Last glance at NewYork fashion week spring summer 2011
Iako je zavrsena, jednostavno moram da pomenem jos dva dizajnera koji su uradili fenomenalan posao na samom kraju ove nedelje mode :)
Even tho it's ended already, I simply must mention two more designers that did a fabilous job on the abre end of this fashion week :)
Ralph Lauren

Opsti zakljucak je da rese ni ove sezone ne izlaze iz mode :D Jos jedan poznati dizajner je nanovo obradio temu "indijanci i kauboji", koju ja inace mnogo gotivim, i sve u svemu je odradio poprilicno dobar posao sa ovim pojasevima, ponchoima, kozom braon boje, resama itd. Nesto mi se posebno dopadaju ove pantalone sa resama sa strane, ne znam gde bih ih nosila, ali volela bih da imam jedne takve ^^ Jedino sto mi se ne dopada su haljine koje podsecaju na spavacice, zaista...
Another season with fringes so IN :D Another famous designer took the theme "indians and cowboys" and did a great job with it :) I love the belts, knitwork, brown leather, everything! I specaially like those trousers with fringes on the side, I would like to have ones, even tho I got apsolutely no idea where would I wear them ^^ The only thing I don't like are the dresses - they remind me of sleeping gowns, honestly...
Oscar de la Renta

Sta reci, slike sve same govore :D Obozavam haljine, a ovaj covek stvarno zna dobro da ih napravi.. Najvise mi se svidjaju obe iz treceg reda, i desna iz cetvrtog i petog reda... Vec mi je jasno koliko ce poznatih licnosti setati u ovim haljinama sledeceg proleca :)
What can I say, pictures say it all for me :D I love dresses, and this men knows just ow to make them.. I like the most both dresses in the third row, right one from the forth and right one from the fifth row... I can already see how many celebrities will go crazy about them :)
All pics taken from
By: Venoma
Opsti zakljucak je da rese ni ove sezone ne izlaze iz mode :D Jos jedan poznati dizajner je nanovo obradio temu "indijanci i kauboji", koju ja inace mnogo gotivim, i sve u svemu je odradio poprilicno dobar posao sa ovim pojasevima, ponchoima, kozom braon boje, resama itd. Nesto mi se posebno dopadaju ove pantalone sa resama sa strane, ne znam gde bih ih nosila, ali volela bih da imam jedne takve ^^ Jedino sto mi se ne dopada su haljine koje podsecaju na spavacice, zaista...
Another season with fringes so IN :D Another famous designer took the theme "indians and cowboys" and did a great job with it :) I love the belts, knitwork, brown leather, everything! I specaially like those trousers with fringes on the side, I would like to have ones, even tho I got apsolutely no idea where would I wear them ^^ The only thing I don't like are the dresses - they remind me of sleeping gowns, honestly...
Oscar de la Renta
Sta reci, slike sve same govore :D Obozavam haljine, a ovaj covek stvarno zna dobro da ih napravi.. Najvise mi se svidjaju obe iz treceg reda, i desna iz cetvrtog i petog reda... Vec mi je jasno koliko ce poznatih licnosti setati u ovim haljinama sledeceg proleca :)
What can I say, pictures say it all for me :D I love dresses, and this men knows just ow to make them.. I like the most both dresses in the third row, right one from the forth and right one from the fifth row... I can already see how many celebrities will go crazy about them :)
All pics taken from
By: Venoma
Classic as ever - I like!