London fashion week spring/summer 2011 (part I)
Odmah posle New York-a - London :D Moram priznati da mi je on nekako drazi, jer je ipak na mom kontinentu ;) Jeste, prolece je jos daleko, ali pogled na ove kolekcije mi definitivno popravlja raspolozenje po ovoj kisurdaci, s obzirom da sam teski meteoropata. Evo mojih favorita, za sada. Ono sto bih zelela da naglasim je da se kroz razne revije mogu uociti elementi stvaranja pokojnog Alexandra McQueena koga sam mnogo volela - covek je bio genije. Sve ovo lici na odavanje pocasti a ne na kradju ideja i zaista su lepi gestovi u pitanju.
Right after New York - London fashion week :D I must admit I like London fw more, because it's on my continent ;) Yes, the spring is months away from now, but just looking at these collections puts me in a better mood during this rain, soon as I am really meteorophatic sometimes. Here are my favorites, for now. I also want to mention that Alexander McQueen influence is very noticable in many collections - which looks like a tribute, not like stealing ideas, so I think it's very nice what they did.

Haljinice malo podsecaju na onu "vanzemaljsku" kolekciju Alexandra McQueen-a mada su napravljene od drugacijih materijala i prilagodjenije. Mnogo mi se svidjaju ove hulahopke (helanke?) sve su unikatne i bas upecatljive.
Dresses remind me of those "alien" collection od Alexander McQueen tho they are made from other, more adjusted materials. I really like those tights-or socks? - every each one is unique and leaving a great impression.
Right after New York - London fashion week :D I must admit I like London fw more, because it's on my continent ;) Yes, the spring is months away from now, but just looking at these collections puts me in a better mood during this rain, soon as I am really meteorophatic sometimes. Here are my favorites, for now. I also want to mention that Alexander McQueen influence is very noticable in many collections - which looks like a tribute, not like stealing ideas, so I think it's very nice what they did.
Bora Aksu
Haljinice malo podsecaju na onu "vanzemaljsku" kolekciju Alexandra McQueen-a mada su napravljene od drugacijih materijala i prilagodjenije. Mnogo mi se svidjaju ove hulahopke (helanke?) sve su unikatne i bas upecatljive.
Dresses remind me of those "alien" collection od Alexander McQueen tho they are made from other, more adjusted materials. I really like those tights-or socks? - every each one is unique and leaving a great impression.
Carolina Charles

Vrlo simpaticno, zenstveno, slatko. Ali kada ce vide ove 50te i 70te izaci iz mode? xD
Very cute and feminene. But when is this 50's and 70's trend gonna end? xD
Felder Felder

Kolekcija ne previse upecatljiva, osim sto isto u nekim elementima podseca na McQueen-a. Nitnice i mesavine boja su dominantne.
Collection that doesn't leave really big impression, except that it reminds on McQueen too. Metal detials and mixture of colours are dominant.
House of Holland

Ova kolekcija je definitinvo jedna od najupecatljivijih po mom misljenju na ovom fashion week-u. Pufnaste mindjuse (u koje sam zaljubljena), nekoliko boja (plava, zelelna, ljubicasta,), rese, neobicni krojevi, zvezdice... Sve fenomenalno i osvezavajuce ukomponovano.
This collection is one of the best so far on this fashion week. Big fluffy earings (that I fell in love with), few strong colours (blue, green, purple), unusuall cuts, small stars, fringes... Everything put together on a fabilous way.
John Rocha

Ima nesto sto me potpuno osvojilo u vezi ovih sesira :) Ova obuca na pertlanje me podseca malkice na Jen Kao iz New York-a i dopada mi se. Sve ovo leprsavo, providno, pleteno, jednostavno... Zaista je dobro izvedeno ovde. Inace mi je dosadila klasika, pola revija ne pokazuje nista novo niti zanimljivo. Stoga bambi za ovu kolekciju jer nije monotona.
There's something about these hats that I like very much :D These shoes remind me a bit of what I saw in Jen Kao's collection and I like these too. Pieces look very classy and yet not boring - I got pretty sick of classy collection this season, there's rarely something new or interesting to be seen - that's why I like this one, it's a bit different.
Mary Katrantzou

