Zuhair Murad 2010
Za one koji su videli njegove radove svaka rec je suvisna. Za one koji nisu, evo male uvertire: Zuhair Murad je jos jedan od retkih dizajnera koji su rodjeni van Evrope a koji redovno prikazuju svoje kolekcije na najprestiznijoj nedelji mode u Parizu. Rodjen je u Bejrutu u Libanonu, prvu radnju je otvorio 1995., u Rimu je debitovao 1999. dok je u Parizu svoju prvu Haute couture kolekciju prikazao 2001. a Pret-a-porter kolekciju 2002. Otada svaka njegova Ready-to-wear i Haute couture kolekcija dozivljava uspeh u celom svetu. Ceo Holivud zajedno sa muzickom industrijom je potpuno lud za njegovim kreacijama. Katty Perry, Jennifer Lopez, Paris Hilton, Kylie Minogue samo su jedne od mnogih koje su nosile njegove haljine na najprestiznijim dogadjajima. Malo je reci koje mogu opisati njegove Haute couture kolekcije. Covek je madjionicar. Sve njegove revije gledam bez treptanja, samo sto ne upadnem u ekran koliko sam odusevljena. Zuhair Murad je zaista jedan od mojih najomiljenijih dizajnera. Ni sa jednim drugim dizajnerom se nije dogodilo da mi se BAS SVAKI komad sa revije dopadne. On je zaista nesto posebno. Evo snimka njegove poslednje (jesen/zima 2010/2011) revije i slika nekoliko mojih favorita (ako uopste mogu da izaberem favorite medju tako jakom konkurencijom!) ********************************************************************************** For those who have seen his creation, every word is unnecessary. For those who have not, here's a few words: Zuhair Murad is one of the rare designers born out of Europe that has regular shows in the most prestige fashion week in Paris. He was born in Beirut, Lebanon, where he opened his first atelier in 1995. He had his first show in Rome in 1999, then in Paris 2001 (Haute couture) and 2002 (Ready-to-wear). And since then the whole world is going crazy about his dresses and other pieces from every collection he puts on the runway. Katty Perry, Jennifer Lopez, Paris Hilton, Kylie Minogue are only some celebrities that wore his dresses on famous events all over the world. I don't know the right words who could describe his haute couture collections. He's a magician if you ask me. I watch every his show without blinking, I feel like I'm gonna fall into the screen once. He really is one of my favorite designers. It never happened to me that I liked every single piece from the runway until I saw his shows. He really is something special. Here's the video of his latest (aw2010/2011) couture show, together with pics of my favorites (it was really hard to choose any, all dresses are fabulous)

Zuhair Murad
Les bal des sirenes
Couture spring summer 2009