Mona - umetnička kolekcija Nikola Tesla, Carstvo i Njegoš
Modna kuća MONA je osnovana 1989. godine u Beogradu. Proizvodi mušku i žensku odeću od kože i tekstila, kao i veliki asortiman kožne galanterije. Vise o istorijatu i poslovanju firme mozete procitati na Moninom sajtu. Na svoju veliku zalost, jos uvek se nisam dograbila nijedne njihove kozne jakne, mada sam "smeknula" jednu finu ove zime.. Medjutim, uz kvalitet i ime ide i povelika cena-tako da ce to sacekati, najverovatnije jos koju godinu. Ono sto najcesce vidjam po gradu su Monine tasne u koje se mnoge zene kunu - starije zene, zapravo. Stoga sam i te tasne zaobisla za sad. Bice vremena kada cu kvalitet stavljati ispred kvantiteta - sada jos za to nema potrebe :)
Ono sto sam zelela da podelim sa vama jesu umetnicke kolekcije koje je za Monu radila Olja Ivanjicki tokom proteklih godina. Oni koji su pratili Monin rad tokom godina su verovatno ovo odavno videli, medjutim, ja sam tek nedavno nabasala na tri umetnicke kolekcije pod nazivima "Tesla", "Njegosh" i "Carstvo". Retko kad kod nas imam prilike da vidim ovakve komade, ovako dobro slikane.
P.S. jedna mala napomena: licno kao fashion freak i addict cesto se bavim modom koja "nije nosiva" i stoga je deo mojih citalaca moze smatrati neinteresantnim. Taj deo citalaca molim da preskoci postove kao sto je ovaj. Ovakve postove pisem iz ljubavi prema umetnosti i umetnicima, a dizajneri su na vrhuncu svog umetnickog stvaralastva upravo kada ne prave kolekcije radi prodaje i novca, vec radi samog stvaranja i umetnosti. U svetu mode danas je tesko naici na kolekcije stvorene na taj nacin. Ipak, za mene su one najdragoceniji momenti proizisli iz modnog sveta.
MONA is a fashion house established in 1989. in Belgrade. It produces men's and women's clothing, from mainly leather and textiles, as well as a range of other leather goods. More about the history and operations of the company you can read here. Because of the price, I still didn't got my hands on any of their leather jackets, though I saw one very nice for this autumn .. However, with the quality and the name goes a sizable price-so it will wait, probably another few years. What I see most often in the city are Mona's bags in which are adored by many women - older women, actually. Therefore, I "passed" the bag for now. There will be times when I will put quality before quantity - but now there is no need for suh thing :)
What I wanted to share with you are the art collections that has made Olja Ivanjicki for Mona over the years. Those who have followed Mona's work over the years have probably seen this a long time ago, however, I have only recently saw three art collections under the names "Tesla", "Njegosh" and "Empire." Rarely in our country we have the opportunity to see such pieces.
P.S. One small note: personally and as a fashion freak / addict I often deal with fashion that is not wearable and therefore a part of my readers may consider it uninteresting. That part of readers I'm asking kindly to skip posts like this. Such posts I write out of love for art and artists, and designers are at the top of his artistic creativity not when they make a collection for sale and money, but for the creation and art itself. In the fashion world today it is difficult to encounter a collection created in that way. However, for me they are the most precious moments that ever came out of the fashion world.
KOLEKCIJA "TESLA" / Collection "Tesla"

KOLEKCIJA "NJEGOSH" / Collection "Njegosh"

KOLEKCIJA "CARSTVO" / Collection "Empire"

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