still, I hope you like them :)
Bogner i Conte of Florence otvaranje u Beogradu / Bogner and Conte of Florence opening in Belgrade
May 20, 2011 Venoma 6 Comments
Max factor promocija i škola šminkanja / Max factor promotion and make up school
May 18, 2011 Venoma 8 Comments
Danas mi je dan počeo mnogo lepše nego juče, iz više razloga. Vreme se prolepšalo a ja sam se našla u poseti Zira shopping centru povodom promocije nove Max Factor maskare ''False Lash Effect Fusion''
Today my day started much better than yesterday, for several reasons. Weather really improved and I found myself visiting Zira shopping center for the promotion of the new Max Factor ''False Lash Effect Fusion'' mascara.
Uzivajući u kolaču i kafi u prizemlju, gledala sam devojke iz Max Factor tima kako prezentuju i aplikuju njihove proizvode na licu mesta. Napravila sam nekoliko sličica kako bih vam prenela atmosferu sa lica mesta :)
Enjoying the cake and coffee, I saw girls from Max Factor team presenting and applying their products on site. I made a few pictures so you could see the atmosphere from the scene :)
Ono što najviše želim da podelim sa vama jeste da su devojke iz Max Factor tima od danas pa do 29. maja, svakim danom od 15h do 21h upravo vama na usluzi, sasvim besplatno! U tom intervalu možete svratiti do prizemlja Zira shopping centra i dobiti priliku da vas našminkaju, daju besplatne savete o šminkanju i da probate celu paletu njihovih proizvoda. Devojke vas čekaju :)
What I most want to share with you is that the girls from Max Factor team will from now until 29 May, daily from 15h to 21h, be at your service, completely free! In this interval, you can go to the ground floor of Zira shopping center and get a chance to get a complete make up for the day, free advice on make up and to try the full range of their products. Girls are waiting for you :)
I za kraj bih želela da se zahvalim parfimeriji Jasmin i Max Factor-u na predivnim sitnicama koje sam dobila na poklon. Sve stvarčice koje sam dobila će sigurno biti upotrebljene u najskorije vreme ;)
Finally I would like to thank Jasmin perfumery and Max Factor for beautiful little things that I received as a gift. All the stuff I got I will definitely use as soon as possible ;)
Do sledećeg druženja,
Until next time,
Novi brendovi u Ziri + popusti / New brands and discounts
May 15, 2011 Venoma 7 Comments
Drage moje, uskoro će Beograd biti bogatiji za još dva brenda :) Ovoga puta, čeka nas otvaranje novih radnji u Zira shopping centru. Prvi od njih je Bogner, a u njihov asortiman možete zaviriti na njihovom sajtu . Drugi je Conte of Florence, o kojem takođe možete steći utisak preko njegovog sajta .
My dears, Belgrade will soon be richer for two brands :) This time, we are waiting for the opening of new stores at Zira shopping center. The first is Bogner, and you can take a peek at their stuff at their website The second is the Conte of Florence, on which you can also get the impression through their site .
Koliko se meni čini, u pitanju su pretežno sportske stvarčice sa dozom elegancije. Neki delovi kolekcije se nazivaju golf, sailing i slično, a to kod nas baš i nije u preteranoj ekspanziji, pa ćemo uskoro videti kako će ovi brendovi proći kod nas. Šta vi mislite o njima? I za kraj, evo aktuelnih popusta u Ziri, pretežno za maturante :)
How it seems to me, these are mostly sports stuff with a touch of elegance. Some parts of the collection is called golf, sailing, etc., and those sports are not really so popular around here. We will soon see how these brands will go. What do you think of them? And finally, here are current discounts :)
Prolecne akcije i snizenja, maj, Beograd
May 14, 2011 Venoma 9 Comments
Drage moje, kao što verovatno znate, sinoć se održao Grazia shopping night u Beogradu :) Već sam svoje mišljenje o datom događaju iznela u najavi istog, a rado bih vam priložila i spisak popusta, da dati event nije prošao dok sam ja čekala da se Blogger smiluje i vrati u normalu. Ali nećemo o tome. Evo nečeg što će nas sve oraspoložiti - novi sales report sa moje strane :)
U Dieselu možete kupiti i samo jedan komad i dobiti popust od 15% ako ste maturant, dok god je artikal iz nove kolekcije.
