History of perfumes I own (Istorija mojih parfema)

Sve je pocelo jednog suncanog dana u trznom centru, kad sam usla u neku parfimeriju, znatizeljna zbog jedne reklame koju sam odgledala... Ili je mozda sve to pocelo dosta ranije...

Nikada nisam volela parfeme. Nikada nisam imala zelju da njuskam testere ili ljude oko sebe. Moja mama ih je uvek imala mali milion i nikada mi nije dala da ih diram, jer su, je li, "preskupi" - ta "zabrana" me nikada nije preterano doticala jer me zaista nisu zanimali. Jedini koji sam krisom uzimala bio je neki najstandardniji moguci Dolce&Gabbana, mator parfem, jak, osecao se na 10 metara od mene i kad bih ga samo jednom prsnula. Frajeri su ga voleli, toga se secam :D Taj parfem je ujedno najpostojaniji koji sam ikada nosila na sebi - ovi danasnji parfemi, kao i sve ostalo sto se pravi - prolazni...

Dugo je proslo od tih dana do mog sledeceg parfema u sedmom razredu osnovne skole - setala sam trznim centrom u Minhenu, resena da potrosim nesto malo para sto mi je ostalo pre puta kuci. Razocarana ponudom odece, prelocirala sam se u odsek za kozmetiku. U to vreme jos nisam koristila nista osim sjaja za usne i eventualno neke maskare, tako da nisam imala blazenu ideju sta da kupim. Pa sam tako izabrala neki mali parfemcic, ne preterano skup, simpaticnog oblika. Nije mi padalo na pamet da ga pre kupovine pomirisem ili nesto slicno xD Bio je to prvi (cini mi se) Naomi Campbell parfem - svejedno, bio je prvi parfem koji sam posedovala. Vrlo specifican, slican njemu jos nisam nasla - mada mislim i da njega samog nema vise u prodaji.. Sto je steta. Mozda bih ga kupila da se podsetim tih dana. Nemam ga vise, jer sam ga (naivna budala) ostavila napolju na polici prilikom jedne ekskurzije u osmom razredu, izasla iz sobe, i kad sam se vratila, bilo ga je po celoj sobi ali ne i u bocici :(
Drugi parfem sam dobila kada se moja tada najbolja drugarica vratila takodje iz Nemacke. Donela mi je malu bocicu, necete verovati, ali od svih opet Naomi Campbell parfema, ovaj put je bio u pitanju Cat Deluxe. Ovo se dogodilo pre 4-5 godina i dalje ga imam, skoro punog, posto parfeme do skora uopste nisam koristila. Miris je jako lep, zenstven, unikatan. Uporedila sam ga kasnije sa ostalim naomi parfemima - svi su donekle slicni a ipak razliciti. Sve ih preporucujem, a i povoljni su u odnosu na ostale. Imaju jedinstven nacin otvaranja, sa sve pufnicom, genijalna stvar koju nisam vidjala na drugim parfemima.

Sledeci parfem koji se nalazi u mom posedu takodje nije tu dospeo kao rezultat samo mog personalnog izbora. Njega doduse jesam sama sebi kupila, ali samo zato sto se dopadao mom decku. U pitanju je Angel. Jasno mi je da mnoge zene seku vene na njega, ali ja ga zaista ne podnosim. Prejak mi je. Nosila sam ga par puta, njemu za ljubav, ali sam brzo odustala od ideje. Eno ga sad, stoji, skuplja prasinu.

Sledeci parfem koji posedujem sam dobila pre mozda godinu dana, od oca mog decka, donesen iz Kuvajta kao mali znak paznje. Prelep, osvezavajuc, sladak parfem. (Iskreno se osecam glupo u pokusaju da opisem parfeme. Svaki parfem prvo mora licno osoba da omirise da bi odredila da li mu se dopada. Tu ni lista sastojaka ni brend ne pomazu. Ukusi variraju - cim se svi oni prodaju, definitivno se nekima svidja jedna vrsta mirisa, drugima druga, trecima treca itd. ) Nisam ga dobila u originalnoj ambalazi doduse, pa sam ga potrazila po parfimerijama, medjutim, cini mi se da je u pitanju neki stariji parfem jer ga nigde u gradu nema..
E onda, negde pocetkom ove godine, sam odgledala jednu reklamu na nekoj stranoj televiziji
i zaintrigiralo me. Ne znam sta mi se tako dopalo. Verovatno taj simulirani osecaj srece, opustenosti, prirodnosti, pesmica u pozadini sasvim prikladna.. Dosta stvari koje mi je u tom trenutku falilo. Dosta stvari koje me je reklama ubedila da cu imati ako kupim taj parfem (ziveo marketing) I tako, reklama mi je bas usla u glavu. I odbijala je da izadje.

