Valantine's day: Say it with Lol Cats :)
Zelim na poseban i sebi svojstven nacin da vam pozelim srecan Dan zaljubljenih - slicicama zaljubljenih i preslatkih maca :) Imam tacno 10 minuta da vam iskuckam ovaj post, jer planiram da svaki minut ovog posebnog dana provedem s onim koga volim. Vama zelim isto to i vise od toga, ako je ikako moguce, da uzivate sa voljenom osobom danas u razmenjivanju pokloncica, cokoladica, sampanjca, poljubaca, zagrljaja i svega ostalog sto inace delite svakog dana :) <3 <3 <3 Uzivajte u fotkama :)

I want to wish you a happy Valentine's Day on my own way- with Valantine's in love lol cats :) I have exactly 10 minutes to make this post because I plan to spend every minute of this special day with the man I love. I wish you the same thing and more, if it's possible, for all of you to enjoy with your loved one today in exchanging gifts, chocolates, champagne, kisses, hugs and everything else they usually share :) <3 <3 <3 Enjoy the photos :)

jaaaaaao jao jao
umrla sam koliko je sve slatko. preslatko!!
Hehe :))))
ReplyDeletePoslednja slika mi je bas cute!:)
ReplyDeleteLonely as a cloud
ReplyDeleteWhat shall we sing, my friends?
In what shall we rejoice?
There alone our song lives,
Where our ancestors were born.
On Earth, where they lived...
I suffer here on Earth...
He who gives life conceals
...thanks! sweet Lady!...