Kad su u pitanju sniženja, maturanti su baš u centru pažnje ovih dana ;)
Legend nudi popust maturantima od 20% na tri kupljena artikla. Dakle, ako planirate da idete na maturu obučeni u Legend od glave do pete, možda to i ima smisla x)
U Dieselu možete kupiti i samo jedan komad i dobiti popust od 15% ako ste maturant, dok god je artikal iz nove kolekcije.
Fashion company (Replay, Guess, Miss sixty, Bata, Killah, Fornarina...) već tradicionalno maturantima daju popuste, 10% na prvi, 15% na drugi i 20% na treći artikal.
Zekstra se takođe potrudila da obraduje maturante - 10% na sve artikle, 30% popusta na košulju i kravata za jedan dinar uz kupljeno muško odelo.
Aldo daje 15% popusta ovogodišnjim maturantima. Ovo uvek valja iskoristiti ;)
I za kraj nakit - Monsoon i Accessorize daju maturantima popust od 15% do 22. maja. Takođe dobra prilika, s obzirom na cene.
Ako niste te sreće da ste maturant ove godine, evo malo lepih informacija o ostalim popustima:
Intimissimi vam poklanja: uz račun od 4000din kupku, uz račun od 5000din kupku i kremu i uz račun preko 6000din kupku, kremu i parfem. Traje do 22. maja. Lep gest svakako. :)
Za račun preko 2000din u Office Shoes radnji dobijate bon u vrednosti od 1000din za kupovinu Skachers Shape-ups ili SRR modela.
Urban Shop daje popust od 20% na sve artikle do 15. maja.
U Terranovi već uveliko traju neka sniženja, poslednji put sam svratila u onu u blizini Terazija, svašta nešto lepo sam videla :D
Time out daje popust od 30%, oni uvek rano počinju sa sniženjima.
U izlogu Springfield-a sam uočila tablu na kojoj je pisalo ''Polo 30%'' pretpostavljam da se odnosi na majice, ali slagaću vas :)
To bi bilo sve od mene za vas danas. Nadam se da ste se lepo proveli i nashoppingovali ako ste otišli na Grazia shopping night. Ako niste, iskoristite neki od drugih popusta koji su trenutno u toku. Sve moje stare izveštaje o sniženjima možete pogledati ovde. Do sledećeg puta,
For all my foreign readers, this is a text about a local sale so thats why it's written on Serbian. In case you still want to read it, please use google translate :) XoXo Venoma
Stefanel outfit teasers ;)
May 10, 2011 Venoma 6 Comments
Evo malog preview-a onoga što će biti na blogu u narednom periodu. Znam da vam se nešto ne gledaju moja ramena, ali to je bio jedini način da vam nešto pokažem od odeće, a da se ipak ništa ne vidi, ako me razumete :D A već sutra cu vam pokazati svoj prvi Stefanel outfit :) Stay tuned ;)
Here's a small preview of what's coming on my blog in the near future. I know you are not overly delighted by seeing too much of my arms, but that was the only way for me to show you something and yet not too much, if you know what I mean :D Tomorrow I will show you my first Stefanel outfit :) Stay tuned ;)
Giveaway results! / Rezultati giveaway-a!
May 09, 2011 Venoma 7 Comments
Drage moje, sedam dana je prošlo i vreme je za rezultate mog giveaway-a! :)) Pre nego što saznate ko je osvojio ovaj sladak prsten, evo poretka uskladjenog sa komentarima i dodatnim šansama koje ste mogle osvojiti share-ovanjem na Facebook mrezi ili osvrtom na ovaj giveaway na vasem blogu:
1.Danica 2.Ana 3.Cipelica 4.Milan 5.Una 6.7.Meri 8.Kristina G. 9.Emily 10.11.12.Marija B. 13.Tinamaxima 14.Shasie 15.16.Pralinka 17.Drenka 18.Kristina K. 19.Svetlana 20.Irena 21.Khola 22.Branislava 23.Stasha 24.Margit 25 Anja 26.Vicen 27.Jelena K. 28.Kristina D2W 29.30.Elena 31.Jovana 32.Dorottya 33.Marija M. 34.Mandarinica 35.Slavica 36.Birute 37.Tami 38.Joll 39.Rory
Znam da ste ga svi zeleli ali je odlucio da pobednik bude...