Tako sam, sledecom prilikom kada sam se nasla u parfimeriji, na Terazijama zapravo, pocela da njuskam doticni BOSS ORANGE - Hugo Boss i isti taj samo Celebration of happiness.. Narandza, definitivno. Najvise osvezavajuc miris koji sam ikada pomirisala. Ljubav na prvo njuskanje xD A ja, kao i obicno, kad se zaljubim u nesto, moram to da posedujem po svaku cenu. I tako sam dosla do svog prvog parfema koji mi se ZAISTA dopao.
Nedugo posle toga sam se totalno navukla na njuskanje po parfimerijama. U Sephori uglavnom, tamo vas niko ne ganjvi, imate gomilu testera, mozete da isprobavate dokle god vam se mili ili dok ne nadjete nesto sto vam zaista odgovara. Pre kupovine treba da isprobate parfem i na kozi, jer ima to zaista mnogo veze, nekom je neki postojan, drugom nije itd... Na Jasmin se cesto zale devojke da su prodavacice dosadne, nevaspitane, neusluzne.. I zaista, jednom prilikom su me pratila po radnji. Mrzim kad me prate po radnji, zaista volim da kupujem na miru a ne da se osecam kao kriminalac. Zato lepo odem u Sephoru pa isprobavam dokle god zelim. Cula sam za devojke koje svakog jutra idu do neke parfimerije, namirisu testerom sve zivo na sebi, kosu, odecu, grudi, vrat, stomak... I tako svaki dan. Nisam verovala dok nisam videla. Eh, jadna Srbijo... Ali da se vratim sad na moju kolekciju.

Sledeci parfem koji mi se dopao bio je Versace Bright Crystal. Nesto stariji parfem, rozikast, svez, letnji, poletan... I skup, realno.. U tom trenutku definitivno nisam imala para za jos jednu parfemsku egzibiciju nakon Boss Orange-a.. Pa sam ga potrazila na drugim mestima :)) Kupila sam ga od jedne devojke na nekom forumu za dosta nizu cenu, malo potrosenog, ali originalnog i bila sam presrecna :D

Negde u medjuvremenu sam u Liliju pokupila jedan jaaako jak i tezak, medni parfem - Kylie Minogue - Showtime.
On, za razliku od ova dva iznad navedena, malo duze stoji na meni, zbog jacine. Ume malo i da gusi doduse. Vise sam za ove blage parfeme, iako brzo ispare.
I za kraj moja poslednja opsesija i ispunjena zelja...

