My purchases from Grazia shopping night / Moji ulovi sa Grazia shopping night-a
Je l' da da nije u redu da vas predugo drzim u neizvesnosti? x) Evo mojih ulova sa shopping night-a:
Isn't that right that I shouldn't keep you in the dark for too long? x) Here are my latest purchases from shopping night:

Gianfracno Ferre - In the mood for love pure. Kutija je reljefasta i jednostavna, bocica je interesantna, miris je prelep i neizmerno nezan. Dugo sam se dvoumila izmedju njega i Vera Wang - Princess, ali sam se na kraju ipak odlucila za ovaj, zbog postojanosti. Mada mogu vam reci da nije nesto preterano postojan, ali je ipak postojaniji od Princess. Kupila sam ga u Jasminu (gde je inace bio 400din jeftiniji nego u Sephori) uz 20% popusta, bas sam jako, jako srecna :) Evo i druge stvarcice koju sam kupila:
Gianfranco Ferre - In the mood for love pure. The box is very simple, the bottle is interesting and elegant, the sent is beautiful and very gentle. I've been wondering for quite a while should I buy this one or Vera Wang - Princess, and I have decided to buy this one because of its stability the skin (sry if this is a wrong word for it, please correct me). It's not too constant either, but it is more constant than Princess. I bought it in Jasmin with 20% off ;) And here's the second thing I bought:

Grejaci za usi iz Accessorize-a ^^ Mozda sam vec pominjala da sam se zaljubila u njih cim sam ih videla u radnji, ali da su stvarno bezobrazno skupi i da sam planirala da kupim neke druge ne Trgu ili Bulevaru.. I onda sam otisla i do Trga i do Bulevara i nisam ih nasla, a usi su mi se u medjuvremenu smrzle, tako da sam iskoristila 20% popusta u Accessorize-u (otislo mi je malo zivaca doduse u cekanju za placanje) i kupila sebi ove :) Greju kaooo ludi, vestacko krzno, mnogo lepo stoje i sto je najvaznije, ja sam presrecna :) Slazu mi se uz shal koji sam kupila nedavno u NewYorker-u:
Heaters for the ears from Accessorize ^^ I have maybe already mentioned them, I fell in love with them the first time I saw them, but they were really too expensive. I planed on buying some other, but i found none at all, and my ears froze in the meantime, so I decided to use that 20% off the price in Accessorize and get these :) They are faux fur, they fit me great, and what's most important, I'm so happy about them :D They also fit this scarf I bought recently in NewYorker:

Neka kao svila iznutra, vestacko krzno spolja. Rasteze se i umotava se sam od sebe, genijalan je, ima da se kupi i u jos par boja. Moze se reci da sam zavrsila svoj quest za krznenim aksesoraima ove sezone. Medjutim, i dalje trazim savrseni leopardasti komad, a tu mi je vala jako tesko ugoditi ;)
Some sort of silk inside, faux fur on the outside. It streches and goes back to previous possition by itself, ingenious, you can find him in few more colours :) I think I've finnished my quest for furry pieces for this winter :) Tho, I'm still missing a perfect leopard printed piece, and my idea of it is so specific, that it's gonna be one very hard to find piece ;)
Isn't that right that I shouldn't keep you in the dark for too long? x) Here are my latest purchases from shopping night:
Gianfracno Ferre - In the mood for love pure. Kutija je reljefasta i jednostavna, bocica je interesantna, miris je prelep i neizmerno nezan. Dugo sam se dvoumila izmedju njega i Vera Wang - Princess, ali sam se na kraju ipak odlucila za ovaj, zbog postojanosti. Mada mogu vam reci da nije nesto preterano postojan, ali je ipak postojaniji od Princess. Kupila sam ga u Jasminu (gde je inace bio 400din jeftiniji nego u Sephori) uz 20% popusta, bas sam jako, jako srecna :) Evo i druge stvarcice koju sam kupila:
Gianfranco Ferre - In the mood for love pure. The box is very simple, the bottle is interesting and elegant, the sent is beautiful and very gentle. I've been wondering for quite a while should I buy this one or Vera Wang - Princess, and I have decided to buy this one because of its stability the skin (sry if this is a wrong word for it, please correct me). It's not too constant either, but it is more constant than Princess. I bought it in Jasmin with 20% off ;) And here's the second thing I bought:
Heaters for the ears from Accessorize ^^ I have maybe already mentioned them, I fell in love with them the first time I saw them, but they were really too expensive. I planed on buying some other, but i found none at all, and my ears froze in the meantime, so I decided to use that 20% off the price in Accessorize and get these :) They are faux fur, they fit me great, and what's most important, I'm so happy about them :D They also fit this scarf I bought recently in NewYorker:
Neka kao svila iznutra, vestacko krzno spolja. Rasteze se i umotava se sam od sebe, genijalan je, ima da se kupi i u jos par boja. Moze se reci da sam zavrsila svoj quest za krznenim aksesoraima ove sezone. Medjutim, i dalje trazim savrseni leopardasti komad, a tu mi je vala jako tesko ugoditi ;)
Some sort of silk inside, faux fur on the outside. It streches and goes back to previous possition by itself, ingenious, you can find him in few more colours :) I think I've finnished my quest for furry pieces for this winter :) Tho, I'm still missing a perfect leopard printed piece, and my idea of it is so specific, that it's gonna be one very hard to find piece ;)
grejach za ushi je genijalan! ja obigravam oko sivog :)
ReplyDeletelove that ferré edt!
ReplyDeleteYou should write in english! :(
ReplyDeleteBest regards,
Fashion Ranger
That Ferre sent looks heavenly!!! I gotta get a tester and try that STAT!!! the bottle is sooo pretty!
xoThe Beckerman Girls
That Ferre sent looks HEAVENLY! I gotta get a tester..such a pretty bottle
ReplyDeleteHaha oh my god, sorry! I was in a hurry and just came over your blog and had do comment. well thank you for commenting my blog, i love yours!! :-)
ReplyDeleteKeep in touch,
Fashion Ranger
ReplyDeleteLike it!!!)))
Nice post;)))
tnx everyone :)))))
ReplyDeletePre svega bih da prokomentarise ovaj post, tacnije grejace za usi koji su preslatkiii!!!
A GFF je moj favorit uvek!
Inace, volela bih da svratis do mog bloga!Od skoro sam aktivna, nema ni dva dana, i znacilo bi mi da bacis pogled!Ja sam vec tvoj follower:)
Veliki pozdrav!:)