Crvena kozna jakna sa krznom/Red leather jacket with fur
Prosle godine u Turskoj videla sam cisto savrsenstvno od kozne jakne. Bila je tamno crvena, sa kaisem na kome je bila divna okrugla snala neke zagasito-zlatne boje i velikim okovratnikom od crvenog krzna. Turci, kakvi su navalentni kao prodavci, su mi je odmah obukli i stavili me pred ogledalo. Imam princip po kome ne oblacim i ne isprobavam nesto ako znam da nemam para ili da necu da ga kupim-medjutim, ovo je bio izuzetak pod moranjem. Mogu vam reci, to je jedan od najlepsih komada koji sam ikada imala na sebi. Nazalost, Turci nisu bili spremni da je daju ispod 200-250evra, pa su je isto tako brze-bolje skinuli sa mene kad su videli da ja te pare ne planiram da dam-pa morala sam nesto i da jedem do kraja tog letovanja xD Sa dolazecom jeseni cesto razmisljam o toj jakni, jer je definitivno neponovljiva, nigde nisam uspela da nadjem nesto slicno. Ni na google-u. Stoga evo nekoliko varijacija na temu koje su mi se dopale. I dalje sam u potrazi za savrsenim krznenim komadom za predstojecu sezonu ^^
Last year in Turkey I saw pure perfection out of a leather jacket. It was dark red, with wide belt with lovely big golden coloured detail and big and warm red fur that around neck. When Turks saw that I liked it, they immediately put it on me and put me in front of the mirror. I have a principle that says: do not wear and do not try out something if I know you have no money or I will not buy it-however, this was a rare exception. I can tell you, it's one of the most beautiful pieces I've ever had on me. Unfortunately, the Turks weren't ready to give below the 200-250 euros, so it was hastily removed from me when they saw that I do not plan to give them that amount of money- I had to eat something until the end of the summer for the love of God xD Upcoming fall often makes me think about the jacket, because it is definitely unrepeatable, I can't find something like that anymore. Not even on Google. Therefore, here are a few variations on the theme that I liked. I'm still looking for the perfect piece of fur for the upcoming season ^^

I love all those jackets and so much nicer when you ad a real fur collar to the leather :))