Zamislite sobu, bazen, prozor, bastu... Na odeci. Zamislite rese umesto zavesa, ogrlice umesto lustera, i razne druge raznobojne detalje. Kako god da ste ih zamislil, Mary je to odradila bolje. Ovo je definitivno najfenomenalnija kolekcija do sada. Prosto genijalno. Ja bih je pravo sa piste premestila u muzej - prava umetnost u svetu mode!
Imagine a room, a pool, a window, a garden... On the cloths. Imagine fringes instead of curtains, necklaces instead of lamps on the ceiling and lots and lots of other colourful details. Whatever have you imagined - Mary did it better. This is one of the most fantastic collection for spring/summer 2011. Ingenious. I would put it in the museum, straight from the runway - it really is an art in this fashion world :)
Pics taken from and
More to come, some other day :)
By: Venoma
Vrlo simpaticno, zenstveno, slatko. Ali kada ce vide ove 50te i 70te izaci iz mode? xD
Very cute and feminene. But when is this 50's and 70's trend gonna end? xD
Felder Felder
Kolekcija ne previse upecatljiva, osim sto isto u nekim elementima podseca na McQueen-a. Nitnice i mesavine boja su dominantne.
Collection that doesn't leave really big impression, except that it reminds on McQueen too. Metal detials and mixture of colours are dominant.
House of Holland
Ova kolekcija je definitinvo jedna od najupecatljivijih po mom misljenju na ovom fashion week-u. Pufnaste mindjuse (u koje sam zaljubljena), nekoliko boja (plava, zelelna, ljubicasta,), rese, neobicni krojevi, zvezdice... Sve fenomenalno i osvezavajuce ukomponovano.
This collection is one of the best so far on this fashion week. Big fluffy earings (that I fell in love with), few strong colours (blue, green, purple), unusuall cuts, small stars, fringes... Everything put together on a fabilous way.
John Rocha

Ima nesto sto me potpuno osvojilo u vezi ovih sesira :) Ova obuca na pertlanje me podseca malkice na Jen Kao iz New York-a i dopada mi se. Sve ovo leprsavo, providno, pleteno, jednostavno... Zaista je dobro izvedeno ovde. Inace mi je dosadila klasika, pola revija ne pokazuje nista novo niti zanimljivo. Stoga bambi za ovu kolekciju jer nije monotona.
There's something about these hats that I like very much :D These shoes remind me a bit of what I saw in Jen Kao's collection and I like these too. Pieces look very classy and yet not boring - I got pretty sick of classy collection this season, there's rarely something new or interesting to be seen - that's why I like this one, it's a bit different.
Mary Katrantzou
Zamislite sobu, bazen, prozor, bastu... Na odeci. Zamislite rese umesto zavesa, ogrlice umesto lustera, i razne druge raznobojne detalje. Kako god da ste ih zamislil, Mary je to odradila bolje. Ovo je definitivno najfenomenalnija kolekcija do sada. Prosto genijalno. Ja bih je pravo sa piste premestila u muzej - prava umetnost u svetu mode!
Imagine a room, a pool, a window, a garden... On the cloths. Imagine fringes instead of curtains, necklaces instead of lamps on the ceiling and lots and lots of other colourful details. Whatever have you imagined - Mary did it better. This is one of the most fantastic collection for spring/summer 2011. Ingenious. I would put it in the museum, straight from the runway - it really is an art in this fashion world :)
Pics taken from and
More to come, some other day :)
By: Venoma
those outfits are all really unique. They each have their own style and attitude. I particularly like the first one's tights!
ReplyDeletejako mi se sveee svidja :D originalno :D
Pop champagne, I'm always glad to see you visiting my blog, I really appreciate your oppinion because you is doing such a great job on your own blog :)
ReplyDeleteDoll factory you have a comment on your blog :)
Stay beautiful, delimo misljenje :D Pozzzic
Thank you for you kind words! Your raport is great too!
ReplyDeletejuliet xxx
Julier you're welcome :)
ReplyDeleteLara, sasvim moguce da cemo videti Katty u ovome ;)