Oh, da, iako se kod nas jos osecaju poslednji dani leta, dizajneri su vec uveliko osmislili sta da nam predloze da obucemo i obujemo sledeceg proleca kada sunce ponovo grane :D Zaista, da nisu mozda malo poranili? Ma neee... Fashion week NY je poceo pre samo par dana i vec se mnogo toga moze zakljuciti o buducim trendovima i potencijalnim "it" komadima. Iskreno, ne pratim sve dizajnere niti me svi zanimaju. Takodje nikad ne tvrdim da je neka kolekcija super samo zato sto ju je izbacio "taj-i-taj" stoga, ako vam treba strucni report sa fashion weeka, ovo ipak nije to - ovo je malo vise subjektivno ali zato nije potplaceno ;)
************************************************************************************ Oh yes, even if we still feel the warmth of the las summer days, designers have already decided to let us know what have they made for us and what do they suggest we should wear next srping/summer when the sun shines again :D Isn't it a bit too early I wonder? Nooo xD Fashion week NY started a few days ago and yet you can already say a lot about upcoming trends and potential "it" pieces. Honestly, I don't track works of all designers, neither I like all of them. I also never claim that a collection is great just because it's made by someone who is alerady a famous designer. In case you need a really exeprt report from fashion week, you should probably search elsewhere - what I write is a bit more subjective and without anybody paying me any money to say something good or bad ;) So here we go :)
Alexander Wang, spring/summer 2011
Alexandar Wang je relativno nov na svetskoj dizajnerskoj sceni, mlad i inovativan. Zaista su mi se dopale neke od njegovih ranijih kolekcija koje su obilovale kozom, nitnama, flashy detaljima, i u kojima je uopsteno dominirala crna boja. Bas zato je ova nova kolekcija bila potpuni shok za mene - ali mi je takodje otkrila i jedan od ocigledno vodecih trendova za sledece prolece/leto a to je - BELO, providno i lagano. Skoro cela kolekcija je u beloj boji, sa malo varijacija, cini mi se cisto da ne bude previse monotono. Kreacije su prosecne. Obuca mi se uopste ne dopada - shvatam, onaj "radnicka cipela" motiv je u pitanju - meni je grozan, zaista. Ne svidja mi se ni "make up" ako se ovo time moze nazvati - kao da modeli ne izgledaju dovoljno namuceno same po sebi xD Ali dobro, vidjali smo i gore od ovoga.
Alexander Wang is relatively new designer on the world level, young and inovative - I really liked his old collections with lots of leather and black details. That's why this new collection was a shock for me - but has also revealed one of the obviously leading trends for next spring/summer - that is WHITE, transparent and light. Almoust whole collection is made out of white materials, with maybe some pumpkin and celadon not to make it all too boring. The creations are average. I really don't like the shoes, I mean, I get it completely, it's all about that "working shoes" motive, but I don't like it at all. I personaly didn't like what he did to the models either- but hey, I saw worse than that.
Ruffian, spring/summer 2011
Ovo je jedna jako slatka kolekcija od strane Brian Wolk-a i Claude Morais. Musa im je bila Susan Travers, jedina zena koja je zvanicno sluzila u Frecng Foreign Legion, tako da je cela kolekcija pod velikim "vojnim" uticajem, kreacije podsecaju na neku vrstu uniforme.. Fenomenalno mi je kako su tako dobro od necega tipicno muskog napravili ovako zenstvene komade. Mnogo mi se dopadaju. Iskreno, mozda bih ih i sama nosila - a to bas retko kazem za nesto sto dolazi direktno sa piste :)
Now this is one very cute collection made by Brian Wolk and Claude Morais. Their muse for this season was Susan Travers, the only woman to officially serve with the French Foreign Legion, so the whole collection had a strong military influence, creations remind us on some sort of uniforms .. It's lovely how they put together something so "menly" and made it so feminine. I just love these creations! I would wear them myself, which I very rarely say for something coming sratight from the runway.
