Nove ooops cizme sa krznom / New ooops boots with fur
Ako ste slucajno pomislili da sam zavrsila sa kupovinom cizmi ove sezone, znajte da nisam :D Jos slatkih stvarcica je zavrsilo u mom ormanu i cipelarniku, neke su jos u planu ali do toga verovatno nece doci zbog opste nestasice novca u mom novcaniku, ali sta sad - uvek mogu da sanjarim :D Evo mog najnovijeg ulova:
If you happened to think that I have completed the purchase of boots this season, know that I did not: D More sweet things ended up in my wardrobe and shoe locker, some are still in the plan but this probably won't happen due to a general shortage of money in my wallet, but what now - I can always daydream : D Here's my latest catch:

If you happened to think that I have completed the purchase of boots this season, know that I did not: D More sweet things ended up in my wardrobe and shoe locker, some are still in the plan but this probably won't happen due to a general shortage of money in my wallet, but what now - I can always daydream : D Here's my latest catch:
Ogromna kesa iz Ooopsa O.O Nemam pojma kako sam je dovukla kuci, skoro se vukla po betonu xD
Huge bags from Oops O.O I have no idea how I dragged it home xD

Zlatna kutija sa blagom unutra xD
Golden box with a treasure inside :D

I evo ih, moje nove miljenice :D Prelep model, fenomenalno stoji, cena je pristupacna, blago podsecaju na odredjene Louboutin cizme sa krznom za kojima su svi poludeli (koje inace mozete naci kod sanera za 250evra ali kopija nije verna uopste, a nesto slicno ali kraci model za neke pristojnije pare, oko 7000din, mozete naci u Republics-u na pocetku Knez Mihailove). Medjutim, ove nisu bas kao te - meni se jos i vise svidjaju :D Jos jedne od cizama za sedenje a ne za hodanje u mojoj kolekciji xD Evo jos par slicica, samoslikanih (znate da sam grozna u tome xD ):
And here they are, my new favorites: D Beautiful model, they fit perfectly, the price is affordable, they slightly remind of certain Louboutin boots with fur for which all the girl have gone crazy this season (which otherwise can be found copied for 250 euros but the copy is not good at all, and there was this other model that looks like those Louboitn only a bit smaller, for some decent money, about 70euros, they can be found in the Republics in the beginning of Knez Mihailova Street). However, this are not made as a copy and therefore I like them even more ;) Another boots for sitting not walking in my collection xD Here's another couple of photos, selftaken (you know I'm terrible at it xD)

Bice sigurno i neki look sa njima, kad tad, vec sam ih jednom 'izvela' ali te slike su pune nekih drugih ljudi za koje nisam sigurna da bi zeleli da se nadju na modnom blogu, tako da, prvom prilikom kad ih budem obula i nahvatala nekog da me slika, videcete kako fenomenalno zaista stoje :) Ono sto sam zaboravila da napomenem je da ih mozete naci i u braon boji, i da stvaaarno nisu skupe za ono sto dobijete. U Ooops-u mozete naci i jos povoljne obuce i obuce na snizenju. Evo jedne malo starije slicice koju nisam stigla da okacim, ali to vam pruza neku predstavu o cenama:
I'll make sure to post a look with them, sooner or later, I already 'took them out' once, but those pictures are full of other people that I'm not sure they want to be found on my fashion blog, so at first opportunity when I wear them and find somebody to take pics of me, you'll see that are really awesome:) What I forgot to mention is that you can find them in brown colour too, and they are really not expensive for what you get. In Ooops you can find more affordable shoes on sale. Here are a little older pics that I made a while ago, just to give you an idea of prices:

Verujem da je vecina ove obuce vec prodata, ali u tom delu odmah ispod radnje uvek ima jeftine a lepe obuce :)
I think most of these are sold already, but I'm sure you can find some more, new pairs ;)
Huge bags from Oops O.O I have no idea how I dragged it home xD
Zlatna kutija sa blagom unutra xD
Golden box with a treasure inside :D
I evo ih, moje nove miljenice :D Prelep model, fenomenalno stoji, cena je pristupacna, blago podsecaju na odredjene Louboutin cizme sa krznom za kojima su svi poludeli (koje inace mozete naci kod sanera za 250evra ali kopija nije verna uopste, a nesto slicno ali kraci model za neke pristojnije pare, oko 7000din, mozete naci u Republics-u na pocetku Knez Mihailove). Medjutim, ove nisu bas kao te - meni se jos i vise svidjaju :D Jos jedne od cizama za sedenje a ne za hodanje u mojoj kolekciji xD Evo jos par slicica, samoslikanih (znate da sam grozna u tome xD ):
And here they are, my new favorites: D Beautiful model, they fit perfectly, the price is affordable, they slightly remind of certain Louboutin boots with fur for which all the girl have gone crazy this season (which otherwise can be found copied for 250 euros but the copy is not good at all, and there was this other model that looks like those Louboitn only a bit smaller, for some decent money, about 70euros, they can be found in the Republics in the beginning of Knez Mihailova Street). However, this are not made as a copy and therefore I like them even more ;) Another boots for sitting not walking in my collection xD Here's another couple of photos, selftaken (you know I'm terrible at it xD)
Bice sigurno i neki look sa njima, kad tad, vec sam ih jednom 'izvela' ali te slike su pune nekih drugih ljudi za koje nisam sigurna da bi zeleli da se nadju na modnom blogu, tako da, prvom prilikom kad ih budem obula i nahvatala nekog da me slika, videcete kako fenomenalno zaista stoje :) Ono sto sam zaboravila da napomenem je da ih mozete naci i u braon boji, i da stvaaarno nisu skupe za ono sto dobijete. U Ooops-u mozete naci i jos povoljne obuce i obuce na snizenju. Evo jedne malo starije slicice koju nisam stigla da okacim, ali to vam pruza neku predstavu o cenama:
I'll make sure to post a look with them, sooner or later, I already 'took them out' once, but those pictures are full of other people that I'm not sure they want to be found on my fashion blog, so at first opportunity when I wear them and find somebody to take pics of me, you'll see that are really awesome:) What I forgot to mention is that you can find them in brown colour too, and they are really not expensive for what you get. In Ooops you can find more affordable shoes on sale. Here are a little older pics that I made a while ago, just to give you an idea of prices:

Verujem da je vecina ove obuce vec prodata, ali u tom delu odmah ispod radnje uvek ima jeftine a lepe obuce :)
I think most of these are sold already, but I'm sure you can find some more, new pairs ;)
juu kad je oops postao tako jeftin o.O
ReplyDeletesto bi bake rekle "zdravo da nosis" :) , ne mogu da verujem torry burch reva kopija!!!AAAAA
ReplyDeleteNice boots. Very trendy.
ReplyDeleteJelena ne znam, izgleda da je samo obuca u pitanju posto i dalje deru za sve ostalo :))
ReplyDeleteHvala Vanja :D
Boheme noir, I'm glad you like them :)
ehej, stvarno podsecaju!
ReplyDeleteinace, cene su i mene iznenadile!
uu, dlakavo čudovište :D, ali petica, killer, pazi kako hodaš, hehe :D
ReplyDeletePazim, pazim xD pozdravi za vas dve :)
ReplyDeleteja očito moram u beograd u shopping i to baš u taj ooops!!!! Super cipela ima!