Halloween maskenbal KPGT 2010/ Halloween masquerade KPGT 2010
Drage moje, ono sto mozda jos niste saznale o meni je da obozavam maskenbale ^^ Da, mi ovde u Beogradu definitivno jesmo ograniceni sa izborom kostima na neki nacin, a ja ne volim da pravim sama sebi kostime od kartona i balona (mada skidam kapu ljudima koji to rade na ulozenom trudu), vec volim da kupim gotove delove kostima i da ih dobro uklopim :) Moj omiljeni maskenbal je prednovogodisnji maskenbal u KST-u, ali ove godine sam resila da posetim i jos jedan, Halloween maskenbal u KPGT-u. Bila je to avantura s obzirom da sam prvi put posetila KPGT.. Da nije bilo taksiste, verovatno nikad ne bih pronasla ulaz, ili bih ga pronasla ali bih se plasila da udjem xD Da ne duzim mnogo, provod je bio super, nije bilo guzve, kostimi su bili looodilo :) Evo i slicica:
My dears, what you might not have known about me is that I love masquerades ^^ Here where I live we are very limited with shops that sell costumes, and soon as I don't really like to make my own costume, I ussualy buy different pieces and put them all together :) Sometimes they fit, sometimes not, but I must admit I think this year I've done a good job :) I have a pre-New Year costume ball that I never miss, but this one that I went last night on was a Halloween costume ball and I really really loved it :) Here's some pics for you:

Rogovi, haljina i carape - no name / horns, dress and socks - no name
Cipele sa pufnom - Clock / Shoes with a puff - Clock
Torba - Carpisa prolece/leto 2010 / Bag - Caprisa spring/summer 2010
Cipkani bolero - Noa noa / Bolero - Noa noa
Trozubac - Accessorize Halloween kolekcija 2010 / Trident - Accessorize Halloween collection 2010
Satenske rukavice do laktova - Accessorize / Long satin glowes - Accessorize
Mindjuse - Accessorize / Earings - Accessorize s/s 2010
I evo jos nekoliko slicica kako biste mogli da steknete i najmanji utisak o atmosferi i drugim maskama :)
And here's some more pics with other masked people, so I could show you at least a little bit of how much fun it all was :)
My dears, what you might not have known about me is that I love masquerades ^^ Here where I live we are very limited with shops that sell costumes, and soon as I don't really like to make my own costume, I ussualy buy different pieces and put them all together :) Sometimes they fit, sometimes not, but I must admit I think this year I've done a good job :) I have a pre-New Year costume ball that I never miss, but this one that I went last night on was a Halloween costume ball and I really really loved it :) Here's some pics for you:
Cipele sa pufnom - Clock / Shoes with a puff - Clock
Torba - Carpisa prolece/leto 2010 / Bag - Caprisa spring/summer 2010
Cipkani bolero - Noa noa / Bolero - Noa noa
Trozubac - Accessorize Halloween kolekcija 2010 / Trident - Accessorize Halloween collection 2010
Satenske rukavice do laktova - Accessorize / Long satin glowes - Accessorize
Mindjuse - Accessorize / Earings - Accessorize s/s 2010
I evo jos nekoliko slicica kako biste mogli da steknete i najmanji utisak o atmosferi i drugim maskama :)
And here's some more pics with other masked people, so I could show you at least a little bit of how much fun it all was :)
venoma dZavolice jedna :D
ReplyDeletesuper je kostim! ali fotka sa sveshtenikom mi je hit ::))
ooooo,jako sexy.Super si :)
ReplyDeleteooooooooooooodlično :D
ReplyDeleteHvala devojke, bas mi je drago da vam se svidZa :D :))))
ReplyDeletedefinitivno najbolja slicica je sa svestenikom, slatko si me nasmejala!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletexD :)))
ReplyDeletehypeovala! :))) jel ucestvujesh u LOOKBOOK igri?
ReplyDeleteHvala Marina, mislim da ucestvujem, malo mi je bilo teze da izracunam kad sam postovala look po njihovom vremenu x) Ali trebalo bi da sam ucesnik, mada znas mene skeptika, kad ce oni da posalju pare nekome iz Srbije, eh..
ReplyDeleteWow, hot costume! Fantastic shoes!
ReplyDeleteOk, let`s exchange links. You`re in my blogroll now!
Best, Jenny
Sure Jenny, you're in mine too :) I'm glad you like my costume :))))