Jen Kao spring/summer 2011
Ovo je second best kolekcija koju sam do sada videla na NY fashion week-u. Ima nekoliko inovativnih detalja, zanimljivo uklopljene boje i preslatku obucu.. Jen Kao je kao inspiraciju navela "romansu" ili "romantiku", da ne pogresim u prevodu. I zaista nam je iznela romansu na pistu na sjajan nacin. Pocnimo od toga da je pista licila na pesak sa raznim sharama. Haljine i vezeni koncani odevni predmeti izgledaju sjajno, nesto sto se moze nositi na obican dan, bez da odskacete previse od okoline a da ipak zadrzite posebnost. Mnogo mi se svidjaju one ravne sandale sto idu do kolena! Ne bi mi smetalo da nabavim jedan takav komad ( a inace ne volim ravne sandale tipa gladijatorke, ne svidja mi se kako mi stoje). Takodje sam primetila jos jednu sitnicu u ovoj reviji koja tezi da se uspostavi kao trend, s obzirom da sam je videla na jos par mesta a to je - ogoljeni stomacic ;)
Now here's the collection I find the second most interesting of those on NY fashion week so far. It has more than few inovative details, interesting colour matching, some lovely footwear... Jen Kao focused herself this season on ROMANCE. And she gave us romance on the runway on completely new way. We can start from the bare runway that looked like it was made out of sand with artistic cravings in it. The dresses with the knitwork looked great, something you could wear on a normal day without bouncing of your environment and still feel special. I just love those up-to-knee sandals, I would like to own one pair myself. There's also another thing I noticed in this collection and in some other too - it seems to me that naked belly might become a trend too ;)
Jason Wu spring/summer 2011
Moze se reci da mi je ovo omiljena kolekcija koju sam videla do sad ove godine na NY fashion weeku. Jason Wu je mlad dizajner koji je do sada bio fokusiran samo na odecu, ali je sa ovom klolekcijom predstavio i aksesoare i obucu po prvi put kao deo svoje postavke. Njegova nova kolekcija je puna detalja i oblika, kao sto su cvece na reveru i kragni, tanki kaisevi na visokom struku, "tupil (lala)" suknje, providne majice itd. Moram priznati da licno ne bih nosila njegove komade, ali ova kolekcija je pravo osvezenje u smislu boja i svezine za razliku od vecine drugih koje smo videli.
This might just be my favorite collection presented on NY fashion week so far. Jason Wu is a young designer, who was focused only on clothes so far, but with this show he also presented his first accessories and footwear. His new collection was so full of pretty details and shapes, like flowers on the side of blouses, belts high on waist, tulip skirts, transparent blouses and so on. I must addmit that I probably wouldn't wear any of his pieces myself, but his collection looks so lovely and colourful between all the others we've seen.
Ostale kolekcije me nisu previse impresionirale. Pretpostavljam da cu napisati jos jedan post ako mi se dopadne jos neka kolekcija do kraja nedelje. Slike preuzete sa vouge.com
The rest of the collections didn't impress me. In case I like some more by the end of the fashion week, I will surely post one more time ;) Pics taken from vouge.com
************************************************************************************ Oh yes, even if we still feel the warmth of the las summer days, designers have already decided to let us know what have they made for us and what do they suggest we should wear next srping/summer when the sun shines again :D Isn't it a bit too early I wonder? Nooo xD Fashion week NY started a few days ago and yet you can already say a lot about upcoming trends and potential "it" pieces. Honestly, I don't track works of all designers, neither I like all of them. I also never claim that a collection is great just because it's made by someone who is alerady a famous designer. In case you need a really exeprt report from fashion week, you should probably search elsewhere - what I write is a bit more subjective and without anybody paying me any money to say something good or bad ;) So here we go :)
Alexander Wang, spring/summer 2011
Alexandar Wang je relativno nov na svetskoj dizajnerskoj sceni, mlad i inovativan. Zaista su mi se dopale neke od njegovih ranijih kolekcija koje su obilovale kozom, nitnama, flashy detaljima, i u kojima je uopsteno dominirala crna boja. Bas zato je ova nova kolekcija bila potpuni shok za mene - ali mi je takodje otkrila i jedan od ocigledno vodecih trendova za sledece prolece/leto a to je - BELO, providno i lagano. Skoro cela kolekcija je u beloj boji, sa malo varijacija, cini mi se cisto da ne bude previse monotono. Kreacije su prosecne. Obuca mi se uopste ne dopada - shvatam, onaj "radnicka cipela" motiv je u pitanju - meni je grozan, zaista. Ne svidja mi se ni "make up" ako se ovo time moze nazvati - kao da modeli ne izgledaju dovoljno namuceno same po sebi xD Ali dobro, vidjali smo i gore od ovoga.
