Milan fashion week spring summer 2011 ( part 3 )
Nastavljamo sa revijama iz Milana, 3. deo.. A bice 4 dela... Nadam se da vas nije smorilo ;) Jer tek kad krenem o Parizu xD
Moving on with shows I loved from Milan... Hope you don't find these posts too boring ;)

Hocu Just cavalli farke sa ove revije. Hocu. Just cavalli farke. Sa ove revije. Bilo koje. Ima li dobrovoljaca? xD
I want those cavalli jeans. I want. Those cavalli jeans. Any of them. Is there any volontiers for purchasing me that? xD
Gianfranco Ferre

Ferre je jedan od mojih omiljenih potpisa. Zapravo, medju malobrojnim dizajnerskim stvarcicama koje posedujem nalaze se 2 ferre majice, i zamalo da se nadje jedna torbica, ali to nije bilo sudjeno. Kolekcija je prosecna, karakteristicna za Ferre, nista posebno ali ipak se ne moze reci da je losa. Haljine iz drugog reda su preeeeleeeepeee potpuno sam se zaljubila u njih. Eh, kupila bih ih da imam viska para pa makar nemala gde da ih obucem xD
Ferre is one of my favorite signatures. Actually, between that small amount of designed stuff that I own, you can find two ferre t-shirt, and there could be one bag, but I missed that chance.
This collection is pretty avarage, characteristic for Ferre, nothing special but still you can't ssay it's bad or boring. Dresses form second row are beautiful, I'm completely in love with them. I would buy them if I had money, even if I don't have anywhere to wear them xD
To je sve za sad, bice toga jos xD Pics sa
That's all for now, more coming up xD Pics from
Moving on with shows I loved from Milan... Hope you don't find these posts too boring ;)
Luisa Beccaria
Luisa Beccaria je na ovoj reviji pokusala da spoji moderno i staromodno. Tako bar ona kaze. Neki strucnjaci misle da je uspela u tome. Ne bih se slozila, jer ja u ovoj reviji ne vidim skoro nista staromodno ;) Sve je lepo, nezno, zenstveno - jos nisam cula da je zenstvenost postala staromodna pa se vraca u trend ;) Ljubicanstveno-rozikaste boje uklopljene na nekim haljinama me neodoljivo podsecaju na reviju Marc Jacobs-a sa fashion week-a u NewYorku, mada je ovo malo blaza verzija pa mi se stoga vise dopada. Prisutan je i neki lolita efekat koji odeci daje poseban sarm :)
Luisa Beccaria has tried to put together something old and someting new in this collection, so she says. Some people think she managed it. I don't agree - I didn't saw anything oldfashion in here ;) It's all pretty, gentle, feminene - I still haven't heard that that's out of fashion ;) Purple-pink colours are matched on some dresses so that they remind of Marc Jacobs collection that we was earlier on NY fashion week, tho this is a bit lighter version and I like it more. There is this 'lolita' effect that gives it all a special charm.
Just cavalli
Luisa Beccaria has tried to put together something old and someting new in this collection, so she says. Some people think she managed it. I don't agree - I didn't saw anything oldfashion in here ;) It's all pretty, gentle, feminene - I still haven't heard that that's out of fashion ;) Purple-pink colours are matched on some dresses so that they remind of Marc Jacobs collection that we was earlier on NY fashion week, tho this is a bit lighter version and I like it more. There is this 'lolita' effect that gives it all a special charm.
Just cavalli
I want those cavalli jeans. I want. Those cavalli jeans. Any of them. Is there any volontiers for purchasing me that? xD
Gianfranco Ferre
Ferre je jedan od mojih omiljenih potpisa. Zapravo, medju malobrojnim dizajnerskim stvarcicama koje posedujem nalaze se 2 ferre majice, i zamalo da se nadje jedna torbica, ali to nije bilo sudjeno. Kolekcija je prosecna, karakteristicna za Ferre, nista posebno ali ipak se ne moze reci da je losa. Haljine iz drugog reda su preeeeleeeepeee potpuno sam se zaljubila u njih. Eh, kupila bih ih da imam viska para pa makar nemala gde da ih obucem xD
Ferre is one of my favorite signatures. Actually, between that small amount of designed stuff that I own, you can find two ferre t-shirt, and there could be one bag, but I missed that chance.
This collection is pretty avarage, characteristic for Ferre, nothing special but still you can't ssay it's bad or boring. Dresses form second row are beautiful, I'm completely in love with them. I would buy them if I had money, even if I don't have anywhere to wear them xD
To je sve za sad, bice toga jos xD Pics sa
That's all for now, more coming up xD Pics from
Beccaria haljine su za 10, narocito ova 4. i 6. po redu. A ni ostalo nije za baciti :):) Uzivacu u svim tvojim pregledima :)
ReplyDeleteI LOVE the 1st and 3rd set of dresses, I'm such a fan of long, flowly dresses and those colors are so pretty