YSL - Parisienne... Neverovatan miris. Potpuno unikatan, nisam do sada omirisala nista slicno. Opcinjava me sasvim, ne koristim nijedan drugi trenutno, samo ovaj. Reklamu sam pogledala tek nakon sto sam ga kupila i mogu vam reci da je sasvim u skladu sa mirisom. Nije napadan koliko senzualan i unikatan. Skup, da, jako. Ali vredan te zrtve.
It all started one sunny day in the shopping center, when I entered into a perfumery, curious because of the commercial that I watched ... Or maybe it all started much earlier ...
I have never liked perfumes. I have never had a desire to try them or "sniff" people around me. My mom always had a million of them and she never let me touch them, as they were "too expensive" - this "ban" never really bothered me because I was not interested in them. The only one I took was a standard Dolce & Gabbana, old perfume, so strong it could be felt 10 meters around me. Guys liked him, that's what I remember :D This is also the most long-lasting perfume I ever wore - those today's perfumes are like anything else that is made today - short-lasting...
Long time has passed since those days until my next fragrance in the seventh grade of primary school - I walked around in shopping center in Munchen, Germany, resolved to spend a little money that I have left before the trip home. Disappointed by clothing offer, I went in the cosmetics department. At that time I used nothing but lip gloss and possibly some mascara, so I didn't have any idea what to buy. And so I chose a small perfume, not too expensive, with pleasant bottle shape. It never occurred to me to smell it before I buy it or something like that xD It was the first (it seems to me) Naomi Campbell Perfume - anyway, it was the first fragrance that I possessed. Very specific, I liked him - although I think that it is no more in the sale .. It is shame. Maybe I would buy it to remind myself of those days. I do not have it anymore, because I have (naive idiot) left it out on the shelf during a trip in the eighth grade, went out of the room, and when I returned, it was all across the room but not in the bottle :(
Other perfume I received when my best friend back then, also from Germany. She brought me a small vial, you will not believe, but of all, Naomi Campbell perfume again, this time was about Cat Deluxe. This happened 4-5 years ago and I still do, almost full, as perfumes until recently I have not used at all. It is very beautiful, feminine, unique. I later compared it with other Naomi perfumes - all are somewhat similar and yet different. I recommend them all, and they are cheaper compared to the others. They have a unique way of opening, with a puff, ingenious thing I have not seen in other perfumes.
Next perfume that is in my possession is also not there as a result of only my personal choice. I did bought it to myself, but only because they liked my boyfriend. This is Angel. I understand that many women cut veins on it, but I really can not stand it. It was too strong. I wore it a few times, to love him, but I quickly abandoned the idea. There it now stands, collecting dust.
Next perfume that I own I got maybe a year ago, the father of my boyfriend passed out of Kuwait as a small token of appreciation. Beautiful, refreshing, sweet fragrance. (I really feel stupid in an attempt to describe perfumes. Each person must first fragrance to smell a person to determine if he likes. There no list of ingredients or brand does not help. Tastes vary - as soon as all they sell are definitely some people like a kind of scent, others second, third third, etc.). I did not get in the original containers admittedly, so I sought the fragrance, however, it seems to me that there is an old perfume as it does elsewhere in the city ..
And then, sometime early this year, I've watched this commercial on a foreign television and it
intrigued me. I do not know what did I love so much about it. Perhaps that simulation of being happy, relaxed, natural, song in the background was quite appropriate .. A lot of things that I was lacking at the moment. A lot of the things that the advertisement convinced me that I will have if I buy the perfume (long live the marketing) And so, commercial has entered my head. And she refused to leave.
So, in the future when I have found myself in perfumery, I started to "sniff" Boss Orange - Hugo Boss and the same one only Celebration of happiness edition .. Orange, definitely. Most refreshing scent that I've ever sniffed. Love at first sniff xD And, as usual, when you fall in love with something, I have to own it at all costs. And so I came up to my first perfume that I really liked.
Not long after that I was totally into digging perfumeries. You can find me at Sephora mostly, no one bothers you, you can try them and test them as long as you like or until you find something you want to buy. Before buying you should try a perfume on your skin, because it might appear a lot different, one is a long-lasting, the second not so much ... For Jasmin perfumery girls often complain that the saleswoman are annoying and rude .. Indeed, on one occasion they followed me aroung the store. I hate when I'm being followed, I really like to buy alone and not feel like a criminal. So I go nicely to Sephora and try out as long as I want. I've heard of girls who go every morning to a perfumery, waste a whole tester, put it on everything, hair, clothes, chest, neck, stomach ... And so every day. I did not believe until I saw it. Oh, poor Serbia ... But to get back now to my collection.
Next perfume that I liked was the Versace Bright Crystal. An old perfume, pinky, fresh, summery, dashing ... And expensive, really .. At this point, I definitely did not have money for another perfume after Boss Orange .. So I searched in other places :)) I bought it from a girl on a forum for much lower price, a little spent, but the original and I was very happy: D
Somewhere in the meantime I picked up a very strong and heavy, honey fragrance - Kylie Minogue - Showtime. He, unlike the two above mentioned, is a bit more long-lasting, because of its strength. I'm more of these mild perfumes, but they do quickly evaporate.
And my last obsession...
YSL - Parisienne ... Incredible fragrance. Totally unique, so far I felt nothing like it. It enchants me completely, I do not use any other at the moment, just this one. I looked at the commercial after I bought it and I can tell you that it is quite in accordance with the smell. It is not attacking as much as sensual and unique. Expensive, yes, very. But worth it.
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shto se parfema tiche imamo dijametralno suprotnu kolekciju, jedino imam taj kylie, dobih ga na poklon.. sad sluzi za ukras
Tvoj prvi Naomi ima da se kupi u Liliju jos ja ih imam 3 :)) i obozaaavam ga!