Alexander Wang is relatively new designer on the world level, young and inovative - I really liked his old collections with lots of leather and black details. That's why this new collection was a shock for me - but has also revealed one of the obviously leading trends for next spring/summer - that is WHITE, transparent and light. Almoust whole collection is made out of white materials, with maybe some pumpkin and celadon not to make it all too boring. The creations are average. I really don't like the shoes, I mean, I get it completely, it's all about that "working shoes" motive, but I don't like it at all. I personaly didn't like what he did to the models either- but hey, I saw worse than that.
Ruffian, spring/summer 2011
Ovo je jedna jako slatka kolekcija od strane Brian Wolk-a i Claude Morais. Musa im je bila Susan Travers, jedina zena koja je zvanicno sluzila u Frecng Foreign Legion, tako da je cela kolekcija pod velikim "vojnim" uticajem, kreacije podsecaju na neku vrstu uniforme.. Fenomenalno mi je kako su tako dobro od necega tipicno muskog napravili ovako zenstvene komade. Mnogo mi se dopadaju. Iskreno, mozda bih ih i sama nosila - a to bas retko kazem za nesto sto dolazi direktno sa piste :)
Now this is one very cute collection made by Brian Wolk and Claude Morais. Their muse for this season was Susan Travers, the only woman to officially serve with the French Foreign Legion, so the whole collection had a strong military influence, creations remind us on some sort of uniforms .. It's lovely how they put together something so "menly" and made it so feminine. I just love these creations! I would wear them myself, which I very rarely say for something coming sratight from the runway.
Jen Kao spring/summer 2011
Ovo je second best kolekcija koju sam do sada videla na NY fashion week-u. Ima nekoliko inovativnih detalja, zanimljivo uklopljene boje i preslatku obucu.. Jen Kao je kao inspiraciju navela "romansu" ili "romantiku", da ne pogresim u prevodu. I zaista nam je iznela romansu na pistu na sjajan nacin. Pocnimo od toga da je pista licila na pesak sa raznim sharama. Haljine i vezeni koncani odevni predmeti izgledaju sjajno, nesto sto se moze nositi na obican dan, bez da odskacete previse od okoline a da ipak zadrzite posebnost. Mnogo mi se svidjaju one ravne sandale sto idu do kolena! Ne bi mi smetalo da nabavim jedan takav komad ( a inace ne volim ravne sandale tipa gladijatorke, ne svidja mi se kako mi stoje). Takodje sam primetila jos jednu sitnicu u ovoj reviji koja tezi da se uspostavi kao trend, s obzirom da sam je videla na jos par mesta a to je - ogoljeni stomacic ;)
Now here's the collection I find the second most interesting of those on NY fashion week so far. It has more than few inovative details, interesting colour matching, some lovely footwear... Jen Kao focused herself this season on ROMANCE. And she gave us romance on the runway on completely new way. We can start from the bare runway that looked like it was made out of sand with artistic cravings in it. The dresses with the knitwork looked great, something you could wear on a normal day without bouncing of your environment and still feel special. I just love those up-to-knee sandals, I would like to own one pair myself. There's also another thing I noticed in this collection and in some other too - it seems to me that naked belly might become a trend too ;)
Jason Wu spring/summer 2011
Moze se reci da mi je ovo omiljena kolekcija koju sam videla do sad ove godine na NY fashion weeku. Jason Wu je mlad dizajner koji je do sada bio fokusiran samo na odecu, ali je sa ovom klolekcijom predstavio i aksesoare i obucu po prvi put kao deo svoje postavke. Njegova nova kolekcija je puna detalja i oblika, kao sto su cvece na reveru i kragni, tanki kaisevi na visokom struku, "tupil (lala)" suknje, providne majice itd. Moram priznati da licno ne bih nosila njegove komade, ali ova kolekcija je pravo osvezenje u smislu boja i svezine za razliku od vecine drugih koje smo videli.
This might just be my favorite collection presented on NY fashion week so far. Jason Wu is a young designer, who was focused only on clothes so far, but with this show he also presented his first accessories and footwear. His new collection was so full of pretty details and shapes, like flowers on the side of blouses, belts high on waist, tulip skirts, transparent blouses and so on. I must addmit that I probably wouldn't wear any of his pieces myself, but his collection looks so lovely and colourful between all the others we've seen.
Ostale kolekcije me nisu previse impresionirale. Pretpostavljam da cu napisati jos jedan post ako mi se dopadne jos neka kolekcija do kraja nedelje. Slike preuzete sa vouge.com
The rest of the collections didn't impress me. In case I like some more by the end of the fashion week, I will surely post one more time ;) Pics taken from vouge.com
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