I know you all wanted it, but says that the winner is...
...osoba pod brojem 10 odnosno Marija B.! :) Čestitam Mariji i molim je da me kontaktira na da se dogovorimo oko preuzimanja. :)
Hvala svima ostalima koji su učestvovali i podržali ovaj mali giveaway :) Nije ni prvi a neće biti ni poslednji giveaway koji je održan na mom blogu, pa vam stoga želim više sreće naredni put ;)
My dears, seven days have passed and it is time for the results of my giveaway! :)) Before you find out who won this cute ring, here are the numbers correlated to comments and additional opportunities that you could get with sharing on Facebook or mentioning this giveaway on your blog:
1.Danica 2.Ana 3.Cipelica 4.Milan 5.Una 6.7.Meri 8.Kristina G. 9.Emily 10.11.12.Marija B. 13.Tinamaxima 14.Shasie 15.16.Pralinka 17.Drenka 18.Kristina K. 19.Svetlana 20.Irena 21.Khola 22.Branislava 23.Stasha 24.Margit 25 Anja 26.Vicen 27.Jelena K. 28.Kristina D2W 29.30.Elena 31.Jovana 32.Dorottya 33.Marija M. 34.Mandarinica 35.Slavica 36.Birute 37.Tami 38.Joll 39.Rory
Znam da ste ga svi zeleli ali je odlucio da pobednik bude...
I know you all wanted it, but says that the winner is...
...osoba pod brojem 10 odnosno Marija B.! :) Čestitam Mariji i molim je da me kontaktira na da se dogovorimo oko preuzimanja. :)
Hvala svima ostalima koji su učestvovali i podržali ovaj mali giveaway :) Nije ni prvi a neće biti ni poslednji giveaway koji je održan na mom blogu, pa vam stoga želim više sreće naredni put ;)
...person under number 10 or should I say Marija B. :) Congrats for Marija and I hope she will contact me soon. :)
Thanks to all of you that participated and supported my small giveaway. It's not the first or the last giveaway on my blog, so I wish you all more luck next time :)
Stefanel - nova radnja u Ziri / Stefanel - new store in Zira
May 07, 2011 Venoma 13 Comments
Parfois - nova radnja u Uscu / Parfois - new store at Usce
May 04, 2011 Venoma 15 Comments
Jos jedan simpatican brend otvorio je svoju radnju u trznom centru Usce ovih dana. U pitanju je Parfois, brend na ciju ste radnju vec mogli naici u Beogradu, ali ne i u Uscu. U svojoj ponudi imaju nakit, aksesoare i veliki izbor torba i torbica. Boje trenutne kolekcije nisu bas moje omiljene, ali sam ipak u radnji naisla na par simpaticnih stvari. Cene nakita su, po mom misljenju, negde u rangu radnje Diva (koja je inace dosta poskupela od samog otvaranja). Torbice uglavnom ne idu ispod 3500din. Ono sto je zanimljivo jeste kako nas fino mame da kupimo vecu torbu, zbog male razlike u ceni. Naime, za neke modele su male torbe 3500din a velike 4000din. Pa ko voli nek' izvoli. Inace, nisam primetila da cene torbi prelaze preko 6000din, sto je bas fino. Kao i uvek, pozdravljam nove radnje simpaticnih brendova u nasem dragom gradu :D A sta vi mislite o ovom brendu? Da li vec posedujete neki komad? U svakom slucaju, uzivajte u fotkama :)
Another likable brand opened a store in the shopping mall Usce these days. It is Parfois this time. In its offer I saw jewelry, accessories and a wide selection of handbags and purses. Colors of the current collection are not my favorites, but I still came across a couple of the nice things in the shop. Jewelry prices are, in my opinion, somewhere in the range of Diva store.. Bags generally do not go below 35e. What is interesting is how they draw us to buy a larger bag, with very small difference in price. Actually, for some models are small bags 35e and large bags 40e. Anyway, I noticed that the prices of bags aren't above 60e, which is just fine if you ask me. As always, I welcome the new stores of nice brands in our beloved city :D What you think of this brand? Do you already have a piece or two? In any case, enjoy the photos :)
P.S. ne zaboravite da se prijavite za moj GIVEAWAY, poklanjam jako sladak prsten :)
P.S. don't forget to take part in my GIVEAWAY, I'm giving away a very cute ring :)
New giveaway on Venoma's fashion diary!
