Leopard print - uputstvo za upotrebu (leopard print - how to use it)
Zalazem se za to da na svakom artiklu sa leopard printom treba velikim crvenim slovima da pise: "PAZNJA! SAMO ZA ONE SA DOVOLJNO STILA DA OVAJ KOMAD UKOMBINUJU TAKO DA IZGLEDAJU JEFTINO!" Uprkos mom zalaganju, do ovoga nikako da dodje, pa tako vidjamo razne leopard-modne katastrofe po gradu..
Leopard print je nesto o cemu sam duze vreme razmisljala dok nisam jasno definisala svoje misljenje prema njemu. U svakom slucaju, stvar je jako delikatna. Leopard print je u trendu vec dobrih dve godine. Trend je posebno produzio D&G na reviji za SS10

sa efektnom promenom u boji koju mozete primetiti, zajedno sa trendom "vidljivog donjeg vesa" - kako ja to zovem (korseti su u vecem broju ponovo videli pistu nakon duzeg vremena). U nasim radnjama moze se i dalje naci sve i svasta sa leopard printom, mada je primetno da ce ovaj trend ipak uskoro proci, nije vise intenzivan kao prosle godine.
Stvari sa leopard printom mogu biti znak ukusa ili neukusa, uglavnom u zavisnosti od toga sa cim ih ukombinujete. Kada vidim devojku od glave do pete u leopardu, pipadne mi muka. Licno ne odobravam leopard-haljine i cizme. To je definitivno previse leoparda. Velike komade sa leopard printom kao na primer velike tasne valja nositi samo kada je sve ostalo na vama jednobojno i svedeno, bez drececih boja, uz to da je taj veliki komad ujedno i jedini komad sa tim printom na vama. Majice sa ovim printom vec mozete nositi uz nesto opusteniju kombinaciju, ali takodje bez drugih leopard detalja. Dva leopard-komada opravdavam samo ako su u pitanju cipele i diskretna tasnica - ni cipelama ni tasnici ne trebaju dodaci u visu cirkona i slicnog u tom slucaju.

Ove iznad su Christian Louboutin.. Pisacu i o njemu u nekom drugom postu. One su nesto sto bih ja na primer pristala da obucem, s tim sto bih uz njih sve ostalo bilo crno. Kad postoji samo detalj leoparda na majici na primer, to se da mnogo lakse kombinovati.. Licno posedujem samo jedne cipelice koje na djonu imaju leoparda i nista drugo, a mogu vam reci, i ne planiram da kupujem jos stvari sa leopardom osim ako ne naidjem na nesto zaista dobro. Moram priznati da sam jednom prilikom "otkinula" na leopard-kupaci kostim.. Ne znam da l' je sreca ili nesreca sto nisam uspela da nadjem svoju velicinu xD Razmisljala sam i o celim leopard-cipelama ali... Mislim da je ovaj trend jos malo, pa odziveo svoje za sada :)
I think that on every product with the leopard print should be written with large red letters: "WARNING! ONLY FOR ONES WITH ENOUGH STYLE WHO CAN WEAR THIS PIECE AND NOT LOOK CHEAP!" Despite my efforts, and this hasn't happened so far, so I see a variety of leopard-fashion disaster in the town ..
Leopard print is something I thought about a long time until I clearly defined my opinion towards it. In any case, the matter is very delicate. Leopard print is trendy, for good two years now. The trend is particularly extended by the D & G fashion show for SS10 (pics above)
with effective change of color that you see, along with the trend of "visible underwear" - as I call (corsets in greater numbers once again saw the runway after a long period of time). In our stores can still be found lots of stuff with leopard print, although it is notable that this trend will soon pass, it's not as intense as it was last year.
Things with leopard print can be a sign of good or a bad taste, mainly depending on the combination of clothes you are wearing them with. When I see a girl from head to toe in leopard, I felt sick. I personally do not vote for leopard dresses and boots. It's definitely too much leopard. Large pieces with a leopard print such as large bags should be worn only when everything else is in one colour, simple, in addition that this large piece of leopard is aslo only piece with that print on you. T-shirts with this print on the other side, can be worn with something more relaxed, but also without any other leopard detail. The two-piece leopard is ok only if that means shoes and discreet purse - no shoes or purse supplements or flashy details are needed.
Those above are Christian Louboutin shoes .. I will write about him in another post. They are something that I would wear, for example, but only if the rest of the outfit would be black. When there is only a detail of a leopard in shirt, for example, it is much easier to combine .. Personally I own only one shoes with leopard on its bottom part and nothing else, and I can tell you, I do not plan to buy more things with leopard unless I find something really good. I must admit that I once "lost my head" at the leopard-swimsuit .. I do not know was it luck or misfortune that I was not able to find my size xD I was thinking about the leopard-shoes, but ... I think this trend will soon end, so I don't see the point of such an investment at this point. Maybe some other time. Trends are ussualy recycled after a while :)
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