Elie Saab 2010
Elie Saab
Haute Couture
Fall Winter 2010/2011
Haute Couture
Fall Winter 2010/2011
Prosto ne znam kako oni sa FTV-a misle da ja ucim za ispit kad mi po celu noc pustaju poslednje kolekcije moje omiljene Haute Couture (visoke, red carpet mode) od mojih omiljenih dizajnera.. Mislim da to stvarno vise nema smisla, moracu ili njih da zamolim da promene termin ili da objasnim mom ispitivacu cime sam se ja to bavila umesto da ucim... Cini mi se da bi oba pokusaja bila osudjena na propast xD A i sta se sad zalim, pa gledala bih i bilo sta umesto da ucim, da se ne lazemo...
Elie Saab je jedan od najpoznatijih Haute Couture dizajnera danasnjice. Rodjen u Bejrutu, poceo je da se bavi modom sasvim samouk, prvi studio je otvorio sa 18 godina u Libanu. Pre Pariza, prikazivao je revije u Milanu i Rimu. Doziveo je slavu preko noci - bukvalno, kada je na dodeli oskara 2002 Hali Beri obukla njegovu haljinu i u njoj primila nagradu za najbolju glumicu :) Prvu Haute Couture kolekciju u Parizu prikazao je 2003 a Ready-to-wear kolekciju 2006 i otad se nije mrdnuo odatle :D
Obozavam njegove Haute Couture revije. Svaku od njih. Covek nekeko uvek uspe samog sebe da prevazidje svaki put. Kad bih mogla da ih priustim a i kad bih imala kuda da ih nosim, bar 50% haljina bih uvrstila u svoju kolekciju. Njegove centralne teme koje se provlace su zenstvenost i romantika pre svega, i divan je nacin na koji blago insistira na njima.
U njegovoj reviji za predstojecu sezonu preovladjuju tamno crvena, krem, neka cudna nenapadna nijansa zelene, zlatna i siva. Trend haljina na jedno rame je jos uvek prisutan, kao i proslih sezona. Postoji jedan detalj koji sam oduvek obozavala na haljinama, to je taj slic odnapred, kroz koji viri jedna noga prilikom hodanja - to se vratilo u modu ove sezone, bas mi je drago zbog toga - oduvek sam htela da imam jednu takvu haljinu :D Prisutni su i providni materijali, mnogo strasa i kristala, nabora, karnera, leprsavosti... Sve standardno a ipak novo :D Nije mu ovo bas najbolja revija koju je ikada imao, ali nije ni losa. Evo mojih favorita u slikama, mada preporucujem da pogledate reviju iznad, jer je utisak potpuno drugaciji kada vidite kako haljine padaju na manekenkama...

Pics taken from Vouge.com
I simply do not know how those people on FTV think I can study for my exams when they play all night the last collections of my favorite Haute Couture (high, red carpet fashion) of my favorite designers .. I think it really has no sense, I might ask them to change the term or I may try to explain my examiner what have I done instead of studying ... It seems to me that both attempts are doomed to fail xD I don't really know why do I complain, I'd watched anything rather than to study, to be honest ...
Elie Saab is one of the most famous Haute Couture designer today. Born in Beirut, he began to deal with fashion totally self-taught, the first studio he opened with 18 years in Lebanon. Before Paris, he displayed shows in Milan and Rome. He got an overnight fame - literally, when on the Oscar awards in 2002 Halle Berry wore his gown and received award for best actress:) The first Haute Couture collection he presented in Paris in 2003 and Ready-to-wear collection in 2006 and since then we watch him there every year : D
I love his Haute Couture show. Each of them. Man somehow always overcomes himself. If I could afford them and if I had somewhere to wear them, at least 50% of his dresses would be included in my collection. His central theme are femininity and romance above all, and it's a wonderful way in which insists on them slightly.
In his show for the upcoming season dominated dark red, cream, a quite strange shade of green, gold and gray. The trend of one-shoulder dress is still present, as well as in the past seasons. There is one detail that I have always adored about dresses, that little cut on front part, through that one leg could be visible when you walk - that is back this season, I'm very glad for that - I always wanted to have such a dress: D Transparent materials, crystals and other sophisticated details and materials are present ... All standard and still new: D This is not the best collection that he ever presented, but it is not bad either. Here are my favorites in pictures, but I recommend you look at the video above, because the impression is completely different when you see how the clothes fits to the models ...
"Kad bih mogla da ih priustim a i kad bih imala kuda da ih nosim, bar 50% haljina bih uvrstila u svoju kolekciju." O,da. Definitivno.
ReplyDeleteZmagoooo mozemo zajedno da mu pljackamo radnju :D