May 02, 2011 Venoma 31 Comments
Zdravo opet dragi moji :) Secate se 100.000 pageview-ova na mom blogu pre koji dan? E pa, to treba proslaviti zar ne? :) Zato sam vam, kao sto sam obecala, pripremila jedan mali giveaway. Nema sponzora ovaj put, sa nekim od njih cu mozda organizovati nesto kasnije tokom meseca. ;) Ovo sad je nesto od mene licno za vas. Posto sam primetila u ovom i ovom postu da vam se veoma, veoma dopao, nabavila sam jedan 'foto-aparat' prsten i za nekog od vas ;)
A kako mozete osvojiti ovaj presladak prstencic M velicine iz NewYorkera? Veoma jednostavno! Pratite sledeca pravila:
1. Like-ujte stranicu Venoma's fashion diary na Facebook mrezi. To mozete uciniti preko datog linka ili preko box-a sa desne strane, nesto ispod naslovne slike.
2. Pratite moj blog preko Google Friend Connect-a. On se nalazi takodje sa desne strane mojih postova, odmah ispod Like box-a. Da biste to uradili, ulogujte se prethodno u vas Google, Yahoo, ili neki od drugih ponudjenih naloga.
3. Ostavite komentar ispod ovog posta sa svojim imenom i kontakt e-mail adresom.
To je sve sto je potrebno da uradite da biste ucestvovali u ovom giveaway-u. :)
Ukoliko zelite dodatnu sansu da osvojite ovaj prsten, ucinite sledece:
1. Ukoliko posedujete blog i pomenete ovaj giveaway na njemu, dobijate +1 sansu za osvajanje nagrade. Samo mi u komentaru ostavite link ka vasem postu u kojem je giveaway pomenut. ;)
2. Ako share-ujte ovaj post na vasem Facebook profilu ili nekoj od stranica koje posedujete na Facebook-u, dobijate +1 sansu za osvajanje nagrade. Ako ovo uradite, molim vas da mi u komentaru ispod zajedno sa vasim imenom i adresom posaljete i link ka Screen Shot-u (slici) toga sto ste uradili (koristite za slikanje opciju Print Screen ili neki program, pa sliku upload-ujte na neki od sajtova tipa Imageshack). To nije zato sto vam ja ne verujem da ste to uradili, vec da bi svi imali ravnopravne sanse u skladu sa onim sto su uradili. :)
Pobednika biram za 7 dana koristeci, prethodno cu korigovati poredak u skladu sa dodatnim sansama za osvajanje. Giveaway se zatvara u ponoc 8. maja i otvoren je za Evropu :) SRECNO!
Hello again :) You remember the 100,000 pageviews on my blog few days ago? Well, it should be celebrated right? :) So I have, as I promised, prepared a little giveaway. No sponsors this time, with some of them I may arrange something later this month. :) This is now something from me personally for you. Since I noticed in this and this post that you really, really liked it, I got a 'camera' ring for you too. ;)
A kako mozete osvojiti ovaj presladak prstencic M velicine iz NewYorkera? Veoma jednostavno! Pratite sledeca pravila:
1. Like-ujte stranicu Venoma's fashion diary na Facebook mrezi. To mozete uciniti preko datog linka ili preko box-a sa desne strane, nesto ispod naslovne slike.
