
Aldo je takodje 'nedavno' dosao u moj grad. U tim danima nastupila je opsta pomama za njihovim cipelama-potpetice su bile vece nego kod cipela vecine drugih brendova koje nalazimo ovde. Imali su neke modele koji se drugde nisu mogli videti. A i cene su bile tolike da su se retko gde mogle sresti te godine.
Da budem iskrena, ne posedujem licno nijedne aldo cipelice. Razmisljam se i premisljam vec duze vreme da uzmem neke, ali uvek nesto iskrsne-ili nadjem neke lepse ili se te koje zelim prodaju ili im cena ni na rasprodaji ne bude realna. Mada ne zalim se vise na rasprodaje kod njih. Posle te prve sezone su ipak krenuli da spustaju cene na malo realniji nivo za ono sto nude.
O Aldo cipelama sam cula losih koliko i dobrih stvari. Neke devojke su dobile strasne zuljeve, druge su se zalile na maksimalnu neudobnost svake vrste njihovih cipela koja je napravljena sa drvenom platformom a trece su tvrdile da j cipela uspela da im kratkotrajno oboji kozu stopala posle nosenja-sto je vec teska optuzba, jer se tako nekvalitetne farbe odavno ne koriste na zapadu i ne bi trebalo uopste da se koriste. Sa druge strane, moje prijateljice, koje imaju po koji par njihovih cipela, imaju samo reci hvale za njih: i udobne i trajne i ekstravagantne... Moj zakljucak je da kvalitet varira od modela do modela. Dobro proucite cipelu i ispartajte par krugova po radnji pre nego sto resite da im ostavite svoj novac.
Ne volim doduse sto u Aldo radnjama cesto ne mozete da 'nahvatate' prodavacicu. Ne znam gde se denu, ali na videlu ih nema. A iskrena da budem, kad kog bih je nahvatala, mog broja ionako ne bi bilo. Imaju i neki problem sa brojevima, jednom sam probala moj broj jednih cipela a izgledao je tri broja veci na mom stopalu...
Ipak, redovno ulazim u Aldo sa nadom da se moje prve Aldo cipelice nalaze bas u toj kolekciji-pa, ako tako nastavim verovatno cu i docekati :) Aldo Fall Preview ( ) izgleda dosta dobro, mada ga za sada vidim samo na internetu, bas je malo novih modela u radnjama. Imam visoka ocekivanja od kolekcije, kao i obicno-sto znaci da ako mi se ocekivanja ispune, i cene ce biti visoke, ali sta sad... Za svaku krpu postoji zakrpa, za svaku sezonu-rasprodaja :D
Aldo has also 'recently' came to my town. In those days there was a huge demand for their shoes- aldo heels were higher than heels from most other brands of shoes that could be found here. They had some models that could not be seen elsewhere. And the prices were so high that rarely who was able to affrord it.
To be honest, I do not personally own any aldo shoes. I'm planing to get some for a long time now, but something always come up-or I find some that I like more or those that I wanted never got to sale or the sale price is not realistic. Although many do not regret the bargain with them. After that first season, they lowered their prices to more realistic level for what they offer.
About Aldo shoes I've heard bad and good things. Some girls got terrible blisters, others have complained about the maximum discomfort of all kinds of shoes which is made from a wooden platform and one girl even claimed that her shoes managed to paint her foot after wearing-which is already difficult allegation, because if that realy happened, the conclusion is that they have used the cheapest paint, that is no longer used in the west. On the other hand, my friends, who have few pairs of their shoes, have only words of praise for them, they say they are comfortable and durable and extravagant ... My conclusion is that the quality varies from model to model. Take a few extra steps when you try on aldo shoes before you decide to leave them your money.
Admittedly I do not like it at Aldo stores too much. I do not know where is their staff but they are never in the sight. They also have and issue with sizes. I really have a problem with their numbers, once I tried my number and the shoe was three numbers bigger on my foot ...
However, regularly go to Aldo in hope that my first bass Aldo shoes are in the new collection. Take a look at Aldo Fall Preview ( ) It looks quite good, but for now I see it only on the Internet, just a few new models in stores. I have high expectations of the collection, as usual-which means that if my expectations are met, prices will be high, but what now ... For each cloth there is patch, for each season-sale: D