Grazia shopping night Beograd moje iskustvo
Drage moje, moram vam priznati da sam na kraju ipak otisla na Grazia shopping night :) Bilo je generalno super, valjda zato sto je vise radnji ucestvovalo, pa su se ljudi razmileli na sve strane i nije bila preterana guzva u radnjama. Mislim, osim u nekim kao sto su Accessorize, Legend, Terranova, Tally Weijl, Mango... Tamo se jedva moglo uci, ljudi su ispred cekali da udju... Ovo ostalo je bilo podnosljivo. Bila je i neverovatna kolicina solo muskaraca u shoppingu (iako je sa mnom isao jedan zauzet ;) ) tako da, izgleda da ovi nasi momci uce sami da shoppinguju, sto je za svaku pohvalu. Elem, u Knez Mihailovoj je bilo zabavljaca, barem neko vreme, dok se nisu svi posmrzavali (po mom skromnom misljenju). Bila je i ta revija frizura, ali posto nije bilo precizirano vreme to sam nazalost propustila. Fin ugodjaj u svakom slucaju :) Sto se popusta tice, bilo ga je, u naznacenim radnjama, uglavnom na ceo asortiman. Kupila sam (bolje reci dobila sam) dve jako lepe stvarcice koje sam dugo merkala. O njima u nekom narednom postu, pa necu bas sve odmah da vam otkrijem ;) My dears, I must admit that I went to Grazia shopping night after all :) It was all pretty cool, I guess because there were more shops involved than ussual, so it wasn't that crowded as it can be. I mean, it was living hell in Mango, Accessorize, Legend, Terranova, Tally Weijl and few more shops, people were waiting outside to get in.. The crowd in other shops was pretty bearable :) It was impressive to me how many solo mens have I seen shopping that night, that surely is a great thing that mens around here have finally started shopping by themselfs (tho the men that went with me was oh so very taken ;) ). In Knez Mihailova (out main street) there were a few entertainers that I loved, I wished there were more events where I could see those. Most of them left pretty quick tho, it was very very cold outside.. There was a temporary runway in one part of the street, there was a hair styling show in one moment, but soon as I didn't know when exactly was it, I missed it. It was all very nicely arranged :) About the discounts, there were discounts in all the shops from the list. I got myself (or should I say my other half bought me) two very pretty lil' things that I've been looking at for a very long time :) I won't tell u what they are right away ;) You'll read about in in one of my next posts :) Evo slicica sa event-a: / Here's a few pics from the event:Entertainers :)
ReplyDeletenaravno da smiješ pitati za carinu :D
ovako, čizme su bile oko 115 dolara plus poštarina je bilo oko 150 dolara, carina kod nas mislim da ide oko 30 posto,znači oko 300 kuna, sve zajedno koštale su oko 1000 kuna, koliko se sjećam :D
drago mi je da si se super provela!steta sto su malo slicice mutne!
ReplyDeletegreat pics!!!
ReplyDeletei just bumped into your blog! i realy like it!