2. Pratite moj blog preko Google Friend Connect-a. On se nalazi takodje sa desne strane mojih postova, odmah ispod Like box-a. Da biste to uradili, ulogujte se prethodno u vas Google, Yahoo, ili neki od drugih ponudjenih naloga.
3. Ostavite komentar ispod ovog posta sa svojim imenom i kontakt e-mail adresom.
To je sve sto je potrebno da uradite da biste ucestvovali u ovom giveaway-u. :)
Ukoliko zelite dodatnu sansu da osvojite ovaj prsten, ucinite sledece:
1. Ukoliko posedujete blog i pomenete ovaj giveaway na njemu, dobijate +1 sansu za osvajanje nagrade. Samo mi u komentaru ostavite link ka vasem postu u kojem je giveaway pomenut. ;)
2. Ako share-ujte ovaj post na vasem Facebook profilu ili nekoj od stranica koje posedujete na Facebook-u, dobijate +1 sansu za osvajanje nagrade. Ako ovo uradite, molim vas da mi u komentaru ispod zajedno sa vasim imenom i adresom posaljete i link ka Screen Shot-u (slici) toga sto ste uradili (koristite za slikanje opciju Print Screen ili neki program, pa sliku upload-ujte na neki od sajtova tipa Imageshack). To nije zato sto vam ja ne verujem da ste to uradili, vec da bi svi imali ravnopravne sanse u skladu sa onim sto su uradili. :)
Pobednika biram za 7 dana koristeci, prethodno cu korigovati poredak u skladu sa dodatnim sansama za osvajanje. Giveaway se zatvara u ponoc 8. maja i otvoren je za Evropu :) SRECNO!
And how you can win this M size ring from NewYorker? Very simple! Follow these steps:
1. Like Venoma's fashion diary on Facebook. You can do it from given link or in the box on the right side, slightly below the title image.
2. Follow my blog with Google Friend Connect. That's also on the right side of my posts, just below Like box. To do this, log into your Google, Yahoo, or any other account that they offer as an option.
3. Leave a comment below this post with your name and contact email address.
That's all you need to do to participate in this giveaway. :)
1. Like Venoma's fashion diary on Facebook. You can do it from given link or in the box on the right side, slightly below the title image.
2. Follow my blog with Google Friend Connect. That's also on the right side of my posts, just below Like box. To do this, log into your Google, Yahoo, or any other account that they offer as an option.
3. Leave a comment below this post with your name and contact email address.
That's all you need to do to participate in this giveaway. :)
If you want an extra chance to win this ring, do the following:
1. If you have a blog and mention this giveaway on it, you get a +1 chance to win the ring. Just leave me in a comment a link to your post in which you mentioned this giveaway. ;)
2. If you share this post on your Facebook profile or any of the pages you own on Facebook, you get a +1 chance to win the ring. If you do this, please leave me in a comment a link to a Screen Shot (picture) of what you shared (use the Print Screen option or some program, then upload that photo on a site of your choice and send me a link to it). This is not because I do not believe you that you shared, it's only because everybody should have equal chances to win in accordance with what they really did :)
I choose winner after 7 days using Previously I will correct everything in accordance with those who shared this giveaway and got additional chance to win. Giveaway closes at midnight on the 8th May and is open for whole Europe:) GOOD LUCK!
1. If you have a blog and mention this giveaway on it, you get a +1 chance to win the ring. Just leave me in a comment a link to your post in which you mentioned this giveaway. ;)
2. If you share this post on your Facebook profile or any of the pages you own on Facebook, you get a +1 chance to win the ring. If you do this, please leave me in a comment a link to a Screen Shot (picture) of what you shared (use the Print Screen option or some program, then upload that photo on a site of your choice and send me a link to it). This is not because I do not believe you that you shared, it's only because everybody should have equal chances to win in accordance with what they really did :)
I choose winner after 7 days using Previously I will correct everything in accordance with those who shared this giveaway and got additional chance to win. Giveaway closes at midnight on the 8th May and is open for whole Europe:) GOOD LUCK!
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BEAUTY - FASHION -TRAVEL Welcome to my blog! You can call me Venoma. I have been blogging for 10 years and counting. Enjoy my content and find me on Instagram for more!
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