Christian Louboutin (shoes that I'm planning to get married in)

Aha. Odavno sam resila da se ne udajem ako to ne mogu da izvedem u Christian Louboutin cipelama. Mislim i da ce me njihova cena spasiti prevremene udaje u svakom slucaju xD
Nema puno da se pise o Christian Louboutin cipelama. One su jedne od najpoznatijih i najelitnijih, a vala i najskupljih cipela na svetu. Svake sezone izlazi nova kolekcija, uvek inovativna i interesantna, ali neke oznake Louboutin cipela su uvek prisutne - crveni djon i karakteristicna visoka potpetica.
Svaki fashion freak poput mene sanja o ovakvim cipelama. S tim sto neke devojke cine i previse da bi do njih stigle. Ja ne. Ja volim da sanjam. :) Volim da imam inspiraciju koja me vuce napred, jer san traje, a ostvarenje je vrlo kratkotrajno i brzo izbledi..
A Louboutin mi svake sezone podari neki novi lep san. Fenomenalni modeli iz sezone u sezonu. Izdvojila sam nekoliko svojih favorita, bez obzira na sezone u kojima su izasli. Trenutno je aktuelna jesen-zima 2010-2011 kolekcija.
Yup. Long time ago I decided that I'm not getting married if I can't do that in a pair of Louboutin shoes. I think their price will save me from getting married too early too xD
There is not much to write about Christian Louboutin shoes. They are one of the most famous and elite, and surely the most expensive shoes in the world. Each season a new collection comes out, always innovative and interesting, but some details are always present - a red sole, and a characteristic high heels.
Every fashion freak like me dreams of these shoes. Some girls do way more then that to get their hands on them. I do not. I like to dream. :) I like to have inspiration that pulls me ahead, because dreams last longer than the feeling after the dream came true..
Louboutin gives me each season a new beautiful dream. Phenomenal models from season to season. I set aside some of their favorite, regardless of the season in which they came out. There is also the current fall-winter 2010-2011 collection

(All pictures taken from google search for Christian Louboutin shoes)
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So wish I splurged on Loubs for my wedding! Fabulous idea!